중국 언론의 객관성 개념과 그 변천: 문헌고찰과 언론보도의 내용분석

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Journalistic objectivity is not only the basic requirement in the practice of journalism but also the problems for practitional journalists. Journalistic objectivity was one of the major ideas in American society in 1920s, and was gradually developed into rules and principles for professional journalists. However, there revolved lots of questions surrounding the idea of journalistic objectivity in China. Some of the major questions revolving around journalistic objectivity in China include the following: What is the situation in which journalistic objectivity was developed in China? What is the procedure of the development of journalistic objectivity in China? What is the status of journalistic objectivity both in theory and in practice of journalism in China? What are the roles of journalistic objectivity in China? What are the characteristics of journalistic objectivity in China? What is the prospect of journalistic objectivity in China?

Academic research on journalistic objectivity in China is in an infant stage. So, in order to understand the development of journalistic objectivity in Chinese history, this thesis studies the procedure of the development of journalistic objectivity in China by literature review and by content analysis of news reports. First of all, literature review was conducted on scholastic opinions about journalistic objectivity between 1840 and 1949, during which the Chinese government was founded but the Chinese Communist Party was not in power yet. The objective of this literature review is to find out how journalistic objectivity was conceptualized by the scholars in those days, and to set out the theoretical basis of journalistic objectivity. Second, by content analysis of news media reports, this thesis studies the development of journalistic objectivity from 1949 to 2008, during which the Chinese Communist Party has been ruling China. Content analysis was conducted on the news media reports about the Great Leap Forward of China in 1958, reports about the Earthquake of Tangshan in 1976, and reports about the Earthquake of Sichuan in 2008 in order to find out the status of journalistic objectivity in China since the Communist Party's ruling. This completed and comprehensive research on journalistic objectivity in China can not only help journalists in understanding the development history of journalistic objectivity and in improving their professionalism, but also facilitate the practice of journalism.

Key words : Journalistic Objectivity, Content Analysis, Literature Review, Chinese Communist Party, Earthquake
Alternative Title
Journalistic Objectivity and its Conceptual Changes in China: Literature Review and Content Analysis of News Reports
Alternative Author(s)
Feng, Ying Ren
일반대학원 신문방송학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

제 1 장 서론 ······························································································1

제1절 객관보도사상의 기원과 개념······························································2
1. 기원································································································2
2. 개념································································································3
제2절 객관보도 사상의 중요성 ·································································6
1. 중요성 ···························································································6
2. 중국에서의 중요성 ·········································································7
제3절 객관보도 사상의 발전 ··································································8
1.공산당 집권 이전·············································································11
2.공산당 집권 이후 ·············································································13

제 2 장 문헌고찰·······················································································14
제1절 역사적 관점에서 본 객관보도 사상··················································14
제2절 객관보도 사상의 현황····································································15

제 3 장 연구문제 및 연구방법 ···································································17

제1절 연구문제······················································································17
제2절 연구방법 및 연구절차····································································18
제3절 분석대상······················································································18
제4절 분석방법······················································································20

제 4 장 연구 결과 ···················································································21
제1절 연구문제1····················································································21
1. 외국간행물의 진실 보도와 공정무위 원칙···········································22
2. 보도의 진실성과 언론인의 인격적, 경제적, 정치적 독립·······················22
3. 유신입헌 언론학파의 객관성 개념과 비당파성 언론사상 ······················23
4. 자산계급혁명파: 혁명완수의 수단으로서의 객관보도 사상 ··················25
5. 사실중시, 언론의 공정성, 사실과 논평의 구별····································26
6. 언론의 정치성과 사실보도 강조·······················································28
제2절 연구문제2···················································································30
1. 객관보도 사상의 쇠퇴·····································································30
1) 객관보도 쇠퇴기의 언론 보도·······················································32
(1) 재난시기:1959년-1961년····················································32
(2) 대약진 운동 ·····································································34
2) 문화혁명 ·················································································41
(1) “계급투쟁 강령” 방침··························································41
(2) 당산대지진 ·····································································42
2. 객관보도사상의 부활·····································································45
1) 정책 변화····················································································45
2) 사천 대지진 ·············································································49
(1) 지진에 관한 구체적 정황 보도············································49
(2) 단결을 호소하는 보도························································50
(3) 지방신문의 1면 뉴스 ························································51
(4) 텔레비전 ·········································································52
(5) 인터넷 ············································································53

제 5 장 요약 및 결론 ··············································································55
제1절 공산당 집권 이전 ·····································································55
제2절 공산당 집권이후 ········································································56
1. 객관보도 사상의 쇠퇴 ····································································56
2. 객관보도 사상의 부활·····································································57
1) 초기 학파와 개혁개방 이후의 관념과의 일치··································57
2) 객관보도 사상 발전단계로 진입···················································58


부 록 1: 기사내용·······················································································65
부 록 2: 대약진 시기의 과대, 과장을 반영한 포스터 ····································89
부 록 3: 지진 발생 2일째, 지방언론의 제1면 ··············································89
사 진 목 차
1958년 9월 15일 《인민일보》제1면 포스터 ··························36
2008년 5월 13일 《인민일보》제2면 포스터 ···························49
2008년 5월 17일 《인민일보》제4면 포스터 ···························50
대약진 시기의 과대, 과장을 반영한 포스터 ······························89
주요 지방신문의 제1면 ··························································89
조선대학교 일반대학원
풍영인. (2010). 중국 언론의 객관성 개념과 그 변천: 문헌고찰과 언론보도의 내용분석.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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