영유아 분유섭취에 의한 흡수선량과 방사능 분석방법에 따른 영향평가

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Natural radio nuclides in every life environment have existed since the creation of the earth. As a large quantity of man-made radioactive substances have emitted due to numerous nuclear explosion experiments in late 1950s and early 1960s, the nuclear power plant accident in Chernobyl of former Soviet Union in 1986, and the nuclear power plant accident of Fukushima of Japan in 2011, radio nuclides, which exist in various types, have become cause of external exposure and internal exposure of human through food chain relations.
After the nuclear power plant accident in Fukushima of Japan, many countries like the U.S., New Zealand and Korea etc have reinforced regulation on food import and export to prevent circulation of foods contaminated by artificial radioactive substances emitted to the environment, and the nations are managing radioactivity pollution status by preparing regulation standards that meet the reality of applicable country and composing reports on it each year.
In case of babies and infants, radioactive sensitivity should be considered sufficiently, however since no separate standard has been established, dosage evaluation and survey methods are limited. Therefore, since evaluation methods for babies and infants are insufficient, there are increasing degrees of anxiety for those fostering babies and infants.
In this study, for selection of samples, milk powders of milk powder manufacturer circulated in the market were selected arbitrarily, and with about 5kg collected as sample, same experiment method was executed to reduce error. Experiments were done in two methods, dry method and chemical method, and as a result of measuring with 10,000 sec and 80,000 respectively, slightly different analysis values resulted by measuring time, however as a result of calculating annual exposure dosage amount, the annual exposure dosage amount, about 1/10,000 of regulation value, was evaluated as falling behind the exposure amount of general natural radio nuclides. Also in dry method and chemical method respectively, detected values differed slightly, but were still negligible, and also in comparison by measuring time, dosage amount was evaluated as negligible compared with annual regulation value.
The milk powders sold in the nation presently, though they are below regulation value in radio nuclides level, require more analyses of samples and active countermeasures in that they are taken in by babies and infants. Based on this study results, the degrees of radioactive pollution on babies and infants food should be evaluated continuously and systematically, and in the nation where only gamma nuclides are put under radioactivity analysis, alpha nuclides and beta nuclides also are required analyzed as is done overseas.
As for the regulation on the radioactive pollution of food, whether certain food is polluted by radioactivity or not is determined only by the level of regulation value, but since the foods are taken in by babies and infants, precise degree of risk of radioactivity by food intake will need be evaluated.
In other words, the degree of risk of radioactivity that affects babies and infants through annual intake of food should be evaluated through delivery of accurate information and accumulation of vast amount of data rather than by relying on limited scope of data regarding food intake of babies and infants. Also, survey on the status of systematic radioactive pollution will need be conducted sustainably later on through continued evaluation of risk degree.
Alternative Title
The Effect evaluation follows absorbed dose and Radioactivity Analysis Methods According to Infants Powdered milk Ingestion.
Alternative Author(s)
Baek, Hyun Suk
조선대학교 원자력공학과
일반대학원 원자력공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

표 목차 3
그림 목차 5

제1장 서 론 1

제2장 본 론 4
제1절 국내·외 현황 4
1. 수입식품에 대한 방사능 오염도 평가 및 규제에 대한 국내 사례 3
2. 수입식품에 대한 방사능 오염도 평가 및 규제에 대한 외국 사례 6
3. 나라별 식품에 대한 방사능 허용기준 변천 10
4. 식품의 방사능 분석에 관련한 국제 규격과 국내의‘잠정허용 기준시험법’비교 12
제2절 실험장치 및 방법 16
1. 전처리 16
2. 실험장치 21
3. 실험 이론 25
제3절 분유의 방사능농도 계측 결과 31
제4절 섭취량의 대한 선량 평가 41
1. 신생아 연간 섭취량 41
2. 섭취량에 따른 연간 피폭선량 평가 42
3. 결과 43
4. 피폭선량 계산 46
제3장 결론 및 향후과제 53
조선대학교 대학원
백현석. (2012). 영유아 분유섭취에 의한 흡수선량과 방사능 분석방법에 따른 영향평가.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2012-12-21
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