우리나라 금융지주회사 제도의 법제현황과 발전방향

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Current Status and Development Directions of Korean Financial Holding Company System

Kim Hyun Sik
Advisor : prof. Yang Dong-suk, Ph. D.
Department of Law
Graduate School of Chosun University

In 1999, the Korea allowed establishment of a holding company which was strictly regulated. And in 2000, they was enacted the Financial Holding Company Act. The purpose of allowing the establishment of a holding company was specializing in of business about group of companies’ consolidation of fiscal organization, also, to promote the improvement of governance structure and the ownership of chaebol. And the reason of enactment of the Financial Holding Company Act is to promote the sound management of financial holding company and its subsidiaries by preventing its side effects of financial institutions’ upsizing and diversification such as excessive expansion of power, dispersion of risk. Also, Enhance the competitiveness of the financial industry and to contribute to the development of the national economy by protect the right of consumers. Due to the introduction of a financial holding company, Korean financial markets were significantly changed and could raise the performance of cost savings, cross-selling, diversification effects, dispersion of risk by operation of a wide range of industries. In addition, the financial innovation and technological advances were achieved also overseas expansion of financial institutions became easier. In addition, the financial innovation and technological advances were achieved also overseas expansion of financial institutions became easier. Currently, the large financial institution takes the form of a financial holding company, it has been expanding its business area. Also, it is expected that the more financial holding company will emerge. However, unlike the purpose of its introduction, many problems are occurs to several areas in the domestic financial holding company system and Institutional lack is occurs. To overcome these problems, the government revised the Financial Holding Company Act in 2009. And by enacting the legislation regarding the governance of financial institutions in 2011, now these were submitted to the National Assembly. But it is far from the competition of global market to exert by Korean financial holding company. Thus, in this paper, have been investigated the way to solve the problems of the Korean financial holding company system. Especially In 2011, to solve these problems the Act on the corporate governance of financial institutions was included in this study. This paper is organized into five chapters. The Chapter 1, Introduction introduce the purpose and necessity of the study also, scope and methods of the study. In Chapter 2, share the basic theories as three sections in order to describe the characteristics and concept of the financial holding company. the first section 'Significance of financial holding companies', the second section 'Consider the status of regulations regarding the financial holding company', the third section 'Regarding the governance of the financial holding company, main contents of Financial Governance Act, Adjunct employees, outside director system and compliance officer'. In the Chapter 3, it study about the system of the United States, Japan, China also, study the director legal system and search the each countries' background of establishment of the financial holding company through the legislative record, theories. And it has divided as the Financial Holding Company Law of United States in Section 1 of Chapter 3, Financial Holding Company Law of Japan in Section 2, and Financial Holding Company Law of China in Section 1. And review the problems and its improvements about Korean Financial Holding Company in Chapter 4. In the first section, issues and challenges for the future about Korean financial corporate governance bill, the first section, problems and solutions of Korean financial holding company. And in the 3rd section this paper tries to find the other issues and ways to improve. Chapter 5, the Conclusions was based on it. Through this research, this paper presents the problems and the solutions regarding Korean financial holding company system. Much of this research has already been completed partially and based on these national and international literatures and organized. And it is expected to solve the problem globally about Korean financial holding company by these studies and summary.
Alternative Title
Current Status and Development Directions of Korean Financial Holding Company System
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Hyun Sik
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 법학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
目 次

제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 및 필요성 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 4

제2장 금융지주회사의 현황과 지배구조 6
제1절 금융지주회사의 의의 6
1. 금융지주회사의 개념 6
2. 금융지주회사의 설립목적 8
3. 금융지주회사의 설립유형 13
제2절 금융지주회사 관련 규제현황 16
1. 금융지주회사의 법제 16
2. 금융기관과 금융지주회사의 지배관계 제한 18
3. 주식소유제한 19
4. 비은행지주회사의 지배규제완화 21
5. 업무영역제한 27
제3절 금융지주회사의 지배구조 28
1. 금융지배구조법안의 주요내용 28
2. 임직원 겸직의 허용 35
3. 사외이사제도 39
4. 내부통제기준과 준법감시인 41
5. 금융지주회사의 업무 및 운영방식 42

제3장 각국의 금융지주회사 법제의 비교 46
제1절 미국의 금융지주회사의 법제 46
1. 연 혁 46
2. Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act에 의한 체계적 관리 48
3. 은행지주회사법 (Bank Holding Company Act of 1956) 65
4. 미국 도드-프랭크법의 주요 내용 70
제2절 일본의 금융지주회사법제 75
1. 일본의 금융지주회사 제정배경과 현황 75
2. 독점금지법의 금융지주회사제도 80
3. 각종 금융지주회사의 규제 86
제3절 중국의 금융지주회사법제 94
1. 금융지주회사의 발전연혁과 제정배경 94
2. 금융지주회사의 개념과 특징 및 설립현황 96
3. 중국금융지주회사 종류 104
4. 감독 및 규제 108

제4장 금융지주회사의 문제점과 개선방안 112
제1절 금융지배구조법(안)의 문제점과 향후 과제 112
1. 법제정에 대한 비판 112
2. 몇 가지 주요 문제점 117
3. 향후 과제 124
제2절 금융지주회사 제도의 주요 문제점과 개선방안 127
1. 대형화 및 활성화의 부진과 추진 127
2. 사외이사 제도의 문제점과 개선방안 131
3. 감사위원회 제도의 문제점과 개선방안 135
제3절 기타 문제점 및 개선방안 137
1. 지배구조 안정성 및 효율적인 조직체계 미흡 137
2. 금융지주회사의 책임범위 137
3. 대표이사 선임절차의 투명성 확보 139
4. 금융지주회사 대표이사의 이사회의장 겸임금지 필요 140
5. 준법감시인 및 내부통제제도의 개선방안 141
6. 금융그룹의 지배구조 개선필요 142

제5장 결 론 147

참 고 문 헌 151
조선대학교 대학원
김현식. (2013). 우리나라 금융지주회사 제도의 법제현황과 발전방향.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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