팔맥교회혈에 관한 체계적 연구

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1. This article arranges the contents systermatically which appear in various literatures on a basis of previous studies placing emphasis on Palmaekgyohoehyeol (八脈交會穴).

2. The beginning of Palmaekgyohoehyeol (八脈交會穴) was 『Chimkyungginam (鍼經指南)』of『Duhankyung (竇漢卿)』in Geum dynasty, and since then, its content is found in medical books such as 『Bojaebang (普濟方)』,『Chimgudaesung (鍼灸大全)』,『Chimgudaesung (鍼灸大全)』, and is application has expanded from ancient time up to modern time.

Palmaekgyohoehyeol (八脈交會穴) consists of 8 spots of both upper and body: Kongson (公孫), Naekwan (內關), jokium (足臨泣), Oekwan (外關), Hukye (後谿), Sinmaek (申脈), Yeolkyeol (列缺), Zohae (照海) in limbs where Kikyeongpalmaek (奇經八脈) and Sibizeongkyeong (十二正經) meet. Kongson (公孫), Naekwan (內關), Oekwan (外關), Yeolkyeol (列缺) belong to Lackhyeol (絡穴), Sinmaek (申脈) and Zohae (照海) each belong to Kisihyeol (起始穴) of Yanggyomaek (陽矯脈) and Emgyomaek (陰矯脈). And Hukye (後谿), Ium (臨泣) belong to Yuhyeol (睮穴) of Oyuhyeol (五睮穴).

Looking at the major treating methods, the symptoms of Kikyeongpalmaek (奇經八脈) are pain of Kyeonglack yujubuwi (經絡 流注部位), and fever, the symptom of Sibizeongkyeong (十二正經) is mainly Sidongbyeong (是動病). Considering that it didn't mention Sosaengbyeong (所生病), which is Buzilhwan (腑疾患), the treating range of Kikyeongpalmaekhoehyeol (寄經八脈八會穴) is getting rid of bad energy in meridian system. Kongson (公孫) - Naekwan (內關) mainly treat the ailment of the heart, and the chest. Hukye (後谿) - Sinmaek (申脈) treats Sinhububyeong (身後部病) which is the ailment of Suzoktaeumkyeong (手足太陽經). jokium (足臨泣) - Oekwan (外關) treats Cheumyeonbubyeong (側面部病) which is Suzoktaeumkyeong (手足少陽病). Yeolkyeol (列缺) - Zohae (照海) treats generally sickness of chest.

3. ‘Palmaekdobaengchizeughyeol (八脈圖病治症穴)’, which is written by Yangkyeju (楊繼洲), is a book with the locations and treating methods of Kikyeongpalmaek (奇經八脈) from 『Chimgudaesung (鍼灸大成)』.

가. Yangkyeju (楊繼洲) researched the spots through historical literature in ‘Kohyeol (考穴)’, quoted Gabu (歌賦) written by ‘Seokangwol (西江月)’ in ‘Chibaeng (治病)’, quoted treating methods in 『Chimgudaesung (鍼灸大全)』written by ‘Seobong (徐鳳)’ in his book Seossi (徐氏)’, and the name was edited to ‘Yangssichizeung (楊氏治症)’, later adding ‘Palbeobhyeolchibyeongka (八法穴治病歌)’.

나. Considering the cirulation route, there might be an interrelation between Kikyeongpalmaek (奇經八脈) and elements of Kikyeongpalmaek (奇經八脈). However, there is a more certain interrelation between Ujukyeongno (流注經路) which is arranged by Jukaeksangeu (主客相合). In additon, there are a lot more similarities although they are apart from each other, and each of them has its own treating method as well.

다. Palmaejjuchizeung (八脈主治症) in『Chinkyeongginam (鍼經指南)』written by Dumuk (竇黙) was developed into three forms by posterity. First of all, there are three books which succeeded to ‘Sang-Ha combinational rule (上下配合法)’ quoting Palmaejjuchizeung (八脈主治症) of Dumuk (竇黙) : ‘Jeongpalhyeolsojae (定八穴所在)’ written by Wangkukseo (王國瑞), ‘Dussipalhyeol (竇氏八穴) by Gomu (高武), and ‘Palbubjuchibaehabpaljo (八法主治配合八條) by Wu Hwen (吳崑).

The second group reformed Palmaejjuchizeung (八脈主治症) of Dumuk (竇黙): ‘八法穴治症歌’ written by Yangsun (楊珣), ‘Palbeobchizeungka (八穴治病歌)’ by ‘Wangka (汪機)’, and ‘Palmaekpalhyeoljuchiga (八脈八穴主治歌)’ by Wu Hwen (吳崑) .

The third group partially borrowed Du (竇)'s eight odd meridans main treatment symptoms (八脈主治症), develope new treating methods, and emphasized that ‘Ju-ng combinational rule (主應配合法)’ combining many different spots according to symptom, not being tied down to ‘Sang-ha combinational rule (上下配合法)’ : ‘Palmaejjuchibyeongka (八穴主治病歌) written by Seochunbo (徐春甫), ‘Palmaekdobaengchizeughyeol (八脈圖病治症穴) by Yangsun (楊珣).

4. In his book 『Chinbangyukgib ․ Bangtonggib (鍼方六集ㆍ旁通集)』, Wu Hwen (吳崑) in Ming Dynasty found the relation around spots between Eight odd meridans and Sibizeongkyeong (十二正經), and combined 2 spots according to the location of main treatment symptoms and main treatment symptoms.

5. On the basis of combining and mixing rules of Palmaekgyohoehyeol, acupuncture and treatments using Palmaekgyohoehyeol focusing 『Chimgudaesung (鍼灸大全)』, and the corelation between acupuncture and medicine in terms of treating ailments focusing 『Chinbangyukgib ․ Bangtonggib (鍼方六集ㆍ旁通集) 』.
Alternative Title
A Systematic Study on Palmaekgyohoehyeol
Alternative Author(s)
Kim, Jang Saeng
조선대학교 보건대학원
보건대학원 대체의학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차


제1장 序 論 1
제1절 硏究動機 1
제2절 先行硏究 檢討 2
제3절 硏究의 範圍와 方法 5

제2장 八脈交會穴의 形成背景 및 易理 6
제1절 八脈交會穴의 形成背景 및 展開 6
제2절 八脈交會穴의 穴性 및 機能 7
1. 公孫 7
2. 內關 8
3. 足臨泣 8
4. 外關 8
5. 後谿 9
6. 申脈 9
7. 列缺 9
8. 照海 10
[표 1] 八脈交會穴의 分類 圖表 10
제3절 八脈交會穴의 易理 11
1. 運氣理論과 相關性 11
가. 運氣의 正邪化日 11
나. 異常氣化 災害宮 12
2. 八脈交會穴의 易卦配屬 13
가. 八卦九宮數 13
[그림 1] 팔괘구궁수도 13
[표 2] 침구치료 九宮數表 14
나. 八脈交會穴과 八卦의 配合 14
[표 3] 九宮八卦와 八會穴의 배속관계표 14
3. 靈龜八法의 易理와 使用法 15
가. 靈龜八法의 易理 15
나. 靈龜八法의 開穴法 및 使用法 16
(1) 靈龜八法의 開穴法 16
(2) 靈龜八法의 使用法 17
4. 飛騰八法의 易理와 使用法 17
가. 飛騰八法의 易理 17
나. 飛騰八法의 開穴法 및 使用法 17
(1) 飛騰八法의 開穴法 17
[표 4] 時干, 八卦와 八穴의 배속관계표 18
(2) 飛騰八法의 使用法 18
제4절 考察 19
[표 5] 八穴配屬九宮表 19

제3장 八脈交會穴의 組合 및 配合原理 20
제1절 八脈交會穴의 組合 및 配合原理 20
1. 公孫 內關 20
2. 臨泣 外關 21
3. 後谿 申脈 21
4. 列缺 照海 22
제2절 八穴配合歌 22
제3절 八脈交會穴의 配合原理에 관한 各家學說 23
1. 公孫과 內關의 配合 23
2. 臨泣과 外關의 配合 24
3. 後谿과 申脈의 配合 24
4. 列缺과 照海의 配合 25
제4절 考察 25
[표 6] 八法交會八脈 26

제4장 八脈交會穴의 治症法 27
제1절 鍼灸大成의 八脈圖竝治症穴 27
1. 衝脈과 公孫 27
가. 公孫ㆍ內關 主客相應 27
나. 西江月 28
다. 主應配穴法 28
2. 陰維脈과 內關 30
가. 內關ㆍ公孫 主客相應 30
나. 西江月 30
다. 主應配穴法 30
3. 督脈과 後谿 31
가. 後谿ㆍ申脈 主客相應 31
나. 西江月 31
다. 主應配穴法 32
4. 陽蹻脈과 申脈 33
가. 申脈ㆍ後谿 主客相應 33
나. 西江月 33
다. 主應配穴法 33
5. 帶脈과 臨泣 34
가. 臨泣ㆍ外關 主客相應 34
나. 西江月 35
다. 主應配穴法 35
6. 陽維脈과 外關 36
가. 外關ㆍ臨泣 主客相應 36
나. 西江月 36
다. 主應配穴法 37
7. 任脈과 列缺 38
가. 列缺ㆍ照海 主客相應 38
나. 西江月 39
다. 主應配穴法 39
8. 陰蹻脈과 照海 41
가. 照海ㆍ列缺 主客相應 41
나. 西江月 41
다. 主應配穴法 41
제2절 治症法에 關한 各家學說과 有用性 論爭 43
1. 治症法에 關한 各家學說 43
가. 王國瑞 43
나. 徐鳳 43
다. 楊繼洲 44
라. 吳昆 44
2. 八脈交會穴에 대한 有用性 論爭 45
가. 高武 45
나. 汪機 45
다. 李梴 45
라. 吳昆 45
제3절 考察 46

제5장 八脈交會穴의 主治症과 鍼灸 및 藥物處方의 相關關係 48
제1절 主治症의 相關性 48
제2절 奇經八脈과 八脈交會穴의 主治症 49
1. 衝脈과 公孫穴 49
가. 經絡의 循環經路 49
나. 衝脈爲病과 公孫穴의 主治症 50
2. 陰維脈과 內關穴 51
가. 經絡의 循環經路 51
나. 陰維脈爲病과 內關穴의 主治症 53
3. 督脈과 後谿穴 54
가. 經絡의 循環經路 54
나. 督脈爲病과 後谿穴의 主治症 55
4. 陽蹻脈과 申脈穴 56
가. 經絡의 循環經路 56
나. 陽蹻脈爲病과 申脈穴의 主治症 57
5. 陽維脈과 外關穴 58
가. 經絡의 循環經路 58
나. 陽維脈爲病과 外關穴의 主治症 59
6. 帶脈과 臨泣穴 60
가. 經絡의 循環經路 60
나. 帶脈爲病과 臨泣穴의 主治症 60
7. 任脈과 列缺穴 62
가. 經絡의 循環經路 62
나. 任脈爲病과 列缺穴의 主治症 63
8. 陰蹻脈과 照海穴 64
가. 經絡의 循環經路 64
나. 陰蹻脈爲病과 照海穴의 主治症 65
제3절 八脈交會穴과 鍼灸 및 藥物處方의 相關性 66
1. 『鍼方六集ㆍ旁通集』의 揆八法 66
가. 揆八法一 66
나. 揆八法二 67
다. 揆八法三 67
라. 揆八法四 68
2. 鍼과 藥의 相關關係 69
가. 申脈, 後谿穴 69
나. 臨泣, 外關穴 70
다. 公孫, 內關穴 71
라. 列缺, 照海穴 72
[표 7] 鍼과 藥物의 相關性 73
제4절 考察 73

제6장 總括 및 結論 75

참고문헌 80
김장생. (2011). 팔맥교회혈에 관한 체계적 연구.
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