광주광역시 초중고 교사들의 치아외상에 대한 지식과 태도
- Author(s)
- 윤영미
- Issued Date
- 2010
- Abstract
- The purpose of this study is to evaluate the level of dental trauma management in elementary, middle and high school teachers using questionnaires. Total of 658, 325 elementary school teachers, 101 middle school teachers, and 232 high school teachers(males of 362, females of 296) were provided with the questionnaires. Part I in the questionnaires were about their gender, age, experience as teachers and whether they received education about dental trauma or not. Part II included questions about appropriate attitudes in case of occurrence of specific dental trauma. Part III was composed of questions asking knowledges about states of damaged teeth and possible emergency service.
The analysis of the questionnaires showed the following results.
1. Attitudes of elementary, middle and high school teachers about
the dental trauma
Among the teachers who responded to the questionnaires, 12.2% of elementary, middle and high school teachers answered that they have received education about dental trauma management. 87.7% of elementary school teachers, 87.1% of middle school teachers and 87.9% of high school teachers felt the necessity of education about prevention and management of dental trauma. 52.6% of elementary school teachers, 66.3% of middle school students and 67.7% of high school students felt the necessity of tooth protector.
2. Basic knowledge about dental trauma in elementary, middle and
high school teachers
Among teachers who responded to our questionnaires, 16.6% of elementary teachers, 26.7% of middle school teachers and 24.6% of high school teachers knew that replantation of extruded teeth is possible and 55.4% of elementary teachers, 46.5% of middle school teachers and 71.6% of high school teachers knew about the right treatment and method of carrying teeth before replantation. To the question asking if adhesion of fractured teeth is possible, 77.5% of elementary teachers, 62.4% of middle school teachers and 66.4% of high school teachers knew that it is possible.
As the result of this research, insufficient amount of knowledge and awareness about the management of dental trauma were shown in teachers of Gwangju Megalopolis. In conclusion, educational program for improvement of awareness about immediate management of teeth damaged by trauma is necessary for elemenatary, middle and high school teachers.
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- Embargo2011-03-03
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