환경위해성을 고려한 단지조성계획 수립에 관한 연구

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Establishment of a Complex Development Plan Based on Environmental Risk

Myung Nho Il Advisor: Prof. Shin Dae-Yewn Ph. D.Department of Environment and Biological EngineeringGraduate School of Chosun University

This study analyzed the various applications of Health Impact Assessment(HIA) with respect to domestic introduction thereof, and examined the health impact from major projects subject to HIA.
HIA systems in Korea are classified into HIA systems run by the Ministry of Environment and diverse policy and development projects run as model projects by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Prior Environmental Review Systems(PERS) and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) run by the Ministry of Environment, are representative preventive measures for environmental protection, and are aimed at providing a healthy and pleasant quality of life for the public through environmental criteria defined at the national level with respect to environmental impact arising from administrative planning or development projects. Physical factors like air quality, water quality, noise, and vibration were added to the hygiene and public health items in EIA from 2010. Health Impact Assessments run by the Ministry of Health and Welfare, while not mandated by law, deal with health issues in their social, economic, cultural aspects, rather than environmental factors.
Among nations that actively operate HIA systems, the UK has HIA systems pursuant to various statutes that include several stages, including screening, scoping, appraisal, decision-making, monitoring, and evaluation. Canada has been running EIA since 1973, and some provinces conduct HIAs during the decision-making process. In the U.S. many HIA proceedings are conducted with EIA, because HIA are included in EIA. WHO supports HIA in a number of countries in consideration of type, level, and distribution of health impact.
First, we forecast the qualitative level of health impact arising from plans by focusing on the Second Industrial Location Supply Plan, the highest plan related to the formation of industrial complexes using EIA techniques. Quantitative analysis was difficult to undertake due to the characteristics of the plan.
For petroleum refineries, which emit VOCs, quantitative evaluation found that levels of benzene exceeded base standards for hazard risk. These results can be used in effective management of physical factors that can influence health as well as corrective reduction measures.
For Urban Management Planning which is the highest level plan for urban development, this study sought out means to apply health impact to designated plans in use regions and areas etc; and as a result of forecasting impact factors, forecast the occurrence of air pollution and noise due to an increased number of vehicles and railways. Results of application of HIA to housing development projects and incinerator construction projects in new towns indicated that cancer risk for most carcinogens exceeded standards at the highest locations at each collection point. This result indicates that construction of high buildings in areas adjoining incinerators is undesirable, and that measures to lower carcinogens are needed.
In this study we compared HIA systems among several countries, and after determining the main projects that could impact human health, applied HIA to major projects. Results of HIA for areas adjoining major projects were arranged, and the degree of viability of HIA in Korea was able to be confirmed. The results of this study can be provided to decision makers and affected groups for complexes utilizing HIA to maximize positive effects and minimize negative effects, and can be helpful in promoting the health of residents.
Alternative Title
Establishment of a Complex Development Plan Based on Environmental Risk
Alternative Author(s)
Myung, Nho Il
조선대학교 대학원 환경생명공학과
일반대학원 환경공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
List of Tables ⅴ
List of Figures ⅹ
List of Appendix ⅺ

I. 서 론 1

II. 이론적 배경 3
A. 건강영향평가제도의 개념 3
1. 건강의 정의 3
2. 건강영향평가의 정의 3
3. 건강영향평가의 분류 3
B. 환경건강영향평가제도 5
1. 환경부 5
2. 보건복지부 7
C. 외국의 환경건강영향평가제도 8
1. 영국 8
a. 건강결정요인 8
b. 건강영향평가 절차 9
c. 건강영향평가 단계별 수행 사항 11
(1) 스크리닝 11
(2) 범위선정 11
(3) 잠재적 건강영향평가 12
2. 캐나다 12
3. 미국 14
4. 호주 15
5. 뉴질랜드 19
6. 네덜란드 20
7. 스웨덴 20
8. 독일 21
9. WHO 21

III. 연구방법 26
A. 건강영향평가 방법 26
1. 건강영향평가 수행방법 26
2. 국가별 건강영향평가의 특징 28
3. 국가별 건강영향평가 내용 및 수행방법 29
B. 건강영향평가방법의 적용 31
1. 건강영향평가방법의 국내 적용 31
2. 도시개발지역 소각로 설치사업 33
3. 석유정제시설단지 조성사업 34

IV. 결과 및 고찰 36
A. 산업단지 조성사업의 건강영향평가 36
1. 산업단지 공급계획 36
a. 산업단지 공급계획 분석 36
(1) 목적 및 계획 기간 36
(2) 산업단지공급계획의 기본방향과 추진전략 36
(3) 지역별 산업단지공급계획 40
(4) 산업단지공급계획 40
b. 건강영향 분석 및 평가 45
(1) 인구집단 분석 45
(2) 건강영향평가 스크리닝 45
(3) 스코핑 47
(4) 건강영향평가 형태 결정 48
(5) 제안내용별 잠재적 건강영향 48
c. 산업단지 조성사업의 건강영향 50
2. 석유정제시설단지 조성 52
a. 산업단지 지정계획 분석 52
(1) 계획 개요 52
(2) 계획의 배경 및 목적 52
(3) 사업의 기대효과 52
(4) 토지이용 계획 53
b. 사업지역 분석 56
(1) 입지현황 56
(2) 토지이용현황 56
c. 건강영향 분석 및 평가 65
(1) 건강영향평가에 활용 가능한 통계목록 65
(2) 인구집단 분석 67
(3) 건강영향평가 스크리닝 72
(4) 스코핑 74
(5) 산업단지 조성사업의 건강영향 75
B. 택지조성사업의 건강영향평가 105
1. 도시 관리계획 105
a. 도시 관리계획에 대한 건강영향평가 적용 105
(1) 용도지역 지정 106
(2) 용도구역 109
(3) 용도지구 110
b. 고찰 116
(1) 환경 영향 116
(2) 건강영향의 종류 및 내용 117
(3) 중점평가항목 및 영향범위 117
(4) 건강결정요인 118
2. 택지개발사업 119
a. 사업 분석 119
(1) 사업내용 119
(2) 사업의 배경 및 목적 120
b. 분석 및 평가 121
(1) 인구집단 분석 121
(2) 스코핑 127
(3) 택지개발사업의 건강영향 128
3. 도시개발지역의 소각로 설치사업 137
a. 노출평가 137
(1) 중금속 배출량 산정 137
(2) 노출평가 방법 139
(3) 모델링 예측결과 140
b. 위해성 평가 143

Ⅴ. 결 론 147

참고문헌 148

조선대학교 대학원 환경생명공학과
명노일. (2010). 환경위해성을 고려한 단지조성계획 수립에 관한 연구.
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