편마비장애인의 신체 균형능력 평가도구 개발에 관한 연구

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A Study for the Development of Clinical Measures
on Balance Abilities in Hemiplegia Disabled
- Centered on Rasch Analysis -

It is essential for the evaluation of the balance abilities to help individuals with hemiplegic stroke for their medical rehabilitation. However, the organized information of functional evaluation tools is not available, despite of the importance of using accurate and rational tools. Therefore, some of the evaluation tools have meaningless items to be examined or would cause an imminent danger while performing evaluation for the people with specific disabilities, even though the tools are generally used in clinical fields. Those tools have to be carefully reassessed for use as a clinical measuring instrument. That is because using inappropriate clinical evaluation tools would lead to decrease in the rehabilitation effect which eventually being treated, based on the evaluation outcome for the individuals with disabilities.

Currently widely used Korean version of Berg Balance Scale (hereafter ‘BBS’) is widely an evaluation tool for aged and disabled populations and it has been also used to examinate the balance abilities of the disabled with hemiplegic stroke. Thus it would result in a doubtful accuracy to the ultimate goal of evaluation because physical characteristics called 'hemiplegic stroke' was not considered in the evaluation.

Therefore, this study was to analyze how - ⅵ -each items of the Korean version of BBS would work on the balance abilities of people with hemiplegic stroke. In this study BBS was verified through the Rasch Analysis to see if the BBS, which is widely being used for elderly or general disabled populations to evaluate balance abilities, also fits for the people with hemiplegic stroke. And the purpose of this study was also to suggest, with this ground, the reorganized BBS for people with hemiplegic stroke and ultimately to help them to improve gait and ambulation abilities which lead to assist their independent living and social participation.

A total number of participants were 202 people (males 59%, females 41%) diagnosed with hemiplegic stroke in this study (mean age = 58.0 years; post-disease duration = 20 months).
Data for 186 people after deducting 16 people who were excluded as unfits was reevaluated through Rasch analysis utilizing a software called 'Winsteps' (version 3.71.01) to identify the validity and reliability of the Korean version of the BBS clinical measures for hemiplegic stroke populations.

The results were as follows: 2 out of 14 items in total ("tandem standing" & "standing on one leg") were found to be 'Unfits'. The most difficult item was "tandem standing". And "standing on one leg" and "stool stepping" was next in order of difficulty for the disabled with hemiplegic stroke. The easiest item was "sitting unsupported". Re-analyzed results with the remaining 12 items except 2 unfit items came out test "stool stepping" and "sitting unsupported" were the most and the least level of difficulty, respectively, for the disabled with hemiplegic stroke.
The probability curves for a well-functioning five-category maintained independent in terms of rating scale categories using Rasch analysis for Korean-version BBS in this study.

Hemiplegic stroke mostly occurs among adults and aged people who normally have social and financial responsibilities in their family. Therefore, the rehabilitation of hemiplegic stroke patient has very important social meaning as well as individual. Thus, this study would give directly relevant and meaningful suggestion for hemiplegic stroke patients to precisely assess their balance abilities by considering hemiplegic stroke at the examination stage for clinical decision making before rehabilitation service to be rendered.

Key Words: balance abilities, Berg Balance Scale, clinical measures, hemiplegia.
Alternative Title
A Study for the Development of Clinical Measures on Balance Abilities in Hemiplegia Disabled: Centered on Rasch Analysis
Alternative Author(s)
Song, chiang soon
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 사회복지학과
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제 1 장 서론····································1

제 1 절 연구목적······································1

제 2 절 연구범위와 방법·····························4
1. 연구범위··············································4
2. 연구방법··············································5

제 2 장 이론적 배경····························6

제 1 절 편마비장애인 재활의 이해···················6
1. 편마비장애인의 개념과 특성·························6
2. 편마비장애인의 재활·································8

제 2 절 신체 균형능력의 평가······················10
1. 신체 균형능력의 개념·······························10
2. 편마비장애인의 균형능력 평가의 중요성 ··········11
3. 신체 균형능력의 평가·······························13
- ⅰ -
제 3 절 평가도구개발의 접근방법···················16
1. 고전검사이론··········································17
2. 문항반응이론··········································17

제 4 절 라쉬분석의 접근방법·························19
1. 라쉬모형의 의의······································19
2. 라쉬 분석의 유용성··································22

제 3 장 연구설계································25

제 1 절 평가도구······································25
1. 버그균형척도(BBS)··································25
2. 스마트 발란스 마스터 시스템(SBMS)··············26

제 2 절 자료수집······································29
1. 연구참여자의 선정···································29
2. 연구과정··············································30

제 3 절 자료분석 방법································32

제 4 장 분석 및 논의··························34

제 1 절 라쉬분석을- ⅱ - 이용한 버그균형척도 평가 ····34
1. 단일차원모형의 적합도······························34
2. 버그균형척도의 분리 통계치 ·······················37
3. 항목의 난이도········································37
4. 평정척도의 모형······································41

제 2 절 재구성된 버그균형척도······················42
1. 재구성된 BBS 항목의 분리지수와 분리신뢰도·····42
2. 항목의 난이도········································42
3. 평정척도 분석········································46
4. SBMS와 재구성된 BBS 상관관계··················47
5. 요인분석··············································47

제 3 절 분석결과의 논의······························47

제 5 장 결론···································50

제 1 절 연구결과의 요약·····························50

제 2 절 연구의 의의 및 향후 연구방향··············52


버그균형척도(BBS) 평가지··················65
송창순. (2011). 편마비장애인의 신체 균형능력 평가도구 개발에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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