현장재하시험을 통한 고강도 강관말뚝 거동
- Author(s)
- 임재춘
- Issued Date
- 2012
- Abstract
- Recently, high strength steel pipe piles have been increasingly used. However, the analyses on the axial behavior of these piles measured from the static and dynamic tests are limited.
In this thesis, 11 pile load test data, measured from the static and dynamic pile load tests, were analyzed. Based on the yield load criterion and the settlement criterion, the ultimate loads were predicted for the piles driven to the multi-layered soil consisting of sand and clay.
In order to check validity of bearing capacity equations that are commonly used, the estimated ultimate loads were normalized to the measured ones. The applicability of factor of safety used in allowable bearing capacity equations were evaluated. Also, pile setup and drivability of high strength steel pipe piles were investigated.
Based on the dynamic pile load tests, allowable bearing capacity was found to increase with an increase in impact energy. Also a regression equation was developed to estimate the bearing capaicity using the final penetration length.
Pile capacities measured from dynamic pile load tests were compared to those measured from the static pile load tests. Pile capacities measured at restrikes increased compared to those measured at end of initial driving, indicating pile setup. The pile capacities measured from dynamic pile load tests are comparable to the ones measured from the static pile load tests.
The capacities estimated from the static bearing capacity formula are comparable with the capacities measured from the static load tests. In addition, the static bearing capacity formular and Meyerhof's formula underestimated the bearing capacities about 1.66 times lower than the measured ones. This indicates that the factor of safety lower than 3.0 can be applied for calculation of allowable bearing capacity.
The Chin's method among the ultimate load criteria predicted the closest ultimate capacities. The P-S method among the yield load criteria estimated the closest ultimate capacities. The Tomlinson's (0.1D) method among the net settlement criteria predicted the closest ultimate capacities.
This study is based on 11 static and dynamic pile load test data. The results of this study will be very useful for understanding behavior of high strength steel pipe piles driven into the similar soil conditions.
- Alternative Title
- Behavior of High Strength Steel Pipe Piles
- Alternative Author(s)
- Lim, Jae Choon
- Affiliation
- 포스코 AC
- Department
- 일반대학원 토목공학과
- Advisor
- 김대현
- Awarded Date
- 2012-08
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
제1장 서 론 1
1.1 연구배경 및 목적 1
1.2 연구동향 2
1.3 연구내용 및 방법 4
제2장 말뚝 지지력 및 정재하시험 판정방법 6
2.1 강관말뚝의 허용응력 6
2.1.1 소재 고강도화에 따른 검토사항 6
2.1.2 STKT590 고강도 강관의 특징 11
2.2 말뚝의 지지력 산정방법 17
2.2.1 말뚝 지지력 특성 17
2.2.2 말뚝의 설계지지력 22
2.3 정재하시험에 의한 연직지지력 판정방법 37
2.4 정재하시험에 의한 하중-침하-시간곡선을 이용한 판정방법 37
2.4.1 극한하중 판정방법 39
2.4.2 항복하중 판정방법 45
2.5 정재하시험에 의한 침하량 기준 판정방법 49
2.5.1 전침하량 기준 49
2.5.2 순침하량 기준 52
제3장 재하시험 결과 및 말뚝 지지력 산정 54
3.1 재하시험 분석개요 54
3.2 현장재하시험 종류 및 시험일자 55
3.3 지반 및 토질정수 58
3.4 동재하시험 시험결과 분석 70
3.4.1 LNG Tank 동재하시험 시험결과 분석 70
3.4.2 SNG Plant 동재하시험 시험결과 분석 74
3.4.3 5소결 Plant 동재하시험 시험결과 분석 78
3.5 정재하시험 시험결과 분석 82
3.5.1 LNG Plant 정재하시험 시험결과 분석 82
3.5.2 SNG Plant 정재하시험 시험결과 분석 92
3.5.3 5소결 Plant 정재하시험 시험결과 분석 99
3.6 말뚝 지지력 산정 114
3.6.1 정역학적 지지력공식 115
3.6.2 표준관입시험을 이용한 N치 경험식 120
제4장 고강도 강관말뚝의 거동 분석 126
4.1 동재하시험에 의한 말뚝 거동평가 126
4.1.1 항타관입성 분석 126
4.1.2 시간경과에 따른 말뚝 지지력 변화 129
4.2 설계 극한지지력 안전율 평가 140
4.3 정재하시험의 안정성 평가 146
4.3.1 극한하중 판정방법에 의한 결과분석 및 안전율 평가 146
4.3.2 항복하중 판정방법에 의한 결과분석 및 안전율 평가 152
4.3.3 침하량기준 판정방법에 의한 결과분석 및 안전율 평가 157
4.3.4 인발시험 결과분석 및 안전율 평가 163
제5장 결 론 168
참 고 문 헌 171
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 임재춘. (2012). 현장재하시험을 통한 고강도 강관말뚝 거동.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/9631
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2012-08-09
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