도시유형별 창조도시 발전 영향 요인에 관한 연구

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In Korea, the central government and local governments have pushed diverse types of urban regeneration projects, but the direction and systems for this have not been organized yet. Existing urban regeneration projects focus on rehabilitation of the physical environment, but in fact, redevelopment-type urban regeneration focusing on space has produced more poor people and a uniform urban spacial structure, which has rather damaged the social and cultural values of cities. As an alternative concept to overcome such limits in the existing physical urban development, the creative city theory appeared.
Although the creative city considers the competitive power of cities through cultural and art programs as important, it can be achieved through diverse approaches of innovative reform of traffic systems such as in Curitiba or the active use of ecological energy such as in Freiburg. What is important is creative communication between diverse members of cities and a creative approach toward urban development.
With this in mind, it was understood that a creative city is not decided on by the development degree in cultural, historic, and artistic aspects, but it can be achieved through creative communication and approaches in a series of processes where members of the cities arrive at an agreement on urban development. That is, it means that creativity can be manifested in any city.
However, existing local development strategies have limitations in gaining agreement between members and achieving development. Fortunately, more attention has been paid to development strategies of a creative city as a new logical base which supplements and replaces the national innovation system and the local innovation system which were applauded as balanced regional development strategies. The problem is that there are only a few national studies on how useful the strategy of a creative city is. In particular, metropolitan cities and fundamental self-governing organizations have pursued development strategies for depressed urban areas, but in reality, they have been limitations in pushing developments. Therefore, in pursuit of development strategies in urban areas, we need experimental research on how useful the strategy of a creative city is.
With such a background, this study aimed to organize the basic concept of creative city theory as a regional development strategy by uniting theories on creative city introduced in existing studies and to explain how to apply it. Also, for the concept of a creative city to be successful, this study analysed what factors should be developed and to positively diagnose the usefulness of a Creative City as a developmental strategy for Gwangju City and cities in Jeollanamdo. Based on the results, the study presented political suggestions needed for the establishment of a developmental strategy of a creative city and its implications.
Therefore, this study typified strategies of creative cities and looked at international and national cases to explain what strategies fundamental self-governing communities should select to apply to creative city development models.
To conceive of a developmental model for a creative city in each self-governing community, the five cities of Gwangju Metropolitan City, Mokpo City, Sunchon City, Yeosu City, and Gwangyang City were decided on. Based on the views of experts and public servants, the analysis was conducted. The time range for statistical data was based in 2012 and experts and public servants' views were investigated in 2013.
For this study, bibliographical and positive research was conducted and the research methods were the following: First, to compare and evaluate measurement indexes of a creative city, this study conducted a descriptive statistical analysis using statistical data and measured the correlation between indexes to typify the creativity levels in each community. Second, for a descriptive analysis of the measured items in each index, this study conducted a frequency test, and to understand the difference in means according to indexes presented as prior conditions between communities, and their creativity levels, this study conducted an ANOVA test. Third, to understand what effect each index has on the development of a creative city, this study conducted a regression analysis to obtain determinants.
To understand the usefulness of the creative city strategy as an urban regeneration strategy and what factors should be reinforced to push development into a creative city, this study classified a creative city into an urban regeneration city and culture and art-focused city, and compared national and international cases. Barcelona and Busan were considered as examples of cities with urban regeneration, and Kanazawa and Jeonju as cities focusing on culture and art to explain the components of the creative city strategy. Also, selecting Gwangju City, and cities in Jeollanamdo Province as subjects for the analysis, this study looked at what effects components such as elite attraction, site making, regeneration of historical and cultural spaces, activation of people-friendly spaces, urban tourist resource marketing management, official announcement of a creative city, building of networks between spaces, people, and industry have on the development of a creative city, and presented the creative city strategy by presenting a circulatory structure where stimulation of creativity as a creative city develops through connections with creative industry.
This study suggests that the correlation between creativity and urban development, the realization of organizations and institutions leading creativity, reinforcement of tradition, the culture and art capacity led by civilians, the importance of making places, connections with creative industry, and consistent management for creativity circulation have correlations with the developmental strategies of a creative city, and presents directions for the developmental strategies of a creativity city.
Alternative Title
A study on Factor for the Development of a Creative City According to City Type : 광주.전남지역 도시를 중심으로
Alternative Author(s)
Shin, Young Soon
일반대학원 행정학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 5
1. 연구의 범위 5
2. 연구의 방법 6

제2장 창조도시 관련 이론적 논의 9
제1절 창조도시 개념 및 구조 9
1. 창조도시의 개념 9
2. 창조도시와 도시발전의 관계 11
제2절 창조도시의 유형과 구성요소 15
1. 창조도시 유형 15
2. 창조도시 특징 및 구성요소 16
3. 창조도시 발전전략 21
제3절 선행연구 검토 24

제3장 분석모형의 설정 27
제1절 분석모형 27
제2절 변수 정의 및 분석방법 29
1. 변수 정의 및 가설의 설정 29
2. 분석방법 33

제4장 도시유형별 창조도시 발전 영향요인 34
제1절 도시 유형분류 34
1. 도시재생형 창조도시의 특징 34
2. 문화친화형 창조도시의 특징 41
3. 분석대상 도시의 특징 및 창조도시 여건 비교 49
제2절 창조도시 구성요소와 창조도시 발전의 관계 70
1. 표본의 특성 70
2. 지역여건과 창조도시에 대한 인식 71
3. 창조도시 구성요소와 창조도시 발전의 관계 분석결과 78
4. 분석결과 요약 및 시사점 97

제5장 결론 102
제1절 연구의 요약 102
제2절 도시별 창조도시 발전전략 수립 방향 103
제3절 연구의 한계 및 제언 108

참고문헌 109
1. 국내문헌 109
2. 외국문헌 113

부록 109
조선대학교 대학원
신영순. (2014). 도시유형별 창조도시 발전 영향 요인에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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