강원지역 교외 대기질에 관한 연구

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대기오염측정망|교외대기|강원 대기질
The main objectives of this thesis were to investigate the properties of air quality in a suburb of Gangwon area for five years, from Jan. 2005 to Dec. 2009.
The thesis is based on analysis of monthly distribution of concentration and annual changes of SO2, O3, CO and NO2 at Goseong, Yanggu, Jeongseon and Heongseong observatory in Gangwon area.
BY each observatory, items and frequencies which exceeds atmosphere environmental standards have been analyzed.
Simple-correlation-analysis about relevance between the degree of air pollution and meteorological factors has been conducted by using measurements from the nearby Meteorological Administration.
Some of the measurement series carried out indicate that annual average air pollution level of SO2 has been kept constant without significant annual changes.
Annual average distribution of SO2 concentration in different localities was measured between 0.0014-0.0033ppm for five years.
Compare to other observatories, low SO2 concentration has been shown at Yanggu observatory and high SO2 concentration shown at Jeongseon observatory.
It is also shown that concentration of SO2 has been decreased steadily at most observatories.
There is no considerable concentration changes in O3 depending on each observatory and a certain degree of O3 concentration is maintained.
O3 concentration has been above average of Gangwon urban air quality.
Annual average distribution of O3 concentration in different localities has been observed between 0.0014-0.0033ppm for five years.
For the comparison with other observatories, Yanggu observatory showed high O3 concentration while Goseong observatory showed high concentration.
Observed concentration of CO has shown a gradual decrease without significant annual changes.
Annual average distribution of CO concentration in different localities has been observed between 0.3-0.5ppm for five years.
As compared with other observatories, low concentration of CO at Heongseong observatory is analyzed.
Concentration of NO2 has been kept constant without significant annual changes, but concentration gap among observatories is wide.
Annual average distribution of NO2 concentration in different localities is measured between 0.0034-0.0096ppm for five years.
In contrast with other observatories, measurement at Goseong and Yanggu observatory has shown low NO2 concentration but Heongseong observatory shown high concentration.
Observed data indicate that items of SO2, CO and NO2 of Local Ambient Air Quality observatories in Gangwon area meet all standards for hour, day and year, whereas O3 concentration exceeds a hour and eight hours Standard for concentration.
Results from the Simple-correlation-analysis and correlation of each item between meteorological factors and air pollution have been shown inverse-relationship except O3.
The measurements also show that O3 has high correlation with solar irradiance and high interrelationship according to items of O3, CO and NO2 has been analyzed.
Alternative Title
A Study on Local Ambient Air Quality in Gangwon
Alternative Author(s)
Yoon, kang il
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 국립환경연구원협동과정
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
List of Tables ⅳ
List of Figures ⅵ

제1장 서론 1

제2장 이론적 배경 3
제1절 대기오염의 영향 3
1. 대기오염의 정의 3
2. 대기오염의 영향 4
가. SO2 4
나. NO2 6
다. O3 7
라. CO 8
마. 미세먼지(PM10) 9
바. 그 밖의 대기오염물질의 영향 10

제2절 대기환경기준 11
1. 환경기준의 설정 목적 11
2. 환경기준의 설정 및 근거 11
3. 우리나라 대기환경기준 12

제3절 대기오염측정망의 현황 및 종류 13
1. 대기오염측정망의 현황 및 종류 13
2. 교외대기 측정망 13

제4절 대기오염 측정기의 원리 15
1. SO2 측정기의 원리 16
2. NO2 측정기의 원리 18
3. O3 측정기의 원리 19
4. CO 측정기의 원리 20
5. 먼지(PM10) 측정기의 원리 21

제5절 기상인자 22
1. 기 온 22
2. 습 도 22
3. 바 람 22
4. 일 사 량 22

제3장 연구내용 및 방법 23
제1절 연구내용 23
제2절 연구방법 25

제4장 결과 및 고찰 27
제1절 지역별 기상인자 27
1. 고성 27
2. 양구 30
3. 정선 32
4. 횡성 35

제2절 측정소의 지역별 농도변화 37
1. 고성 측정소 37
2. 양구 측정소 39
3. 정선 측정소 41
4. 횡성 측정소 43

제3절 측정소의 항목별 농도변화 45
1. SO2 45
2. O3 46
3. CO 47
4. NO2 48

제4절 측정소별 환경기준 초과횟수 49

제5절 대기오염도와 기상인자의 상관성 분석 51
1. 고성 측정소 51
2. 양구 측정소 52
3. 정선 측정소 53
4. 횡성 측정소 54

제5장 결론 55

References 57
조선대학교 대학원
윤강일. (2010). 강원지역 교외 대기질에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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