브루스 나우만 작품에 나타난 반전통주의적 성향과 인간 언어와 행위의 부조리성

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Anti-Conventionalism and the Absurdity
of Human Language and Behavior in Bruce Nauman's Work
-Study in Comparison with the Theatre of the Absurd,
by Samuel Beckett-

Choi, Insun
Advisor : Prof. Jin, Won-Jang
Department of Art
Graduate School of Chosun University

Bruce Nauman is known as one of the omnivorous artists. Defying conventional artistic practice, Nauman has worked in almost every conceivable medium since 1965. Abandoning traditional mediums of art, Nauman freely chose his materials from neon, wax, cloth glass, aluminum foil, rubber, concrete, and steels. Since he also employed his own body, language, and human behavior his style of work naturally was gone from the traditional method.
Abandoning all traditional artistic methods and using the unconventional materials, Nauman has tried to stand for his original idea: the investigation of human behavior. Even though the range of his methodology is too wide and even complicated to place him in specific categories, his aesthetic goal has been always toward one point: "Art must be an investigative activity." He studied human behavior patterns in variety of physical and spatial environments. He said, "If art is making feeling, thought, or word visible so it may be acted upon, then art-making is a strategy for understanding human behavior, an arena in which the artist listens to and asks the aggressive questions surrounding ‘Who am I?' and 'What do I do?'. These questions have, in development of his work, become part of complex and sophisticated ontological investigation, and in this point, Nauman's work also can share with other cultural field, such as literature and philosophy, a concern with ontological subject: human being and human behavior. In both the style and the subject, Nauman's work goes beyond the boundary of limited art field. It goes among the field of Humanities' study.
The anti-conventional methodologies in style and human behavioristic subject in Nauman's work essentially can be compared with the theatre of the absurd, especially, by Samuel Beckett. is one of the representative theatres of the absurd. It reveals absurdity of human beings and behaviors through the methodology of destructing the conventional way: destructing the conventional way of thinking, talking, behaving. Both in style and subject Nauman and Beckett share their goals, one in art field and the other in literature field.
Alternative Title
Anti-Conventionalism and Absurdity of Human Language and Behavior in Bruce Nauman's Work
Alternative Author(s)
Choi, Insun
조선대학교 일반대학원 미술학과
일반대학원 미술학과
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Table Of Contents
목 차

ABSTRACT ------------------------------------------------------------- vii
I. 서론 --------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1. 연구목적 ---------------------------------------------------------- 1
2. 연구방법 및 범위 ------------------------------------------------ 2

II. 브루스 나우만의 작품분석 ------------------------------------ 4
1. 양식적 접근 ------------------------------------------------------ 5
A. 반전통적 물질탐구 ---------------------------------------------- 7
a. 비예술적 물질 탐구 ------------------------------------------- 8
b. 작가의 정체성 탐구 ------------------------------------------- 11
c. 추상화/객관화 ------------------------------------------------- 13
d. 공간개념 탐구 ------------------------------------------------- 14
e. 언어개념 탐구 ------------------------------------------------- 17
B. 인간행위의 관찰과 기록 --------------------------------------- 19
a. 가능한 모든 인간행위 탐구 ----------------------------------- 19
b. 관찰과 기록 --------------------------------------------------- 21
c. 우연 또는 창조적 상황/행위 탐구 ---------------------------- 23
d. 위협과 감시 --------------------------------------------------- 24
2. 문화사적 접근 -------------------------------------------------- 28
A. 언어이미지작업에 나타난 언어학적 해체 -------------------- 29
a. 언어학적 관점에서의 언어해체 ------------------------------- 30
b. 상황을 지배하는 언어 ----------------------------------------- 35
B. 비디오, 설치작업에 나타나는 문화사적 주제 ---------------- 42
a. 인간존재의미 탐구 -------------------------------------------- 42
b. 실존주의, 부조리극의 문학적 범주와의 연계성 --------------- 45

III. 사뮤엘 베케트의 부조리극과 의 작품세계 ---------------- 47
1. 부조리극 ----------------------------------------------- 47
A. 실존주의와의 관계 ---------------------------------------------- 47
B. 부조리의 개념 --------------------------------------------------- 48
2. 작품분석 ---------------------------------- 50
A. 사뮤엘 베케트---------------------------------------------------- 50
B. 의 형성 배경 -------------------------------- 51
C. 의 형식적 특성 ----------------------------- 52

IV. 두 작가의 작품에 나타난 반전통주의적 성향
분석 -------------------------------------------------- 54
1. 전통적 언어해체 ------------------------------------------------- 54
2. 전통적 형식해체 ------------------------------------------------- 57
A. 내용과 형식의 일치 --------------------------------------------- 57
B. 비극과 희극의 중간단계 ---------------------------------------- 58
C. 기승전결의 구성 파괴 ------------------------------------------- 59
D. 반대개념의 대치와 전복 ------------ -------------------------- 59

V. 두 작가의 작품에 나타난 인간존재와 행위의 부조리성 ---------------- 61
1. 언어의 부조리성 ------------------------------------------------- 61
A. 명제에서 오는 불분명성 ---------------------------------------- 61
B. 언어의 한계성: 소통능력의 상실 ------------------------------ 63
C. 표기와 의미와의 불완전성 -------------------------------------- 66
D. 언어의 한계성극복 ---------------------------------------------- 69
2. 인과관계를 상실한 순환적 구조 ------------------------------- 75
3. 유희성/희극성 ---------------------------------------------------- 80
4. 임의성/우연성 ---------------------------------------------------- 83
5. 광대의 존재 ------------------------------------------------------- 84
6. 물리적 위협 ------------------------------------------------------- 87
A. 죽음으로 부터의 공포 ------------------------------------------- 87
B. 육체적 고통 ------------------------------------------------------ 90
C. 긴장과 폐쇄공포증적 강박관념 --------------------------------- 91
D. 사회적, 관계적 폭력 -------------------------------------------- 92
7. 실존주의적 주제: 부조리성 -------------------------------------- 94

VI. 브루스 나우만과 사뮤엘 베케트의 작품에 나타난
포스트모더니티 (Postmodernity) ---------------------- 97
1. 포스트모더니티 -------------------------------------------------- 97
2. 관습적 언어의 전복 --------------------------------------------- 98
3. 낯설게 하기 ------------------------------------------------------ 99
4. 기이함과 우연 --------------------------------------------------- 100

VII. 결론 ------------------------------------------------------------ 102
1. 본문요약 ---------------------------------------------------------- 102
2. 연구의의 ---------------------------------------------------------- 103

참고문헌 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 105
참고도판 ---------------------------------------------------------------- 109
최인선. (2011). 브루스 나우만 작품에 나타난 반전통주의적 성향과 인간 언어와 행위의 부조리성.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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