연결제진을 이용한 기존 비정형 구조물의 내진보강
- Author(s)
- 황지훈
- Issued Date
- 2012
- Abstract
- Recently, the magnitude and frequency of earthquake is getting increased all over the world. Specially, in Sichuan of China, Haiti, Indonesia and etc, most structures that lack seismic design are damaged by the disasters followed by lose of human life. The awareness of the importance of using seismic design to structure has been significantly increases. The Korean peninsula has been considered as a relatively safe region to earthquake. However, small to medium magnitude earthquakes have been occurred and the seismic frequency as well as the magnitude is getting increased. As a result, our country and the neighboring countries government as well as different non-governmental agencies are taking in to consideration the past experience of earthquake damage and are taking majors. Because of this the seismic design criteria and seismic standard is continuously revised. It is applied for existing structures to enhance the seismic performance based on US-seismic design method and Japanese limit state design methods. Based on these two methods of seismic performance evaluation criteria, here it is dealt with a typical structure. In addition, as it is practiced in many parts of the world, the case studies on seismic design structures to meet the performance requirement though damage was discovered. For example, the damage of two structures by collision and expansion at expansion joint during earthquake has been reported. This report was based on the seismic resistance design of each building connected by expansion joint and during earthquake damages around joint either collision or expansion is occurred. This study focused on the Japanese seismic performance evaluation using capacity spectrum method was conducted for a typical structure and a nonlinear time history analysis for two structures connected by expansion joint, first the seismic performance of the two structures are evaluated separately and with inducing dampers then the effect of expansion joint during earthquake is investigated.
- Alternative Title
- Seismic Retrofit of Old Irregular Shaped Building Using Interaction Vibration Control
- Alternative Author(s)
- Hwang, Ji Hoon
- Department
- 일반대학원 건축공학과
- Advisor
- 최재혁
- Awarded Date
- 2012-08
- Table Of Contents
- 제1장 서론
1.1 연구 배경 및 목적 1
1.2 기존의 연구 3
1.3 연구내용 및 방법 6
제2장 능력스펙트럼 (Capacity Spectrum Method)을 이용한 기존 비정형 구 조물의 내진성능평가
2.1 개요 및 성능목표 8
2.2 능력스펙트럼법 (Capacity Specturm Method, CSM) 8
2.2.1 요구스펙트럼 (Demend Specturm) 10
2.2.2 능력스펙트럼 (Capacity Spectrum) 12
2.2.3 등가감쇠 (Equivalent Damping) 13
2.2.4 유효감쇠 (Effective Damping) 14
2.2.5 응답감소계수 (Spectrum Reduction Factor) 15
2.2.6 성능점 및 성능수준 평가 16 성능점 산정 17 성능수준에 대한 평가 18
2.2.7 비정형성 고려 20 비정형성 검토항목 20
2.2.8 조적벽체 고려 22
2.2.9 해석방법 25 해석모델 25 횡하중의 수직분포 25 구조요소의 모델링 26 부재별 모델링 파라메터, 허용기준 및 성능수준의 판정 27
2.3 대상구조물의 내진성능평가 30
2.3.1 대상 구조물 개요 30
2.3.2 모델링 34
2.3.3 요구스펙트럼(Demand Spectrum) 산정 36
2.3.4 능력곡선(Capacity Curve) 산정 36
2.3.5 성능점(Performance Point) 산정 38
2.3.6 구조물 전체에서의 내진성능 판정 40
2.3.7 부재별 내진성능 판정 41 성능점에서의 소성힌지 분포 41 성능점에서의 요구성능 불만족 부재 45
2.4 소결 50
제3장 일본내진진단법을 이용한 기존 비정형 구조물의 내진성능평가
3.1 개요 51
3.1.1 1차 진단법 51
3.1.2 2차 진단법 52
3.1.3 3차 진단법 52
3.1.4 내진성능의 판정방법 52
3.2 구조내진지표() 52
3.2.1 내진성능의 평가 방법 53
3.2.2 보유성능 기본지표 (E0) 57
3.2.3 강도지표(C) 60
3.2.4 연성지표(F) 65
3.3 대상구조물의 내진성능평가 67
3.3.1 1차 내진진단 68
3.3.2 2차 내진진단 69
3.4 소결 72
제4장 비선형 시간이력해석(Nonlinear Time History Anal ysis)을 통한 지진응답특성
4.1 비선형 시간이력해석(Nonlinear Time History Analysis) 73
4.1.1 수정 다케다(Modified Takeda Type) 이력모델의 개요 74
4.1.2 지진하중 75
4.1.3 해석 방법 78
4.2 비선형 시간이력해석 결과 78
4.2.1 최상층 응답 변위 78
4.2.2 최상층 응답 가속도 83
4.2.3 주기 응답 88
4.2.4 층간 변위비 93
4.3 대상 구조물간 충돌 및 이격 가능성 검증 96
4.4 소결 100
제5장 연결제진시스템을 적용한 대상 구조물의 지진응답특성
5.1 연결제진구조물의 지진 응답 해석 개요 101
5.2 비선형 시간이력해석을 통한 연결제진시스템의 보강 효과 검증 104
5.2.1 해석모델 104
5.2.2 제진성능곡선 107
5.3 연결제진시스템을 적용한 대상 구조물의 지진응답결과 111
5.3.1 응답 변위 111
5.3.2 응답 가속도 117
5.3.3 주기 응답 123
5.3.4 응답 변위 분석을 통한 충돌 및 이격 128
5.4 소결 131
제6장 결론 132
참고문헌 133
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 황지훈. (2012). 연결제진을 이용한 기존 비정형 구조물의 내진보강.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/9597
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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- Embargo2012-08-09
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