Development of Patch-Type Sensor Module for Energy Expenditure Estimation

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For ubiquitous healthcare system, in-situ monitoring of energy expenditure is one of essential requirement. Ubiquitous healthcare means monitoring anyone, in everywhere without any dependence on time and location. Excess nutrient and energy imbalance are considered major important cause of chronic disease. Either of them is base on the individual energy consumption and caloric intake.
In this dissertation, accurate quantification of physical activity energy expenditure has been evaluated by the wireless patch-type sensor module. The patch-type sensor has been designed for real-time monitoring heart rate (HR) and movement index (MI). The major components of the system are the sensor board, the rubber case, and the communication module. The relation test for HR yields an error rate within 2% compared with CASE system (GE, USA). And the correlation coefficient between the average MI and conventionally used agility point score was found to be in the range of 0.8-0.9. The Zigbee telecommunication system was used for communication over distances of more than 400 m in an open space.
The energy expenditure was estimated by the embedded incremental network. The embedded incremental network includes linear regression (LR) and radial basis function network (RBFN) based on context-based fuzzy c-means (CFCM) clustering. This incremental network is constructed by building a collection of information granules through CFCM that is guided by the distribution of errors of the linear part of the LR model. The results showed significantly high accuracy compared with the conventional network structure (RMSE = 0.78).
Alternative Title
에너지 소비량 감지 및 분석을 위한 부착형 센서 모듈
Alternative Author(s)
Li Meina
일반대학원 IT융합학과
Youn Tae Kim
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Abstract (English) ⅰ
Abstract (Korean) ⅲ
Table of contents ⅳ
List of Tables ⅶ
List of Figures ⅷ
Acronyms x

I. Introduction 1
A. Definition of Energy and Energy Expenditure 1
1. Energy 1
2. Energy Expenditure 1
a) Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) 2
b) Diet Induced Thermogenesis (DIT) 2
c) Physical Activity (PA) 3
B. Research Necessity 4
C. Methods for Estimating Energy Expenditure 5
1. Direct Calorimetry 5
a) Definition 5
b) Method 6
c) Limitation of Direct Calorimetry 8
2. Indirect Calorimetry 8
a) Definition 8
b) Method 9
c) Limitation of Indirect Calorimetry 10
3. Heart Rate Monitoring 11
a) Definition 11
b) Method 12
c) Limitation of Heart Rate Monitor 12
4. Motion Sensors 13
a) Definition 13
b) Method 13
c) Limitation of Movement Sensors 14
5. Combined Heart Rate and Motion Sensors 14
a) Definition 14
b) Method 15
c) Limitation of Combined Heart Rate and Movement Sensors 16
6. Neural Network for Estimation of Energy Expenditure 17
D. Research Final Target 19
E. Dissertation Organization 20
II. Development of Patch-type Sensor 21
A. System Design 21
1. General System Description 21
2. Heart Rate Monitor Design 24
3. Movement Processing 27
B. Function Test 32
1. Reliability Test 32
2. Performance Evaluation of Heart Rate Detection 35
3. Performance Evaluation of Movement Index 38
4. Field Test Using Bruce Protocol 40
III. Embedded Algorithm 42
A. Incremental RBFN 43
B. RBFN Algorithm 43
C. Context-based Fuzzy C-means (CFCM) Clustering 45
IV. Experiment 48
A. Subjects 48
B. Gas System 48
C. Procedure 50
D. Data Analysis 51
E. Results 52
1. Laboratory Experiment 52
2. Field Test 56
V. Conclusion 60

References 62

List of Publications 70
조선대학교 대학원
리미나. (2014). Development of Patch-Type Sensor Module for Energy Expenditure Estimation.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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  • Embargo2014-08-26
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