퍼지이론 및 의사결정방법에 의한 철근콘크리트교 상태평가
- Author(s)
- 황선하
- Issued Date
- 2012
- Abstract
- This dissertation presents a assessment system used Fuzzy Theory and Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP) for the deterioration and structural safety of reinforced concrete bridges.
The system is capable of estimating the degree of global performance from visual inspection in regular inspection stage. The construction of the assessment system includes the selection of assessment items, the estimation of their importance, and the aggregation of individual criterion and their importance.
The assessment items are classified into three categories, such as, upper structures data, base structures data, accessory structures data. And each category is composed of several performance items at lower levels. The grade of importance of assessment items are estimated from the concepts of importance and used in the conservative assessments, respectively.
The importances are estimated by reflecting the interrelationship among assessment items from the belief and plausibility measures into the relative importance by the Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP). The estimated results of assessment items and their weights are aggregated in stages in the framework of assessment items. Fuzzy theory showed good applicability as a quantitative assessment scheme by relieving extreme qualitative assessment and thus securing objectivity.
The modular stepwise assessment facilitated efficient assessment and enabled to minimize the missing data problems. As a result of aggregation, the system provides state indices for the optimistic or conservative assessment, which are used as the criteria for refined inspections.
When applied to the actually diagnosed bridge, the porposed system is capable of estimating the degree of global performance from visual inspection in regular inspection stage. The system provided similar results to those by experts. Furthermore, this system was able to provide a systematic and continuous management and a highly reliable estimation for those general engineers. From these results, it can be concluded that this system can be used as a component of maintenance and management scheme for the structural safety and systemization of maintenance and management activities in regular inspection of reinforced concrete bridges.
Keywords : Analytical Hierarchy Process(AHP), State Assessment, Fuzzy Theory, Reinforced Concrete Bridge.
- Alternative Title
- State Assessment of Reinforced Concrete Bridges by Fuzzy Theory and Analytical Hierarchy Process
- Alternative Author(s)
- Hwang Sun Ha
- Department
- 일반대학원 토목공학과
- Advisor
- 박길현
- Awarded Date
- 2012-08
- Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서 론 1
1.1 연구배경 및 목적 1
1.2 연구동향 3
1.3 연구방법 4
제 2 장 이론적 고찰 6
2.1 퍼지이론 6
2.1.1 퍼지개념 6
2.1.2 퍼지추론방법 7
2.1.3 퍼지추론의 적용효과 13
2.2 의사결정방법 14
2.2.1 의사결정방법의 적용 15
2.2.2 중요도 평가방법 17
2.2.3 의사결정방법의 적용효과 22
2.3 교량 유지관리 23
2.3.1 안전점검의 목적 23
2.3.2 안전점검의 종류 23
2.3.3 부재별 손상판정 기준 28
제 3 장 퍼지추론에 의한 평가항목의 정량화 36
3.1 평가항목의 퍼지기준 37
3.2 Max-Min법에 의한 퍼지추론 41
3.3 평가항목의 정량화 46
3.3.1 평가항목별 손상형태 및 입력값 46
3.3.2 퍼지추론에 의한 평가항목 상태평가 47
제 4 장 의사결정방법에 의한 상태평가시스템 48
4.1 평가항목의 정형화 49
4.2 평가항목의 중요도 53
4.3 의사결정방법에 의한 상태평가 62
4.4 누락자료에 의한 상태평가 63
4.4.1 누락자료 문제 63
4.4.2 중요도 재산정에 의한 누락자료 처리 64
제 5 장 상태평가시스템 대상적용 65
5.1 대상교량 65
5.2 대상교량적용 66
5.3 적용성 분석 86
제 6 장 결 론 88
참고문헌 90
부 록
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 황선하. (2012). 퍼지이론 및 의사결정방법에 의한 철근콘크리트교 상태평가.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/9625
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2012-08-09
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