기업결합규제의 합리화방안

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The Study on reasonable schemes about regulation of enterprise combining

Kim, Ku-Jong
Advisor: Prof. Kwon, Sang-Ro
Department of Law
Graduate School of Chosun University

Generally enterprise combining conducted for purpose of corporate existence and growth may bring higher efficiency to the market which the consolidating companies belong to, but they are likely to cause anticompetitive effect. For this anticompetitive side effect enterprise combining are under considerable regulation world-wide, and Korea also prohibits enterprise combining which substantially restrict the competition in the certain line of business.
Types of enterprise combining prohibited by the Monopoly Regulation and Fair Trade Act(FTA) are listed in Article 7. Also, according to Korean Merger Guidelines(Guideline) established by Korean Fair Trade Commission(KFTC), formation of control is required between the consolidating companies to the extent that the companies could be treated as single competing unit.
The purpose of this study is to propose the problems and improvement schemes about enterprise combining regulations through comparative study between foreign law system and domestic law system and analysis of KFTC's cases.
Types of enterprise combining according to the FTA and the requirement of formation of control according to the Guidelines are highly important factors in considering a enterprise combining since whether a merger is subject to the antitrust regulation is determined by those standards. Thus a enterprise combining which is not listed as the prohibited enterprise combining stipulated in the Act will not be subject of enterprise combining examination, and even though the enterprise combining conforms to one of the prohibited types, it will not be deemed as the anticompetitive enterprise combining by the KFTC if it lacks the requirement of formation of control.
Hence this article will survey types of enterprise combining which are subject of regulation under the Act and the requirement of formation of control with emphasis on provisions of the FTA and the Guideline, and it also will survey analyse decisions by KFTC on those matters.
To make an improvement in enterprise combining remedies system, conditional approval of enterprise combining transactions might be considered in the first place. Conditional approval of merger transactions, the system allows KFTC to clear the enterprise combining if the commitments suggested by merging parties address anticompetitive effects raised by enterprise combining, could be a meaningful measure to achieve effectiveness of remedies and foreseeability of merging parties. Reformation of enterprise combining remedies guideline can also contribute to stabilization of enterprise combining regulation system by codifying preference of structural measures and standards of imposing remedies.
In addition, by forcing KFTC to instruct the reason of why they impose certain measures and giving interested parties the opportunities being heard on the remedies, misuse of discretion of KFTC could be prevented and transparency of enterprise combining regulation procedures could be guaranteed. Furthermore, as a means of proper monitoring of implementation of remedies, the introduction of trustee system might be also necessary for the accomplishment of the object of enterprise combining regulation.
Alternative Title
The Study on Reasonable Schemes about Regulation of Enterprise Combining
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Ku Jong
조선대학교 법학과
일반대학원 법학과
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Table Of Contents
【목 차】

제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 3

제2장 기업결합의 개념 및 유형 6
제1절 기업결합의 개념 7
1. 기업결합의 의의 7
2. 기업결합의 기능 9
제2절 기업결합의 유형 12
1. 기업결합 수단에 따른 분류 13
2. 경쟁제한 효과에 따른 분류 20
3. 조직에 의한 분류 25
제3절 기업결합의 동향 27
1. 수단별 기업결합 동향 27
2. 유형별 기업결합 동향 29
3. 대규모 기업집단의 기업결합 29

제3장 기업결합의 규제 31
제1절 기업결합 규제의 판단기준 32
1. 기업결합 규제의 이론적 근거 33
2. 관련시장의 획정 38
3. 경쟁 제한성 47
제2절 기업결합규제의 예외 57
1. 효율성 증대를 위한 기업결합 58
2. 도산기업의 구제를 위한 기업결합 62
제3절 기업결합의 효과 65
1. 시정조치 66
2. 이행강제금 70
3. 벌칙 70

제4장 기업결합규제에 대한 입법례 72
제1절 미 국 72
1. 근거법 72
2. 기업결합 가이드라인(Merger Guidelines) 79
3. 기업결합의 규제 83
4. 효율성의 항변 88
제2절 유럽연합 92
1. 규제내용 92
2. 효율성의 항변 107
제3절 일 본 112
1. 기업결합의 의의와 유형 114
2. 기업결합의 유형 114
3. 기업결합의 신고 118
4. 효율성의 항변 122
제4절 소 결 124

제5장 기업결합규제의 합리화방안 128
1. 공정거래위원회의 행정입법 129
2. 경쟁제한성의 추정 요건 131
3. 효율성 증대 평가 133
4. 예외 인정 요건 135

제6장 결 론 137

참고문헌 140
[표 목 차]

수단별 기업결합 동향(2008~2010년) 27
계열사․비계열사간 기업결합 동향(2008~2010년) 28
유형별 기업결합 동향(2008~2010년) 29
공정거래위원회의 시정조치 유형 66
기업결합 위반유형별 시정실적 67
개정 HMG에 따른 경쟁제한성 판단 82
조선대학교 대학원
김규종. (2012). 기업결합규제의 합리화방안.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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