성인지적장애자녀의 자립정도가 부모의 부양부담에 미치는 영향

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성인지적장애자녀, 장애자녀자립, 부양부담

A study on the? influences that adult children with intellectual disabilities self-support can to their parent's support charge

Mi-yi Yun
Advisor : Namsoon Kim, Ph.D.
Department of Special Education,
Graduate School of Chosun University

This study aims to examine the influences of child's self-support on support charge in parents supporting adult children with intellectual disabilities. In order to achieve this purpose, this study used 243 samples in the survey of actual condition on the self-support methods of adult children with intellectual disabilities conducted by Gwangju Metropolitan City which excluded missing data and non-response from raw data. Materials on general characteristics, self-support level, and support charge were used for the analysis of this study. Frequency analysis was applied to examine the demographic characteristics of the subjects and independent samples t-test was used to compare difference in sub-factors of support charge in relation to sex and national basic livelihood security program. Also, ANOVA was conducted to analyze support charge sub-factors in relation to age, education, class belonging, extra expenditure, and number of family living together. Correlation analysis was used to investigate the correlation between self-support level and support charge and multiple regression analysis was conducted to analyze the influences of child's self-support on parent's support charge
Finally, conclusions drawn from this study were summarized as follows.
First, for difference in support charge sub-factors in relation to demographic characteristics, no significant difference was found in sex, age, and education. For class belonging, the average of lower middle class was found high in economic support charge; for national basic livelihood security program, non-beneficiaries were found high; for extra expenditure, there was significant difference in all support charge sub-factors.
Second, for the correlation between self-support level and support charge, negative correlation was found between support charge and self-support level, suggesting high correlation. Lower self-support level of children with intellectual disabilities was correlated with high support charge in parents. In particular, while physical self-support was found higher compared to other self-support, economic self-support had low correlation with parents' economic support charge.
Finally, for the influences of child's self-support level on parent's support charge, physical self-support of children with intellectual disabilities only influenced physical and economic support charge in parents.
In conclusion, there was negative correlation between child's self-support and parent's support charge. In other words, as child's self-support level was lower, parent's support charge became higher, suggesting overall high correlation. The results of the study showed that in the self-support level of adult children with intellectual disabilities, only physical self-support had influences on physical and economic support charge in parents. Although self-support life is a transitional problem of adulthood, it is difficult for children with intellectual disabilities to achieve full self-support even in adulthood for their nature. While children with intellectual disabilities have high dependence on their parents, their parents become weak and feeble after middle age and their physical support charge may be weighted more and more. Also since lifelong education should be given continuously, their economic burden including rehabilitation and independence expenses and educational expenses may be increased.
Based on this result, this study makes a suggestion for further study as follows.
First, by providing individualized education, counselling, and case management suitable to the development stage of children with disabilities and parents' life cycle, when family builds reliability and close relationship, which makes parents psychological stable, parents may reduce their support charge and children may improve their adaptation to self-support.
Second, it is necessary to expand home care service to alleviate family support charge, prepare financial support measures including treatment and educational expenses, and develop useful programs directly applied to main supporter's real life.
Finally, previous research results suggest that parents with children with disabilities suffer from stress and depression caused by support charge in marriage relation more than parents without children with disabilities, resulting in higher divorce risk and lower marriage satisfaction. Thus family system therapy approach is urgently required across the family system and further research should conduct experimental research which applies family therapy programs to improve the close relationship of family system.
Alternative Title
A Study on influences of Self-Support Level on Parent's Caregiving Burden?in Adult Children with Intellectual Disabilities
Alternative Author(s)
Mi-yi Yun
일반대학원 특수교육학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

표목차 Ⅳ
그림목차 ⅴ

Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적 1
2. 연구문제 3
3. 용어의 정의 4

Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 5
1. 장애의 개념 5
2. 세계보건기구에서의 장애분류 6
1) 국제장애분류(ICDIDH) 6
2) 국제장애분류(ICDIDH-2) 7
3) 국제기능?장애?건강분류(ICF) 8
2. 지적장애의 개념 및 분류 9
3. 지적장애의 발생시기와 원인 10
1) 장애발생시기 10
2) 장애발생원인 11
4. 우리나라 지적장애인 현황 12
1) 연도?유형별 등록장애인 현황 13
2) 광주광역시 등록장애인 현황 14
(1) 장애유형?등급별 현황 14
(2) 장애유형?구별 현황 15
5. 부양부담에 관한 선행연구 16

Ⅲ. 연구방법 22
1. 연구대상자 22
2. 연구도구 22
1) 설문지구성 23
(1) 자립정도에 관한 문항 23
(2) 부양부담에 관한 문항 24
2) 설문지의 타당도와 신뢰도 25
(1) 신뢰도검증 25
(2) 타당도검증 26
3. 자료분석 28

Ⅳ. 연구결과 28
1. 대상자의 인구통계학적 특성에 따른 부양부담 30
1) 대상자의 인구통계학적 특성 31
2. 장애자녀의 자립정도와 부모의 부양부담간의 상관관계 40
3. 장애자녀의 자립정도가 부모의 부양부담하위요인에 미치는영향 41
1) 자립정도가 부모의 신체적부양부담에 미치는영향 41
2) 자립정도가 부모의 심리정서적부양부담에 미치는 영향 42
3) 자립정도가 부모의 경제적부양부담에 미치는 영향 43

Ⅴ. 논의 및 제언 43
1. 결론 43
2. 제언 45

참고문헌 47

부 록 51

신체적자립정도 관련문항의 인자적재행렬표 51
일반적특성설문지 55
부양부담설문지 56
자립능력설문지 57

국제기능?장애?건강분류 8
장애발생시기 10
장애원인 11
2003년~2008년까지 연도별, 유형별 등록장애인 현황 13
장애유형?등급별 장애인현황 14
유형별?구별 장애인현황 15
장애자녀부양부담과 관련한 선행연구 20
연구분석 문항구성 22
자립정도에 관한 문항 23
부양부담에 관한 문항 24
자립정도 관련문항척도의 신뢰도 25
양육부담 관련문항 척도의 신뢰도 26
양육부담 관련문항의 인자적재행렬 27
대상자의 인구통계학적 특성 30
성별에 따른 양육부담 하위요인 차이비교 31
연령에 따른 양육부담 하위요인 차이비교 32
남자학력에 따른 양육부담 하위요인 차이비교 33
여자학력에 따른 양육부담 하위요인 차이비교 34
계층소속감에 따른 양육부담 하위요인 차이비교 35
기초수급권여부에 따른 양육부담 하위요인 차이비교 36
동거수에 따른 양육부담 하위요인 차이비교 37
추가지출에 따른 양육부담 하위요인 차이비교 38
부양부담하위요인과 자립정도의 상관분석 49
자립정도가 신체적부양부담에 미치는 영향 40
자립정도가 심리정서적부양부담에 미치는 영향 41
자립정도가 경제적부양부담에 미치는 영향 42

ICIDH의 장애개념 도표 6
ICIDH-2장애개념 도표 7
조선대학교 대학원
윤미이. (2010). 성인지적장애자녀의 자립정도가 부모의 부양부담에 미치는 영향.
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