택견 품세에 나타난 인체조각의 역동적 표현에 관한 연구

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The sculptors has continually had interest in dynamic movements and beauty of human body from ancient times to modern times. The representative area among all areas definitely having the dynamic expressions of sculptures is human body sculpture. This plastics expression of human body sculpture include not only the external description of human body but also the internality of the sculptor's thoughts or social phenomena.
The dynamism of human body sculpture is a movement showing the powerful, active and dynamic description of human body and also an external expression showing the inside power by sculptural expressions of motions showing effectively between tension and relaxation.
Since the prehistoric age, the form of human body has been considered as an expressive object in the trend of arts. At that time, the human body expressed the fundamental origin of human beings. After the expressions of human sculptures in the prehistoric age, from the Egyptian sculptures, the Greek sculptures, the Roman sculptures, medieval sculptures, the Renaissance sculptures, the Baroque sculptures, and the modern sculptures finally to the contemporary sculptures, the gradual development of human sculptural expressions has been applied to the monumental characteristics of sculptures such as the beauty of proportion, solid description, sense of volume in the form, abstract, openwork and dynamic motions and also been continued to form various spectrums.
Regarding the human body sculptures produced with the simple motions, most of them had been shown the natural, soft, strong and minute description, or omitted these and expressed only the feeling of monotonous motions. In contrast to human sculptural expressions having the simple motions, we can more strongly feel the vitality of ones having the dynamic motions. These expressions make viewers feel strong on the image of sculptures with dynamic motions and maximize the vitality by natural movements than ones of immovable motions.
In this study, focused on my artworks for the degree in the graduate school, to discuss the study on dynamic human body sculptures systematically in Chapter 2, I discussed the history of sculpture and the expressions of conceptual formative arts for the study on dynamic expressions of human body by conceptual sculptures and studied the history of sculpture from the origin of sculpture to the progress of dynamic sculptural expressions at present. Then, in Chapter 3, I analyzed the artworks of other researchers for my study on the dynamic formative artworks. First, I discussed the purpose, meaning and techniques to express the motions of Taekgyeon and the difference among other usual artworks of motions. Second, I discussed the bases of artworks related to the motions of Taekgyeon, in other words, motions, shapes and constituent types of Taekgyeon and studied their characteristics. Third, as I discussed the artworks of researchers expressed the motions of Taekgyeon and suggested how they expressed them by dynamic sculptures, I studied the difference by dynamic techniques of sculptures with the motions of Taekgyeon that is, the main subject of my study.
The human body in sculpture is not simply a biological medium but a basin putting in the meaning and concepts. Like this, the dynamic movements of my artworks are motions of Taekgyeon, our traditional martial arts. Our nation has various great cultures. Among them, as I thought that Taekgyeon is the most national and representative cultural asset to our nation, so I wanted to show the limitation of human body expressions in my artworks of Taekgyeon and had the producing purpose to show the vitality of human body sculptures, reinterpretation of Taekgyeon for viewers, which is our traditional martial arts and traditional thought in Taekgyeon.
Taekgyeon is our proud legitimate and traditional martial arts. The contents of my sculptures related to the thoughts of Taekgyeon are poetical, outgoing and strong spirits of our nation. As the sculptural artworks under the theme of Taekgyeon protect our nation and show our strongness, these express the meaning that there is our pride in them.
Taekgyeon improves the effectiveness of our life like dancing and makes people gain the physical energy more than average men. In addition, it has the meaning to maximize mentally, psychologically and physically and activates effectively. I concretely formulated the dynamic movements by motions and tunes of Taekgyeon.
I had the desire to capture the dramatic moments, make the overall expressions of artworks be detailed and express the sculptural form by maximizing the dynamic images of human body. In addition, Taekgyeon is the most appropriate medium to our unique emotion under the history of our nation and the appropriate means in the internal and external expressions of sculptor's artworks by the vitality and spirit of Taekgyeon. Also, the dynamic motions of Taekgyeon itself are met with my sculptural works and therefore I can stress the dynamic vitality and emotional expressions in Taekgyeon. These expressions are the power of inside and outside and expressions of dynamic emotion which all people can have.
As a result of studying on the dynamic expressions of human body sculptures, I found that the possibility to activize the dynamic expressions of human body sculptures more and to find the dynamic expressions of human body in formative arts was infinite.
By these artworks of human body sculptures, I was deeply impressed in the conceptual expressions of human body and furthermore I found the possibility in various attempts and creative expressions of human body sculptures. I expect that the studies on the dynamic expressions of human body are continuously increasing in future.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Dynamic Expressions of Human Body Sculpture in Taekgyeon Patterns
Alternative Author(s)
Cho, Hyun jun
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 미술학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차

Abstract Ⅳ

제 1 장 서 론
제 1 절 연구의 목적 1
제 2 절 연구 내용 및 방법 2

제 2 장 구상조각의 역동적 인체표현 고찰
제 1 절 조각의 역동적 표현 의의 3
1. 역동적 움직임의 의미 3
2. 역동적 움직임에 따른 조형개념 5
제 2 절 미술사적 근거에 따른 역동적 인체표현 고찰 8
1. 고대와 이집트조각 8
2. 그리스와 로마조각 11
3. 중세와 르네상스조각 19
4. 바로크에서 근대조각 24
5. 현대조각 27

제 3 장 연구자 작품의 역동성 분석
제 1 절 택견 동세의 작품표현의 의의 및 택견 동세 연구
1. 택견 동세의 작품 표현 의의 31
2. 택견 동세의 구성 32
3. 택견의 움직임 및 특징 33
제 2 절 연구자 작품 분석 35

제 4 장 결 론

도판목차 50
참고문헌 51
조선대학교 대학원
조현준. (2013). 택견 품세에 나타난 인체조각의 역동적 표현에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2013-08-22
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