중소기업의 학습조직 수련이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 권동호
- Issued Date
- 2010
- Keyword
- learning organization, organization effectiveness
- Abstract
A Study on the Effects of Learning Organization Discipline in Small and Medium Enterprises on the Perceived Organization Effectiveness
- Based on the theory of Peter Senge -
Kwon Dong Ho
Advisor : Prof. Lee Kang-Ok, Ph. D.
Department of Business Administration,
Graduate School of Chosun University
In this study, we have searched points how the learning organization training factor of Peter Senge affects on organization effectiveness, how it works on learner's job satisfaction, organizational commitment and organizational performance, also in relation learning organization training factors how learning organization training and learner's individual characteristics have an effect on organization effectiveness. Survey data from 165 small and medium enterprises(SM enterprises) of 315 enterprises participating in the learning organization supports promoted by HRD KOREA can be summarized as follows.
Hypothesis 1 is what the learning organization training have positive influence on organizational effectiveness. The first, the fact that all the learning organization training factors have significant correlation with job satisfaction means that higher level of learning organization training result in higher job satisfaction. In limitless competition society, workers build up their knowledge effectively by learning to enhance their competitiveness, and job satisfaction created by high job performance based on new technologies and knowledge will maximize the competitiveness of individuals and business.
The second, the fact that all the learning organization training factors have significant correlation with organizational commitment means that higher level of learning organization training result in higher organizational commitment. Recently learning trend in SM enterprises prefer informal learning that can learn directly, easily and quickly by job-expert in work-site to formal learning that spend a lot of cost and time to invest in learning. Therefore learning efficiency is outstanding and organizational commitment is maximized in this informal learning.
The third, the fact that all factors of learning organization training have significant correlation with organizational performance means higher level of learning organization training result in higher level of organizational performance. So for making higher organizational performance, learning organization training must provide many chances of self-realization to help learner create fundamental values being aimed by individuals during ordinary job (individual learning). And learning organization must make environment or system that can communicate flexibly with each other by suggesting one’s opinion and respecting another’s opinion (group learning). Also learning organization should form a consensus of between individual and organization through communication between them, and make environment that can improve level of systemic thinking to enlighten cyclical cause-and-effect relationship within parts or dynamic relationship (organization learning). As learning effect turn up slowly, it is easy to be overlook importance of that, also it is so difficult to measurement objectively. Therefore learning activity should be evaluating, analysis, and feedback by performance indicators that can objectify organization performance.
Hypothesis 2 is what the positive influence for organization effectiveness affected by the learning organization training depends on strength level of growth desire of control variables. The result of investigation is follows;
The first, the relationship between learning organization training and job satisfaction made the value of R2 increase to R²=.5637 that control variables and theory variables by learner’s growth desire strength are reflected and R²=.5692 that these variables and interaction variables by learner’s are reflected.
The second, the relationship between learning organization training and organizational commitment made the value of R2 increase to R²=.5588 that control variables and theory variables by learner’s growth desire strength are reflected, and R²=.5621 that these variables and interaction variables by learner’s are reflected.
The third, the relationship between learning organization training and organizational performance made the value of R2 increase to R²=.4741 that control variables and theory variables by learner’s growth desire strength are reflected, and R²=.4788 that these variables and interaction variables by learner’s are reflected.
To sum up, the value of R2 by regression analysis reflecting three variables(control variables, theory variables and interaction variables) is higher than the value of R2 by regression reflecting control variables and theory variables
Consequently, on the relations between learning organization training and organization effectiveness, we know that the learner whose growth desire strength is high has more positive influences than low.
Hypothesis 3 is what the positive influence for organization effectiveness affected by the learning organization training depends on the job characteristic. The result of investigation is follows;
The first, the relationship between learning organization training and job satisfaction made the value of R2 increase to R²=.4638 that control variables and theory variables by job characteristics are reflected and R²=.4732 that these variables and interaction variables by that are reflected.
The second, the relationship between the learning organization training and organizational commitment made the value of R2 increase to R²=.5443 that control variables and theory variables by job characteristics are reflected and R²=.5559 that these variables and interaction variables by that are reflected.
The third, the relationship between learning organization training and organizational performance made the value of R2 increase to R²=.4702 that control variables and theory variables by job characteristics are reflected and R²=.4748 that these variables and interaction variables by that are reflected.
To sum up, the value of R2 by regression analysis reflecting three variables(control variables, theory variables and interaction variables) is higher than the value of R2 by regression analysis reflecting control variables and theory variables
Consequently, on the relations between learning organization training and organization effectiveness, we know that the learner whose job characteristics is high has more positive influences than low.
Hypothesis 4 is what the positive influence for organization effectiveness affected by the learning organization training depends on strategic leadership level of administrator. The result of investigation is follows;
The first, the relationship between learning organization training and job satisfaction made the value of R2 increase to R²=.4605 that control variables and theory variables by strategic leadership level of administrator are reflected and R²=.4701 that these variables and interaction variables by that are reflected.
The second, the relationship between the learning organization training and organizational commitment made the value of R2 increase to R²=.6368 that control variables and theory variables by strategic leadership level of administrator are reflected and R²=.6380 that these variables and interaction variables by that are reflected.
The third, the relationship between learning organization training and organizational performance made the value of R2 increase to R²=.4913 that control variables and theory variables by strategic leadership level of administrator are reflected and R²=.5013 that these variables and interaction variables by that are reflected.
To sum up, the value of R2 by regression analysis reflecting three variables(control variables, theory variables and interaction variables) is higher than the value of R2 by regression analysis reflecting control variables and theory variables.
Consequently, on the relations between learning organization training and organization effectiveness, we know that the administrator whose strategic leadership level is high has more positive influences than low.
key words : learning organization, organization effectiveness
- Alternative Title
- A Study on the Effects of Learning Organization Discipline in Small and Medium Enterprises on the Perceived Organization Effectiveness
- Alternative Author(s)
- Kwon Dong Ho
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 경영학과
- Advisor
- 이강옥
- Awarded Date
- 2011-02
- Table Of Contents
- 목 차
제 1 장 서 론 1
제 1 절 문제제기 및 연구의 목적 1
제 2 절 연구 범위와 방법 4
제 3 절 연구의 구성 5
제 2 장 학습조직의 이론적 배경 6
제 1 절 학습조직의 개념과 특징 6
1. 학습조직의 정의 7
2. 학습조직의 특징 9
제 2 절 학습조직의 이론 15
1. Senge의 학습조직 이론 15
2. Pedler, Burgoyne & Boydell의 학습조직 이론 18
3. Garvin의 학습조직이론 20
4. Watkins & Marsick의 학습조직 이론 22
제 3 절 선행연구 분석 27
1. 국외 선행연구 27
2. 국내 선행연구 31
제 4 절 학습조직 구축전략 35
1. Willard의 구축전략 35
2. Lewin의 구축전략 35
3. 학습조직 구축의 리더십 역할 36
4. 학습조직 구축의 장애요인 38
제 5 절 중소기업 학습조직 특성 40
1. 중소기업 지식경영과 학습조직 40
2. 중소기업 학습조직의 중요성 42
3. 중소기업 학습특성과 학습조직 46
4. 중소기업 학습조직화지원 50
제 6 절 조직유효성 이론 55
1. 조직유효성 개념 55
2. 조직유효성 접근방법 56
3. 조직유효성 측정지표 59
4. 조직유효성 구성요소 60
5. 학습조직과 조직성과의 분석적 모델 68
제 7 절 직무특성모형 70
제 3 장 연구모형 및 가설 설정 73
제 1 절 연구모형 설계 73
제 2 절 가설의 설정 74
제 3 절 자료의 수집 및 표본의 특성 83
1. 표본의 대상 및 자료의 수집 83
2. 표본의 특성 84
3. 변수의 조작적 정의 84
4. 설문지 구성 및 측정 88
5. 자료의 분석방법 89
제 4 장 실증분석 및 가설 검증 90
제 1 절 조사의 설계 90
1. 표본의 구성 90
2. 설문의 구성 91
3. 변수의 요인분석 92
4. 변수의 신뢰성 및 타당성 분석 94
제 2 절 가설 검증 96
1. 학습조직 수련과 조직유효성 관계 96
2. 학습조직 수련과 조직유효성 관계에 있어서 성장욕구강도 99
3. 학습조직 수련과 조직유효성 관계에 있어서 직무특성 101
4. 학습조직 수련과 조직유효성 관계에 있어서 관리자의 전략적 리더십 103
5. 학습조직 수련이 조직성과에 미치는 영향에 대한 인구통계적변수에 따른 차이 105
제 5 장 결 론 125
제 1 절 연구결과 요약 125
제 2 절 연구결과 시사점 130
참고문헌 132
설 문 지 145
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 권동호. (2010). 중소기업의 학습조직 수련이 조직유효성에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/9016
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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