유아 우정 증진 교육 프로그램 개발과 효과

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A Study on the Development and Effects of Friendship Supportive Education Program for Young Children

Lim Ji Yoon
Advisor : Prof. Seo Hyun, Ed. D.
Department of Education (Early Childhood Education),
Graduate School of Chosun University

The present study purposed to develop a friendship supportive education program for improving young children's, which is efficiently accessible in the field of young children's education, and to examinis effects through actual application. For this purpose, we carried out the research with two topics-research question 1 and 2, and they are as follows.

[Question 1] How are friendship supportive education programs for young children composed?
[1-1] What are the purpose and objective of the young children's friendship supportive education program?
[1-2] What are the contents of the young children's friendship supportive education program?
[1-3] What is the teaching-learning method of the young children's friendship supportive education program?
[1-4] How is the young children's friendship supportive education supportive education program?

[Question 2] What are the effects of the young children's friendship supportive education program?
[2-1] What are the effects of an friendship supportive education program on young children's peer competence?
[2-2] What are the effects of an friendship supportive education program on young children's perspective-taking ability?
For the above topics, the research was carried out with the following process.
In [Question 1], to develop the young children's friendship supportive education, we set the purpose and objective of the program after the analysis of literature review and preliminary study of it, and formed 6 content section. Then, we selected a teaching-learning method for the children's friendship supportive education. With this method, we established the young children's friendship supportive education after verifying its content validity by young children's education experts and teachers in the field; selected program's evaluation method; finalized our program after the reviews, adjustments, and complement of the content validity and field adaptability.
In [Question 2], we verified the effects of the young children's friendship supportive education in terms of children's peer competence, perspective-taking ability, the research subjects were 2 classes of five-year-old children(experimental group 23, comparative group 23) from A kindergarten in G city. As for the research tools, the test tool for the young children's peer competence by Juhee Park and Unhai Rhee(2001), the test tool for the used by Hyunok Shin(1995) who adjusted and complemented perspective-taking ability by Hudson and Furman, Brion(1982) to rating scale were used. The experiment was carried out 2 times a week, total 24 times for 15 weeks, from April 22, 2014 to July 15. During this period, and the comparative group received an ordinary friendship supportive education. For data analysis, SPSS 17.0 was used to perform independent sample t-test on pre- and post- test results of each group's peer competence, perspective-taking ability.

The outcome of this research can be summarized as follows.

First, in designing a friendship supportive education program for young children according to Research Question 1, the objectives of the program were defined as: understand and cooperate with others, form the concept of friendship, develop ego-identity, and promote friendship based on intimacy and altruistic values; and raise as a responsible and democratic citizen living together with others by cultivating social skills and peer competence. In addition. the goals of the programs were: to promote interest in friendship and intimacy; to form the concept of friendship and ego-identity; to develop positive friendship and cultivate social skills understanding the self and peers and behaving voluntarily for the peers' benefits; and to form and maintain effective peer relationships through active interactions. The contests of the program included interest in friendship and interaction, communication and emotion control, trust and sharing, consideration and respect, conflict resolution, and initiative and cooperation. The teaching-learning process was designed to have the stages of introduction (motivating, and exploring situations), development (interacting with curiosity, adding mind and attitude, and expanding), and conclusion (assessment). The teacher's roles were defined as motivator, interactor, environment provider, promoter, and assessor. Assessment included both the assessment of young children and the evaluation of program. The assessment of young children consisted of the children's self-evaluation and mutual evaluation about the process and result of activities, and the teacher's evaluation using a checklist before, during, and after the program for testing the adequacy and effect of program operation.

Second, in testing the effect of the friendship supportive education program for young children according to Research Question 2, the experimental group participated in the program and the control group had usual activities related to life themes, and then the children's peer competence and perspective taking were tested. In the pre-test, no statistically significant difference was observed in young children's peer competence and perspective taking between the experimental group and the control group, but in the post-test, the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group in overall peer competence and its sub-areas sociability, prosociality, and initiative. In addition, the experimental group was significantly higher than the control group in overall perspective taking and its sub-areas cognitive taking and affective perspective taking.
In conclusion, the friendship supportive education program developed in this study for young children was found to be effective in enhancing young children's peer competence and perspective taking. This finding suggests that the program my provide a ground for theoretical research on the meaningful contests of friendship supportive education in the field of early childhood education, and may be applicable as a friendship supportive education program through intimate interactions for promoting young children's friendship.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Development and Effects of Friendship Supportive Education Program for Young Children
Alternative Author(s)
Lim, Ji Yoon
일반대학원 교육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 ······························································1
1. 연구의 필요성과 목적 ······························································1
2. 연구 문제 ···································································9
3. 용어 정의 ·········································································10

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 ······················································13
1. 유아의 우정 ·····························································13
가. 유아 우정의 개념 ··············································13
나. 유아 우정의 중요성 ··············································17
2. 유아의 우정발달 ························································21
가. 유아의 우정 형성···············································21
나. 유아의 우정발달 과정··············································27
3. 유아 우정 증진을 위한 교육 ················································31
가. 유아 우정 증진 교육의 가치···········································31
나. 유아 우정 증진 교육의 내용 요소··········································34
4. 유아 우정관련 선행연구 ················································38
가. 유아 우정 증진 교육과 또래 유능성·································38
나. 유아 우정 증진 교육과 조망수용능력··································43

Ⅲ. 유아 우정 증진 교육프로그램 개발 ····························49 1. 유아 우정 증진 교육 프로그램 개발 절차·································49
2. 유아 우정 증진 교육 프로그램 시안 개발·································51
가. 목적과 목표 ·····························································51
나. 교육 내용 ······················································56
다. 교수-학습 방법 ··············································79
라. 평가 ···································································100
3. 유아 우정 증진 교육 프로그램 최종안·································103 가. 프로그램 타당도 검증 ··············································103
나. 프로그램 개발 최종안 ··············································104

Ⅳ. 유아 우정 증진 교육 프로그램 효과 검증 ··················106
1. 연구방법 ·····································································107
가. 연구 대상 ·································································107
나. 연구 도구 ·································································108
다. 연구 절차 ·································································111
라. 자료 분석 ·································································124
2. 결과와 해석 ···································································124
가. 유아 우정 증진 교육 프로그램이 유아의 또래 유능성에 미치는 효과·124
나. 유아 우정 증진 교육 프로그램이 유아의 조망수용능력에 미치는 효과127

Ⅴ. 논의와 제언 ··················································135
1. 논의와 결론 ·····································································135
2. 제언 ············································································146

참고문헌 ·············································································147
부록 ··················································································171
임지윤. (2014). 유아 우정 증진 교육 프로그램 개발과 효과.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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