중국 차(茶)문화에 관한 연구

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중국 차 문화
China has as many cultures inside as its wide land. To understand a country, the most important thing is to know about the country's representing cultures. Therefore, in this writing, among Chinese cultures which have long history and tradition, investigations of Chinese tea culture which is deep inside chinese people's lives are shown. Also, aspects of changes of Chinese tea drinking manner has been researched at the same time.
This writing analyses tea cultures and drinking methods of Dang, Song, Won, Myung, and Chung dynasty.
In section 3, tea culture and drinking manner of Dang dynasty is shown and it is summarized as follows. From Dang dynasty, the meaning and use of tea started to change and this is due to first, the prevalence of Buddhism, second, enforcing gwageo-the highest level state examination to recruit ranking officials-system, third, enforcing tea offering system, fourth, growth of population and prohibition of drinking order, and fifth, growth of trade between south and north with Grand Canal. Also, in Dang dynasty when tea was spreaded to the public, drinking tea by pouring boiled water into the cup with tea leaves was a popular tea drinking methods.
In section 6, 10 most popular teas of China are shown. 10 most popular teas of China are changing continuously, and selection criteria is different from periods and people. In this writing, selection of 10 most popular teas of China is arranged by their tea types. Also, features of 10 teas are shown.
Based on long time tea history and academic researches, there are more than thousands of tea kinds in China, and popular teas are 676 kinds. After Dang dynasty, based on the support of government, lots of tea making methods have been developed to make high quality teas. Based on China's suitable nature and geographical condition, national concern and desire to spend, and academic, cultural background, China is developing popular teas continuously and leading worldwide tea industry and culture.
Together with rapidly growing economy of China, tea culture which is China's representing culture will also develop. Continuing researches of this must be accomplished and furthermore, more researches and interest in our tea culture and industry are expected.
Alternative Title
A study on the Culture of Tea in China:On the change of times of Chinese tea Drinking Metthods
Alternative Author(s)
Park, Ji Won
조선대학교 일반대학원
일반대학원 중어중문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
초록 4

제 1 장 서 론 6
1. 연구의 필요성과 목적 6
2. 연구의 범위 8
3. 연구사 및 연구 방법 9

제 2 장 중국차의 기원과 고대의 차 문화 13
제 1 절 중국차의 기원 13
제 2 절 중국 다도(茶道)와 다학(茶學)의 발전과정 16
제 3 절 중국 고대의 차 문화 및 차 산업 20

제 3 장 당대(唐代)의 차 문화와 음다법 25
제 1 절 당대의 차 문화 25
제 2 절 전다법의 다예(多藝) 29

제 4 장 송대(宋代)와 원대(元代)의 차 문화와 음다법 32
제 1 절 송대의 차 문화 32
제 2 절 점다법의 다예(多藝) 39
1. 점다법의 제다법 39
2. 점다법의 다예(多藝) 42
제 3 절 원대의 차 문화 46

제 5 장 명·청대(明·淸代)의 차 문화와 음다법 50
제 1 절 명·청대의 차 문화 50
1. 명대의 차 문화 50
2. 청대의 차 문화 53
제 2 절 차의 종류와 포다법 56
1. 차의 종류와 제다 기술의 발전 56
2. 다류별 포다법 59
제 3 절 포다법의 다예 64

제 6 장 중국의 10대 명차 67
1. 백호 은침(白毫銀針) 68
2. 서호 용정(西湖龍井) 69
3. 동정 벽라춘(洞庭碧螺春) 69
4. 황산 모봉(黃山毛峰) 71
5. 군산 은침(君山銀針) 71
6. 안계 철관음(安溪鐵觀音) 72
7. 몽정차(蒙頂茶) 74
8. 대홍포차(武夷大紅枹) 75
9. 기문홍차(祁門紅茶) 76
10. 운남보이차(雲南普洱茶) 77

제 7 장 결 론 79

참고문헌 82
조선대학교 일반대학원
박지원. (2010). 중국 차(茶)문화에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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