디지털 홀로그램을 이용한 DES 알고리즘의 암호성능 개선

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디지털 홀로그램|DES 알고리즘|쇄도효과|프레넬전파
Electrical, electronic and computer industries by developing personal and business use of electronic devices is increasing rapidly. National administration, finance, healthcare, education, welfare and community throughout the computerized systems were introduced.
But the computer H/W due to the development of information security concerns have increased. Accordingly, various encryption algorithms have appeared. But with the development of the computer attempts to cracking was frequent, which the DES algorithm, the algorithm is vulnerable to brute-force attack has become. The length of the secret key is limited to 56Bits the system is vulnerable to brute-force attack is abandoned. To resolve this problem, increase the length of the secret key of DES should be considered measures.

In this paper, 2 DES, 3 DES, unlike in the other algorithms can be used to mix and arrange a way to investigate. So, by applying the private key of the digital holograms is proposed to increase the length. For digital holographic images or holograms to create three-dimensional object out of the data in the form of white noise is produced. Use this information for the three-dimensional objects can be extracted, and the hologram itself is composed in the form of white noise represents the effect of encryption. 64bits of data for each pixel of a hologram that is composed of complex data. DES process before applying the hologram length of the secret key is used to increase to 184bits.
Thus, due to the convergence of the hologram and the DES D (H (p, k1), k2) to create structure out of the way encryption is proposed.
Alternative Title
Improvement of Cipher Performance in DES Algorithm using Digital Hologram
Alternative Author(s)
일반대학원 컴퓨터공학과
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Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
1. 연구배경 및 목적 1
2. 연구내용 및 방법 3

II. 관련연구 5
1. DES(Data Encrypted Standard) 5
1) DES의 암호화 과정 5
2) DES의 복호화 과정 14
3) DES의 전수키 공격에의 취약성 15
2. 디지털 홀로그램(Digital Holography) 17

III. 디지털 홀로그램을 이용한 DES의 성능개선 22
1. DES 알고리즘의 취약성 22
2. 제안 알고리즘 24
3. 홀로그램을 이용한 DES 암호화 기법 26
4. 홀로그램을 이용한 DES 복호화 기법 31
5. 성능 개선 평가를 위한 쇄도효과 측정 34

IV. 실험 및 성능평가 36
1. 실험 환경 36
2. 실험 결과 36
1) 입력 평문 데이터 36
2) 홀로그램으로의 변환 37
3) 홀로그램에 DES를 적용한 암호화 38
4) 암호문에 역DES를 취한 복호화 39
5) 홀로그램에 대한 쇄도 효과 측정 41

V. 결 론 42

참고문헌 44
조선대학교 대학원
노창오. (2010). 디지털 홀로그램을 이용한 DES 알고리즘의 암호성능 개선.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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