퍼블리시티권의 인정실익과 한계에 관한 연구

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These days, the influence of the Korean Wave spread to South-East Asia, and to a certain extent to the rest of the world. The right of publicity -that is to say the issues related to the commercial use of such a right including brand-naming, voice and image- raises a new set of problems. Recently, following the growing interest of
people in the right of publicity, many legal actions and suits have been taken.
Therefore, this thesis will first discuss the new laws that have been approved in the US in the field of the right of publicity. It will then analyse whether these new rights have been approved in Korea; whether the foundations of such rights can be consolidated and what are the hurdles to implementing these rights to individual legal persons.
The right of publicity is the right allowing the extensive commercial use, the advertisement and sales of materials as well as compensations items including image, brand-naming and voice. The legal property of the right of publicity is four-fold. First of all, it deals with the protection and enforcement of this right, the safeguard of the right of publicity and preventing the general public from using the name or image of famous people without permission. Second, it provides economic enticement for people involved in social and economically profitable activities; but it also forbids consumers to use the right of publicity without reporting. Third, it prevents people from making illegal profits -including embezzlement, infringement and misuse of commercial influenceand from misusing famous people's time, money and efforts. Lastly, the right of publicity aims at preventing the dilution of commercial and economic value through misuse of commercial power.
Then, the main point of the right of publicity is not to limit this right to famous people or private individuals because common peculiar rights include not famous people. While the right of publicity acknowledges the point of propaganda value, which is attached to self-identity, it should also be understood as a personal and thus peculiar right that everyone possess. So the right of publicity should become the privilege of normal people (excepting famous people). And as a right to own property, it should be handled as tangible property which can be transferred and inherited.
Exceptionally, in the case of ageing people, the subject of the right will be the heir -and not the person himself. A group can also become the subject of the right of publicity because this right is transferable. However, animals and goods on themselves cannot have this right nor become subjects of the right of property. Our Court of Justice recognises the the right of publicity as the right to own property and private belongings.
This Court considers not advisable to extend the application of the right of publicity to animals and goods themselves as they are not connected with the person's attributes and in that the point of a person's property symbolises self-identity and is inherent to the external personality -including brand-naming, image and voice. Therefore, the objects of protection of the right of property can be limited to persons specifically. The problem of transferring the right of publicity is about the main frame of
self-identity. This issue provides important grounds for recognising the right of publicity and for providing or not guarantees about brand-naming, image and voice as
having the value of property. The conclusion reached is that the right of publicity can be transferred freely under the condition that people recognise the economic value of a person's identity.
In the case of the inheritance of the right of publicity, it should also be possible to inherit it as a personal property. But only if the rights of the deceased person are inherited in a limited period of time so that the problem of transfer of such a right is mutually agreed on social and economic basis thus keeping in with the character of private property and public good.
In the US, people launched that debate in 1953 during the Haelin judgement, and now the American people recognise the transfer of the right of publicity as a written rule in thirty states. In the case of Japan, the Japanese recognise the existence of this right in de facto business affairs through precedents of the Court of Justice, but neither Japan nor Korea have enforced it as de jure rule. Even though the Court's precedents have set a ground-breaking example of the right of property as a transferable right, the right of publicity is still not recognised as a written rule. But it is true that the terms of the right of publicity, the right of announcement and the right of using names and image are confusing.
This confusion might persist as long as there are no clear standards on the definition, the requirements and the efficiency of the right of publicity during trials and in established legislation. In this state of aggravated confusion, the implementation of organised legislation as a standard for judgement is now a pressing issue.
Alternative Title
Study about the practical benefits and limits of implementing the right of publicity
Alternative Author(s)
Yang, Jun-Ho
일반대학원 법학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 ······················································································ 1
제1절 연구의 목적 ········································································· 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 범위 ·························································· 3
제2장 퍼블리시티권의 의의 ························································· 4
제1절 퍼블리시티권의 개념 ····················································· 4
제2절 퍼블리시티권의 법적 성격 ················································ 5
1. 이원론적구성론 ········································································· 7
가. 순수한 재산권으로 구성 ························································ 7
나. 인격요소를 가미한 재산권적 구성 ······································· 7
다. 대가청구권적 구성 ·································································· 8
2. 일원론적구성 ············································································· 8
제3절 퍼블리시티권 인정의 이론적 근거 ·································· 9
1. 자연적 재산권 이론 ·································································· 9
2. 인센티브 이론 ········································································· 10
3. 경제적 정당화 이론 ································································ 11
4. 혼동방지 이론 ········································································· 11
제4절 퍼블리시티권과 유사권리 ·············································· 12
1. 인격권과 퍼블리시티권 ························································· 12
2. 초상권과 퍼블리시티권 ························································· 12
3. 상표권과 퍼블리시티권 ························································· 13
4. 저작권과 퍼블리시티권 ························································· 13
제5절 퍼블리시티권의 형성과정 ·············································· 14
1. 미국 ·························································································· 14
가. 프라이버시권의 성립 ······················································ 14
나. 퍼블리시티권의 성립 ··························································· 16
(1) Haelan판결 ··········································································· 16
(2) Nimmer의 이론 ·································································· 17
(3) 1970년대 이후의 퍼블리시티권의 발전 ···························· 18
2. 독일 ·························································································· 19
3. 일본 ·························································································· 20
4. 우리나라 ·················································································· 21
가. 광고에의 무단이용 사례 ····················································· 21
(1) 비달사순 사건 ···································································· 21
(2) 윤석화 사건 ··········································································· 22
(3) 임꺽정 사건 ··········································································· 23
나. 광고에의 부정이용 사례 ······················································ 24
(1) 최애숙사건 ············································································· 24
(2) 한혜숙사건 ············································································· 25
(3) 김세원사건 ············································································· 26
(4) 황인정사건 ············································································· 26
(5) 이영애사건 ············································································· 27
다. 상품에의 사용 사례 ······························································ 28
(1) 제임스딘 사건 ······································································· 28
(2) 박찬호 사건 ··········································································· 30
라. 창작물에의 이용 사례 ························································· 31
(1) 이휘소 사건 ··········································································· 31
(2) 최종림사건 ············································································ 33
마. 성명․상표로의 사용 사례 ···················································· 34
(1) 베르사체 사건 ······································································ 34
(2) 파울로구찌 사건 ·································································· 35
바. 소결 ························································································ 36
제3장 퍼블리시티권의 주체와 객체 ········································· 37
제1절 퍼블리시티권의 주체 ······················································ 37
1. 유명인/일반인 ········································································ 37
2. 법인 등의 단체 ······································································· 39
3. 고인 ························································································· 40
4. 동물 및 사물의 퍼블리시티권 ············································· 41
제2절 퍼블리시티권의 객체 ······················································ 43
1. 성명 ·························································································· 43
2. 초상 및 사진 ··········································································· 44
3. 음성 ·························································································· 44
4. 캐릭터 및 이미지 ··································································· 45
5. 특정인을 연상시키는 사물 또는 동물 ································ 46
6. 서명 ·························································································· 46
제4장 퍼블리시티권의 양도성과 상속성 ································· 47
제1절 퍼블리시티권의 양도성 ·················································· 47
1. 양도성 부정설 ········································································· 47
2. 양도성 긍정설 ········································································· 48
3. 외국사례 ·················································································· 49
가. 미국 ························································································ 49
(1) Bi-Rite Enterprises, Inc. 판결 ·········································· 50
(2) Stephano 판결 ····································································· 50
(3) Factors, Etc. 판결 ······························································· 50
(4) 미국의 성문법 ······································································· 50
나. 독일 ······················································································ 51
4. 양도의 범위 ············································································· 52
가. 양도성 인정의 필요성 ·························································· 52
나. 일부양도의 가능성 ······························································· 53
다. 등록 및 대항요건 ·································································· 54
제2절 퍼블리시티권의 상속성 ·················································· 54
1. 상속성 긍정설 ········································································· 55
2. 상속성 부정설 ········································································· 56
3. 외국사례 ··················································································· 56
가. 미국 ························································································· 56
(1) Price 판결-Laurel과 Hardy사건 ········································ 57
(2) Prirone 판결-베이브 루스 사건 ·········································· 57
(3) Marx Brothers판결 ······························································· 58
(4) Memphis Development Foundation 판결-앨비스 프레슬리 사건(Ⅰ) ·· 58
(5) Pro Arts, Inc. 판결-엘비스 프레스리 사건(Ⅱ) ··············· 58
나. 독일 ························································································· 59
4. 상속성 관련 제반 문제 ··························································· 60
가. 요건 ························································································· 60
나. 존속기간 ················································································· 61
다. 범위 ························································································· 61
라. 제한 ························································································· 62
제5장 퍼블리시티권의 침해에 대한 구제 ································ 64
제1절 침해금지 및 예방청구권 ················································· 64
제2절 손해배상청구권 ································································ 65
제3절 부당이득반환청구권 ························································ 65
제4절 명예훼손조치 청구권 ······················································· 66
제6장 결론 ···················································································· 67
참고문헌 ······················································································· 69
조선대학교 대학원
양준호. (2012). 퍼블리시티권의 인정실익과 한계에 관한 연구.
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