미디어를 통한 댄스스포츠 플로우경험과 이미지, 동일시, 지속참여, 추천의도의 관계
- Author(s)
- 이민선
- Issued Date
- 2014
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study is to examine the effects of flow experience through the dance sports media, a dance sports image, and identification on continuous participation and an intention to recommend in antecedents of dance sports media flow experience to popularize dance sports through pervasion, activation, and image improvement of dance sports, and provide empirical marketing information in the aspects of managers to grasp and satisfy the needs and desires of dance sports participants and secure royal customers. For this, the S area was selected as the population from March 1 to April 10, 2014. It was considered that since 80% of the dance sports population were distributed to this area, its selection as the population had no problem. A questionnaire survey was conducted with a total of 500 members who experienced media watching using the face to face interview and self-administration. T-test, one-way ANOVA, multiple correlation analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, and a structural equation model were used to analyze 481 effective samples. The results were as follows.
First, there was a partially significant difference in flow experience antecedents and flow experience according to demographic factors in dance sports participants with media watching experience.
Females had a higher participation rate than males(sex); members over 50 years old had a high participation rate(48.9%)(age); participating more than 5 times per week was common(participation frequency); and many of them had participated for more than 5 years(46.2%) (experience). Members belonged to professional players(28.5%), clubs(39.1%), and private institutes(32.4%), indicating their uniform distribution. The most active participants were private institute members(47.8%).
Second, for flow experience antecedents, a challenge desire, enjoyment, dance knowledge, and involvement had a positive(+) correlation. Interaction did not show significant relationship because close interpersonal bonds such as interaction are not helpful for dance sports flow.
Third, flow experience had a positive(+) correlation with an image.
Fourth, flow experience had a positive(+) correlation with identification.
Fifth, a dance sports image had no positive(+) correlation with continuous participation. It is considered that dance sports participants are already attracted by dance sports and a dance ports image matters little to their continuous participation.
Sixth, identification had a positive(+) correlation with continuous participation.
Seventh, identification had a positive(+) correlation with an intention to recommend.
Eighth, a dance sports image had a positive(+) correlation with an intention to recommend.
Finally, continuous participation had a positive(+) correlation with an intention to recommend.
Key words - dance sports media, flow experience, a dance sports image, identification, continuous participation, an intention to recommend
- Alternative Title
- The Relationship among Flow Experience in Dance Sports through the Media, a Image, Identification, Continuous Participation and an Intention to Recommend
- Alternative Author(s)
- Lee min sun
- Department
- 일반대학원 체육학과
- Advisor
- 정명수
- Awarded Date
- 2014-08
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구목적 4
3. 연구모형 5
4. 연구가설 6
5. 연구의 제한점 12
6. 용어의 정의 13
II. 이론적 배경 16
1. 플로우 16
1) 플로우의 개념 16
2) 플로우경험 선행요인 20
3) 플로우 이론 22
(1) 채널세분화 모델 22
(2) 인과 관계 모델 25
4) 플로우경험 선행 연구 26
2. 이미지 27
1) 이미지 개념 27
2) 이미지의 형성 및 구성요소 29
3. 동일시 30
1) 개념 30
2) 스포츠에서의 동일시의 개념 33
3) 동일시의 선행연구 34
4. 지속참여 34
1) 개념 34
2) 지속참여 선행연구 36
5. 추천의도 37
1) 개념 37
6. 미디어를 통한 댄스스포츠 38
III. 연구방법 40
1. 연구대상 40
2. 조사도구 41
1) 설문지 구성 41
3. 타당도 및 신뢰도검증 45
1) 탐색적 요인분석 및 신뢰도분석 45
2) 확인적 요인분석 및 판별 타당도 검증 49
4. 자료처리 55
IV. 연구결과 56
1. 인구사회학적 특징에 따른 플로우경험 선행요인의 차이분석 56
2. 미디어를 통한 댄스스포츠 플로우경험, 이미지, 동일시, 지속참여,
추천의도의 관계 분석 65
1) 연구모형의 적합도 평가 65
2) 가설검증 66
V. 논 의 69
1. 인구사회학적 변인에 따른 플로우경험 선행요인과 플로우의 차이 69
2. 미디어를 통한 댄스스포츠 플로우경험, 이미지, 동일시, 지속참여,
추천의도의 관계 71
VI. 결론 및 제언 77
1. 결론 77
2. 제언 79
참고문헌 81
부 록 97
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 이민선. (2014). 미디어를 통한 댄스스포츠 플로우경험과 이미지, 동일시, 지속참여, 추천의도의 관계.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/12261
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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