傳燈新話와 金鰲新話의 內容 比較硏究

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Comparative Analysis of Jeon-dung Mythology and
Gum-o Mythology

Adviser : Prof. HAN JONG WAN. Ph.D
Department of Chinese Language and Literature, Graduate School of Chosun University

It could be seen that the origin of Korean literature was started from tales. It was the general flow that novels of new genre by grafting creative idea and thought of authors based on tables of aspect of simple story was born. Among them, new change was occurred to the history of Korean literature by reaching ‘Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話, novels of Kim, Si Seub, the first Korean novels written by Chinese characters) in the early of Joseon Dynasty passing through ‘biography (傳記)’ in the early of Goryeo and the end of Silla and ‘Gajeon (假傳: the form of biography by personifying objects)’ of Goryeo. Because Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話) of Kim, Si Seub which recorded relatively faithfully in the aspect of contents and form by breaking away from the forms of narrative literatures in the past.
Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話) worked as a flare to inform change as fictional biography that broke away the novel of inherited form completely at that time. However, many scholars criticized that Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話) imitated Jeondeungshinwha (剪燈新話: short stories of Gu, Wu) which was written by Gu, Wu of Ming Dynasty. There is few counterviews to acknowledge Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話) as the first Chinese character novel of Korea. However, there are similar contents in the aspect of contents and composition, and cases that two works are similar are occurring in succession, so it is true that to put weight in some degree on the imitation of Jeondeungshinwha (剪燈新話).
Not a few scholars in existence suggest various research results whether Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話) imitated Jeondeungshinwha (剪燈新話) or created. Consequently, it could be possible that Kim, Si Seub who read Jeondeungshinwha (剪燈新話) could express the phases of the time at that time as writings by adding some materials or he could give vent to his anger for his present situations by borrowing Jeondeungshinwha (剪燈新話). Only, the writercame to have doubts about that Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話) is how much similar to Jeondeungshinwha (剪燈新話) and which influence was given to novel literatures of Korea by Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話). Therefore, it would be investigated the similarities and differences of two novels by making progress of comprehensive comparative study for Geumoshinwha (金鰲新話) and Jeondeungshinwha (剪燈新話), and solved the curiosities.
Alternative Title
傳燈新話와 金鰲新話의 內容 比較硏究
Alternative Author(s)
일반대학원 중어중문학과
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Table Of Contents
〈目 次〉

제 1 장 序論 1
제 1 절 硏究 目的 1
제 2 절 硏究方法 2

제 2 장 《剪燈新話》와《金鰲新話》의
作品比較 및 繼承關係 4
제 1 절 作家의 生涯 4
2.1.1 瞿佑 4
2.1.2 金時習 7
제 2 절 作品의構成 10
2.2.1 《剪燈新話》 10
2.2.2 《金鰲新話》 12
제 3 절 作品의性格 14
2.3.1 《剪燈新話》 14
2.3.2 《金鰲新話》 16
제 4 절 동아시아에서의 受容樣相 18
2.4.1 《剪燈新話》와《傳奇萬綠》 19
2.4.2 《傳奇萬綠》와《金鰲新話》 20

제 3 장 《剪燈新話》와 《金鰲新話》의
內容比較 23
제 1 절 〈萬福寺樗蒲記〉와〈滕穆醉遊聚景園記〉
比較 23
제 2 절 〈李生窺墻傳〉과〈翠翠傳〉比較 28
제 3 절 〈醉遊浮碧亭記〉와〈鑑湖夜泛記〉
比較 32
제 4 절 〈南炎浮洲志〉와〈令狐生冥夢錄〉
比較 36
제 5 절 〈龍宮赴宴錄〉과〈水宮慶會錄〉比較 41

제 4 장 《剪燈新話》와《金鰲新話》의
思想比較. 44
제 1 절 佛敎的思想 44
제 2 절 儒敎的思想 46
제 3 절 道敎的思想 48

제 5 장 結論 50

參考文獻 52
조선대학교 대학원
정선미. (2011). 傳燈新話와 金鰲新話의 內容 比較硏究.
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