한국산 담수패류를 이용한 부영양수의 생태공학적 수질제어에 관한 연구

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A drastic increase of human population and urbanization with demands of lots of waters have been produced a countless industrial and domestic wastewater. They finally evoked the eutrophication and its phenomenon like cyanobacterial and diatomal bloom in lakes and streams in world-wide. Dense bloom and organic material in water column also serially make a bad scene and order, and then make lots of water problems. Many countries have been tried to diminish the algal bloom and clean water quality of eutrophicated waters. However, numerous mechanical (physical and chemical) treatment methods are non-economic and rather caused a new water pollution, called a secondary pollution. This study is aimed to control the organic material or dense algal scum with pan-ecological technology, to select the relevant biological control agent, and harvest the preliminary data useful for water quality improvement of agricultural reservoirs, which heavily polluted with organic materials. The use of domestic freshwater mussels, Unio douglasiae and Cipangopaludina chinensis have an advantages such as the strong tolerance to extreme environments, 2) no outbreaks of animal population in one region or area like Zebra mussel, 3) low disturbance to aquatic ecosystem of native animal application, and 4) economic to man and application. Feeding experiments largely comprised 1) the checking of filtration activity on different experimental water (stream and lake), 2) alone and combined effects of both animals Unio douglasiae and Cipangopaludina chinensis on the same prey, 3) feeding activity on both cold- and warm phytoplankton communities of the same lake, and 4) In situ mesocosm at shore of eutrophic lake. Laboratory results indicate that 1) the animal U. douglasiae clearly decreased the diatom biomass (chl-a) more than cyanobacteria of field water, 2) combined treatment with C. chinensis synergistically showed the high removal activity on algal bloom water, 3) grazing effects were more effective on the phytoplankton community of cold-lake water than that of warm lake water. In addition, in situ mesocosm results indicate that 1) the grazing effect of mussels was obvious only for the initial 3-days, but gradually decreased, 2) low density treatment rather increased the nutrient concentration, decreased the dissolved oxygen, and death of mussels, suggesting effects of high temperature above 30 oC, ammonia production, and sediments. Therefore, the field application of domestic freshwater filter-feeder bivalve, U. douglasiae to control the nuisance algal bloom or organic material in eutrophic lake, firstly might be considered a sediment and high temperature of the target reservoir, and can be enhanced by the combined treatment of co-inherent mollusks like C. chinensis, being shared the habit in ecosystem.
Alternative Title
Ecotechnological treatment of eutrophic waters using native freshwater mussels in Korea
Alternative Author(s)
Hwan-Seok Choi
조선대학교 화학공학과
일반대학원 화학공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제 1장 서론 1
제1절 연구 배경 1
제2절 이론적 배경 6
1. Biomanipulation의 개념 6
2. Biomanipulation의 작용 8
3. Biomanipulation 소재로서의 담수 패류 10
제3절 연구 동향 14
1. 국내외 연구 현황 및 문제점 14
2. 관련기술의 국내․외 수준 17
가. 국외 수준 17
나. 국내 수준 18
3. 국내․외 선행연구 현황 20
가. 국내․외 선행연구현황 20
나. 생물관리 및 생물공학을 이용한 국내 선행연구 사례 22

제 2 장 실험 재료 및 방법 26
제 2 장 실험 재료 및 방법 25
제1절 패류 종에 따른 유기물 제어능 분석 25
1. 패류의 유기물 제어능 분석 25
2. 실험디자인 26
3. 자료분석 28
제2절 유속에 따른 패류의 유기물 제어능 분석 33
1. 패류의 유기물 제어능 분석 33
2. 실험디자인 36
3. 자료분석 36
제3절 구조 및 패류 밀도에 따른 유기물 제어 38
1. 패류의 유기물 제어능 분석 38
2. 실험 방법 40
3. 자료분석 43
제4절 반응표면분석(Response Surface Methodology)을 활용한 유기물 제어 최적화 연구 44

제 3 장 결과 및 고찰 47
제1절 패류 종에 따른 유기물 제어능 평가 47
1. 패류의 유기물 제어능 47
2. 여과율 및 배설물 생산 49
3. 수질요인 51
4. 고찰 55
제2절 유속에 따른 패류의 유기물 제어능 평가 58
1. 환경요인 58
2. 영양염 변화 62
3. 유기물 여과율 66
제3절 구조 및 패류 밀도에 따른 유기물 제어능 평가 69
1. 환경요인 69
2. 영양염 변화 74
3. 유기물 제어 및 배설물 생산 76
4. 고찰 78
제4절 반응표면분석을 활용한 유기물 제어 최적화 연구 81
1. 최적화 및 고찰 81

제 4 장 결론 85
참고문헌 91
감사의 글
조선대학교 대학원
최환석. (2013). 한국산 담수패류를 이용한 부영양수의 생태공학적 수질제어에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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