일제말기 한국 시에 나타난 감각의 분화 과정 연구

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The Division of Senses in Korean Poetry in the Late Colonial Period

Shen Xian Yu
Advisor: Prof. Oh Moon Seok Ph. D.
Department of Korean Literature and Language,
Graduate School of Chosun University

This study aims to speculate the meaning of senses by examining their functions and meanings shown in Korean poetry in the late Japanese imperialism, focusing on the relations between senses and styles of Korean modern poetry and social phenomena. As demonstrated by Kim Ki-rim, Korean modern poetry came to have visual properties beyond emotion. Therefore, Korean modern poetry was developed to show emotion instead of singing it. Such development confirmed that Korean modern poetry began from changes in senses. Therefore, beginning from the debate on technicalism of Korean modern poetry by Kim Ki-rim and Im Hwa in 1930s, the study was to examine how senses were discussed in the debate and how peculiarity of senses was described in Kim Ki-rim's poetry. Then, based on the results, the study was to analyse what meanings senses shown in Korean poetry in the late Japanese imperialism had in social relations in relations to physical experiences of speakers in poetry. For the purposes, strata of senses discussed in Korean modern poetry and social phenomena of Korean modern society were analysed. For senses in Korean modern poetry were interpreted as having many meanings and "life, feeling and bodies with senses" are "basic media which interact various environments."
Senses in Korean modern poetry were concepts related with mental activities in an epistemological level. As well, senses were creative skills to change existing representational styles. The senses were developed into new concepts in Korean modern literature as they are closely related with modernization process of Korea, especially, development of modern cities and media. However, the development had an influence on reorganization of senses, but it could not be controlled by a single specific sense. Therefore, senses shown in Korean modern poetry in 1930s were gradually specialized.
Therefore, the study focused on discussion on technicalism of the modern poetry, modernization and movements of the population to obtain the meanings of senses in terms of relations between types of Korean modern poetry and physical experiences of modern intellectuals.
For the study, a focus was given on the following two aspects:
First, the study identified what meanings visual sensation had in Korean modern poetry in the 1930s and in what meanings other senses including visual in Kim Ki-rim's poetry were described. Specifically, what meaning visual sensation had in the debate on technicalism of Kim Ki-rim and Im Hwa was analysed. The results showed differences in meanings of visual and other senses. Then, changes in senses shown in poetry of Kim Ki-rim and Im Hwa after the debate were analysed to see how they used senses in the process of practicing the visual sensation. As a result, the inside of modern subjects was reconsidered and the relations between senses and modernity were reorganized. The reasons why such discussion began from Kim Ki-rim were that “he led Korean poetry circle as a pioneer of modern poetry movement together with Jeong Ji-yong as he made a debut to literary circles in the early 1930s ” and differences in meanings of visual and other senses were definitely shown in his poetry. As Kim Ki-rim was engaged both in theory and writing in modern literature, universality of Korean modern literature was found in his poetry.
Second, the study focused on in what senses movement of the populations in the late Japanese imperialism was represented through the poet's physical experiences to explain what meanings senses had in the Korean modern society. Then, the study examined the functions and meanings of senses centering experiences of poets such as Lee Yong-ak and Kim Jo-gyu in Manchuria. The poetry provided clues to understand community spirit due to leaving hometown at the colonial period, and included sense-feeling the people had when they moved somewhere else. National identity and changes in senses due to migration will be dealt with through such analysis. Although human sensory organs are not changed, senses are changed according to social and cultural environment and related with national or individual identity in foreign countries, and physical migration will bring changes to national senses.
So, senses in modern Korean poetry are specialized into modern and premodern senses. Visual sensation is derived from modern reasonability and senses of touch, smell and tastes are premodern and unreasonable. Such phenomenon was found in Korea at the late Japanese imperialism including 1930s because "the modern period was surrounded by the premodern period." “Our experience of dualism was a primary environment factor which prescribes literary response of literary persons in 1930s .” So, Kim Ki-rim connected senses to intelligence considering visual sensation as a skill, but he organized the modern period with more private and unreasonable senses of touch and smell in dealing with theories of senses. Of course, it was senses of touch and smell that Kim Ki-rim used in experiencing modernity although he showed modern civilization through visual sensation in his poetry. Korean people who existed as others in the process of entering into modernity formed community through premodern senses of hearing and taste rather than reasonable and modern sense of vision and confirmed their identity. Therefore, Korean colonial modernity did not achieve a prerogative of visual sensation and the rest of senses remained inside.
The study will be useful to understanding meanings of senses as an emotional base of Korean modern poetry of the late 1930s beyond simple explanation centering on visual sensation and images. Also, clues to find out joints with the present and compare senses in the solidified and liquified modern period will be discovered.

late Japanese imperialism, specialization of senses, advance of modernization, reorganization of sense, visual sensation, visually-oriented, sensory acceptance of modern civilization, tactile sense, shocking experiences, sense of smell, experience of bad smell, experience of premodern senses, culture of diction, poetry of story, sense of hearing, collective migration, changes in sensory culture, community sense, sense of taste, experiences in Manchuria
Alternative Title
The Division of Senses in Korean Poetry in the Late Colonial Period
Alternative Author(s)
Shen Xian Yu
일반대학원 국어국문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구목적 1
2. 연구사 검토 6
3. 연구방법 및 연구대상 12

Ⅱ. 근대화의 진전과 감각의 재편 21
1. 시각의 전면화와 그 의미 21
2. 시각 중심성에 대한 반성 26

Ⅲ. 근대문명의 감각적 수용과 거부 38
1. 촉각을 통한 근대의 충격적 체험 38
2. 후각을 통한 근대의 배설물과 악취의 체험 45

Ⅳ. 전근대적 감각 체험의 근대적 변용 58
1. 구술문화의 전통과 이야기 시의 청각성 59
2. 청각으로 그려지는 현실 공간 69

Ⅴ. 집단 이주의 경험과 감각 문화의 변화 79
1. 공동체적 감각으로서의 미각 80
2. 만주 체험과 새로운 감각 문화의 형성 94

Ⅵ. 결론 104

조선대학교 대학원
신선옥. (2012). 일제말기 한국 시에 나타난 감각의 분화 과정 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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