유니버설 디자인 측면의 공공시설물 한·중 비교 분석

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Universal Design of every person in the process of the deployment of the public facilities, convenient and safe so it can be used to present the future design of public facilities, significance. Anyone, safe and convenient life based on human equality and dignity can lead to the Universal Design Principles to make the side of the current public facilities of the A design of public facilities, and analyze, reflect the characteristic features of the Chinese community tried to look for the Improvement. Big changes in city building in accordance with the rapid development of the Chinese economy is taking place. China is heavy on using public facilities. But as demand for convenient facilities are not sufficiently equipped affairs. This study is Korean and Chinese public facilities based on the Definition and Characteristic of Universal Design in terms of the design are analyzed and User's Satisfaction and observations Comparative analysis of elicits a problem with diverse characteristics of users safely available to Chinese public facilities and amenities of the Improvement of Design. It is designed to offer.
This study conducted an investigation into the convenience of China and Korea Development through the survey is a comparative analysis clearly on the status of the Chinese public facilities design. In other words, the Chinese public facilities design and South Korea's public facilities design and there are big differences still Chinese public facilities design is still very much lacking However, public facilities of an element of a wide variety of impacted by a complex system problems that currently exist and are still many problems that can not solve the problem and, at dijaingye to get the fundamental changes to the joint efforts of various capacities needed and does not mean that at a time. In actual fact the Urban Environment facility is still specific areas, their surroundings, concrete paths to occur in the process and experience is people using design choices, equivalent to emotional, The rush and actual use for maximum satisfaction to have to do.
The study results through public facilities that stay a while to move to a simple function to perform various functions and destination, not only does and physical Infrastructure, the people of various behavioral component of the region and support public facilities and activities of the complex and differentiated, you can see that the number.
The study results through public facilities that stay a while to move to a simple function to perform various functions and destination, not only does and physical Infrastructure, the people of various behavioral component of the region and support public facilities and activities of the complex and differentiated, you can see that the Universal is this study. The result oriented in the design through Universal Design is to analyze and compare the characteristics of the public facilities in South Korea and China, people want and need parts Could see it high. In other words, the Universal Design Elements and public facilities in harmony and interaction design as was true for all the attention can do. In through the current Chinese public facilities in the future of the public sector is hope for guidance for public to transform him into the environment which can be activated.
Future Chinese public facilities are used to it, or direction of development can be developed for Universal Design Evaluation Research must also be continued.
Alternative Title
Comparative analysis of public facilities in Korea and China universal design aspects
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 대학원 디자인경영학과
일반대학원 디자인경영학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
[목 차]

표목차........................................................................ Ⅳ
그림목차..................................................................... Ⅺ ABSTRACT .......................................................... ⅪⅤ

제1장 서론 ................................................................. 1
제1절 연구의 배경 및 목적 ............................................................. 1
제2절 연구의 범위 및 방법 ............................................................. 3
1. 연구의 범위 ......................................................................................... 3
2. 연구의 방법 ......................................................................................... 3
제3절 연구의 흐름도 ......................................................................... 5

제2장 이론적 고찰 ..................................................... 6
제1절 공공시설물 고찰 ..................................................................... 6
1. 공공디자인의 이해 ............................................................................. 6
2. 공공시설물의 이해 ............................................................................ 25
3. 편의시설물의 이해 ............................................................................ 31
제2절 유니버설 디자인 고찰 ......................................................... 43
1. 유니버설 디자인의 이해 ................................................................. 43
2. 유니버설 디자인의 원리 ................................................................. 50
3. 유니버설 디자인 관련 동향 ........................................................... 57
4. 유니버설 디자인의 특성 ................................................................. 61
5. 유니버설 디자인의 평가에 관한 선행연구 ................................ 67

제3장 공공시설물 디자인 특성에 관한 사례 조사 .. 72
제1절 파리 .......................................................................................... 72
제2절 니스와 칸느 ............................................................................ 73
제3절 밴쿠버 ...................................................................................... 76
제4절 도쿄와 요꼬하마 ................................................................... 77
제5절 상하이 ...................................................................................... 80
제6절 소결 ........................................................................................ 82

제4장 평가 요소별 만족도 조사 연구 ..................... 83
제1절 평가 요소 개요 ..................................................................... 83
제2절 표본의 선정 및 특성 ......................................................... 85
1. 표본의 선정 및 자료수집 ............................................................. 85
2. 표본의 특성 ...................................................................................... 85
제3절 유니버설 디자인에 관한 편의시설물 ............................ 86
1. 유니버설 디자인 측면의 편의시설물 만족도 조사 ................ 86
2. 유니버설 디자인 측면의 편의시설물별 이용 만족도 ............ 86
3. 한국과 중국에 대한 개별요소에 대한 만족도 ........................ 87
제4절 심층면접 ................................................................................ 89
1. 조사 개요 .......................................................................................... 89
2. 조사 분석 ............................................................................................ 89

제5장 유니버설디자인 특성 비교 분석 ................ 91
제1절 자료의 분석 방법 ............................................................... 91
제2절 한국과 중국의 편의시설물에 대한 비교 분석 ............ 91
1. 휴게시설물의 디자인특성 비교 분석 ........................................ 91
2. 위생시설물의 디자인특성 비교 분석 ........................................ 108
3. 판매시설물의 디자인특성 비교 분석 ........................................ 120
제3절 평가 및 해석 ..................................................................... 129

제6장 결론 .............................................................. 131

참고문헌 .............................................................................. 133

부록 ..................................................................................... 135
주안치. (2014). 유니버설 디자인 측면의 공공시설물 한·중 비교 분석.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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