아밀로이드베타 결합단백질의 확인과 특성분석

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아밀로이드베타 결합단백질의 확인과 특성분석

지도교수: 박 일 선
조선대학교 대학원

베타-아밀로이드(Aβ)는 알츠하이머 질병의 주요 병인이다. 일반적으로 이 펩타이드는 세포의 내부 및 외부 과정을 통해 caspase를 활성화 시킴으로써 세포 사멸을 유도하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 그러나 본 연구에서는, 세포사멸 유도 단백질(caspase-9)과 Aβ의 새로운 상호 작용을 발견하였고, 이 상호작용으로 인해 일반적으로 세포 독성을 유발하는 것으로 알려져 있는 Aβ가 세포사멸을 억제 할 수 있음을 확인하였다. 세포 배양액에 첨가한 Aβ42는 stausporine에 의해 유도되는 DEVDase의 활성과 세포사멸을 억제하였다. 이것은 Aβ42 단백질이 Apaf-1 apoptosome의 형성을 억제하고 caspase-9과 -3의 활성화를 억제한 결과이다. 구체적으로 Aβ42는 pro-caspase-9과 결합하여 apoptosome 형성과 procaspase-9의 효소 활성을 저해하고 이는 세포사멸 신호전달을 막는다. 그러나 이러한 현상은 CARD-deleted caspase-9에서는 발견할 수 없었다. 따라서 caspase-9의 CARD 도메인이 Aβ 의 상호작용에 매우 중요한 부분임을 확인하였다. 또한 세포사멸 억제효과는 epithelial HeLa와 osteosarcoma MG63 세포에서 현저하게 많이 나타나며, 상대적으로 neuroblastoma SHSY5Y에서는 약하게 나타난다. 결과적으로, Aβ 펩타이드와 caspase-9은 상호작용 결과 inclusion body를 형성함으로써 세포사멸을 억제함을 확인하였다.
알츠하이머 질병은 Aβ의 축적에 의해 유발되는 질병이다. 그러나 본 연구에 의하면 말토오스 결합 단백질(MBP)는 Aβ 펩타이드의 축적을 막는다. MBP는 Aβ의 fibrillogenesis 초기단계에 결합하며, 펩타이드가 고비율로 존재할 때 fibril 형성을 효과적으로 억제한다. MBP는 Aβ 단량체 random coil에서 β - 시트 구조로의 펩타이드 전이를 차단하고 그 결과 다양한 Aβ 중간체가 형성되어 축적된다. 흥미롭게도, 축적된 oligomeric Aβ의 독성은 neuroblastoma SHSY5Y 세포에서 상대적으로 낮다. 결론으로, MBP는 Aβ fibrilogenesis의 nucleation 과정을 억제하고 펩타이드를 무독성 oligomeric 형태로 변형시킴으로써 Aβ 의 축적을 막는다.
또한, 천연 플라보노이드인 Keampferol - 3 – rhamnoside(K-3-rh)가 Aβ42의 축적과 세포독성에 미치는 영향을 결합 메커니즘을 통해 관찰하였다. 이 플라보노이드는 Aβ 세포 독성 억제 효과와 fibril 형성, 확장, 이차구조의 변형 등 항- amyloidogenic 효과가 있었다. 높은 농도의 K-3-rh 존재시 작은 oligomeric Aβ가 축적되는데 이로 인해 세포독성 유도 과정을 세포독성이 없는 과정으로 변형된다.|Identification and characterization of amyloid beta interacting proteins

Md. Golam Sharoar
Advisor: Prof. Il-Seon Park
Department of Biomaterials
Graduate School of Chosun University

Amyloid β (Aβ) is a major constituent of diffuse plaques in Alzheimer’s disease. The peptide has been known to cause cell death through intra- and extracellular processes including apoptosis in which caspases are activated. The present study, however, identified a new interaction of Aβ peptide with caspase-9 and showed that the cytotoxic peptide also has an anti-apoptotic function. Extracellular Aβ42 decreased DEVDase activity and MTT reduction induced by staurosporine treatment. This was due to inhibitory effects of the peptide on the assembly of Apaf-1 apoptosome and consequent activation of caspase-9 and -3. Aβ42 was found to interact with the pro form of caspase-9 which prevents the recruitment of the caspase to the apoptosome. Aβ peptide also inhibited the enzyme activity of procaspase-9. The interaction was not detected with CARD-deleted caspase-9, implying the importance of the domain in the interaction. Notably, the anti-apoptotic effect was robust in epithelial HeLa and osteosarcoma MG63 cells, while it was relatively weak in neuroblastoma SHSY5Y cells. Finally, the consequent of the interaction was found to form the caspase-9 inclusion body.
Aggregation of Aβ peptide is an important event in the development of the disease. An extracellular chaperone like protein, called maltose binding protein (MBP), was utilized to inhibit the assembly of the peptide. The protein found to be interacted to Aβ peptide at an earlier stage of assembly process and effectively inhibited the fibril formation at higher molar ratio to the peptide. MBP also blocked the transition of the peptide from monomeric random coil to secondary β-sheet structure. The consequences of inhibition, several intermediate Aβ species were accumulated. Interestingly, the accumulated oligomeric species were less toxic to the human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. The results suggested that MBP preferentially hinder the nucleation step of Aβ fibrilogenesis and modulated the peptide to non-toxic oligomeric conformation.
Further, the effect of a natural flavonoid, Keampferol-3-rhamnoside (K-3-rh), on Aβ42 aggregation and cyto-toxicity was investigated to better understand the assembly mechanism. The flavonoid was effective against Aβ mediated cytotoxicity in dose dependent manner. Anti-amyloidogenic properties of K-3-rh found to be efficient in inhibiting fibril formation, fibril extension, fibril disintegration and secondary structural transformation of the peptide. Several oligomeric structures were observed in presence of higher concentration of the compound. The data indicated that K-3-rh might be converted the aggregation pathway of Aβ peptid to form off-pathway oligomers.
Alternative Title
Identification and characterization of amyloid beta interacting proteins
Alternative Author(s)
Md. Golam Sharoar
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 생물신소재학과
Prof. Il-Seon Park
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
CONTENTS…………………………………………………… i
LIST OF FIGURES…………………………………………… v
초 록…………………………………………………………… 1

I. INTRODUCTION…………………………………………… 3-17
I-1. Amyloid beta peptides………………………………………… 3
I-2. Aggregation of Aβ peptide and cytotoxicity.………… 4
I-3. Interaction Aβ with plasma membrane and receptor proteins. 7
I-4 Cellular internalization of Aβ and interaction with
intracellular proteins………………………………………… 8
I-5. Aβ induced apoptosis and cell death………………… 11
I-6. Inhibition of Aβ aggregation and cytotoxicity by proteins …12
I-7. Inhibition of Aβ aggregation and cytotoxicity by chemicals… 15
I-8. Outline of the thesis……………………………………… 17

II-1. Materials………………………………………………… 18
II-2. Preparation of amyloid beta peptides……………… 19
II-3. Cell culture and cell death assay…………………… 19
II-4. Measurement of DEVDase activity…………………20
II-5. Preparation of cell extracts and cell free system……21
II-6. Analysis of cytochrome C release…………………… 21
II-7. Western blot analysis……………………………………22
II-8. Chromatographic analysis of apoptosome assembly22
II-9. Immunoprecipitation…………………………………………… 23
II-10. Immuno cyto-chemistry……………………………… 24
II-11. Immuno histochemistry……………………………… 24
II-12. Production of recombinant caspases…………… 25
II-13. Binding assay with purified proteins…………………26
II-14. Measurement of purified caspase activity using synthetic substrates………… 26
II-15. Purification of MBP………………………………… 26
II-16. Th T assay……………………………… 27
II-17. Circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopy…………… 28
II-18. Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM)…………29
II-19. Detection of Aβ structural species by SDS-PAGE and
Immunoblotting………………………………………… 29

III-1. Aβ inhibits mitochondria mediated apoptosis by
interacting with procaspase-9 …………………………30
III-1-1. Aβ42 induced cell death are independent of
DEVDase activity …………………………………… 30
III-1-2. Aβ42 suppresses activation of DEVDase……… 33
III-1-3. Aβ42 suppresses apoptosome formation …………36
III-1-4. Extract prepared from Aβ42-treated cells is
less active in formation of apoptosome………… 39
III-1-5. Binding of caspase-9 to Aβ and formation of
inclusion body……………………………………… 41
III-1-6. CARD domain is important for the binding of
procaspase-9 to Aβ42…………………………… 43

III-2. Extracellular protein, MBP, interfere Aβ aggregation
and accumulates non toxic oligomers …………48
III-2-1. MBP inhibits fibrilogenesis of Aβ42……………………48
III-2-2. MBP regulates the Aβ42 aggregation and
accumulates oligomeric species………………………50
III-2-3. TEM analysis of accumulated Aβ42 intermediate
species…………………………………………… 53
III-2-4. MBP potentially interferes the nucleation step of
fibrilogenesis………………………………………… 55
III-2-5. MBP inhibits the secondary structural transition
of Aβ42 ………………………………………………… 58
III-2-6. MBP showed protective effect against Aβ42
mediated cytotoxicity………………………………60
III-3. A natural flavonoid, keampferol-3- rhamnoside,
inhibits the Aβ aggregation and cytotoxicity……… 66
III-3-1. K-3-rh inhibits Aβ mediated cell death like other
III-3-2. K-3-rh inhibits Aβ42 polymerization and fibril
extension and disintegrates mature fibrils…………70
III-3-3. K-3-rh inhibits the structural transition of Aβ42… 73
III-3-4. K-3-rh accumulates oligomeric species of Aβ42 …75
III-3-5. TEM observation of K-3-rh accumulated Aβ42
oligomeric species…………………………………77

IV. REFERENCES………………………………………… 82-100

V. ABBREVIATIONS……………………………………… 101

VI. ABSTRACT………………………………………………… 103



Fig. 1. Amyloid plaques, processing of amyloid precursor
protein (APP) and aggregation of Aβ peptides…………………. 6
Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of cytotoxic effects of Aβ through
interaction to membrane receptors and intracellular proteins… 10
Fig. 3. A model for molecular chaperone suppression of Aβ
mediated neurotoxicity……………………………………………. 14
Fig. 4. Aβ42 induced DEVDase activity and cell death………………… 32
Fig. 5. Inhibitory effects of Aβ42 on DEVDase activity and
cell death induced by STS ……………………………………….. 35
Fig. 6. Effect of Aβ42 on cytochrome c release, processing of
caspases, DFF, Bid and the formation of Apaf-1 apoptosome… 38
Fig. 7. Analysis of the Aβ42-treated cell extract ………………………. 40
Fig. 8. Aβ42 interacts with caspase-9 and form inclusion body ……… 42
Fig. 9. Binding of Aβ42 with purified proteins and its effects
on enzymatic activity………………………………………………. 44
Fig. 10. Summary of proposed model for effect of Aβ on cells death... 46
Fig. 11. Inhibition of Aβ42 fibril formation by MBP …………………….. 49
Fig. 12. MBP accumulates the oligomeric Aβ42………………………... 52
Fig. 13. TEM analysis of accumulated Aβ42 species…………………... 54
Fig. 14. Effects of MBP on Aβ42 fibrillogenesis kinetics ……………… 57
Fig. 15. CD analysis of Aβ42 structural transformation………………... 59
Fig. 16. Inhibition of Aβ42 cytotoxicity by MBP…………………………. 61
Fig. 17. Chemical structures of flavonoids with previously
reported anti-amyloidogenic molecules ……………………….. 68
Fig. 18. Effects of flavonoids on Aβ42 induced cellular toxicity ……… 69
Fig. 19. K-3-rh inhibits of Aβ42 fibrillogenesis………………………….. 72
Fig. 20. K-3-rh inhibits structural transformation of Aβ42……………… 74
Fig. 21. Biochemical characterization of accumulated Aβ42 species… 76
Fig. 22. TEM study of K-3-rh effects on Aβ42 fibrilogenesis
and preformed fibrils …………………………………………….. 78
샤로아 고람 무하마드. (2011). 아밀로이드베타 결합단백질의 확인과 특성분석.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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