치주병환자 대상 치과위생사의 구강보건교육적 진단
- Author(s)
- 문애은
- Issued Date
- 2009
- Abstract
- Oral Health Educational Diagnosis of Dental Hygienist on Periodontal Patients
Ae eun Moon , B.S.
Advisor : Prof. Dong-kie Kim, D.D.S., M.S.D., Ph.D
Department of Public Health,
Graduate School of Health Science, Chosun University.
keyword; precede model, dental clinics, periodental patients, oral health education, dental hygienist.
Objectives; The prevalence of periodontal disease in adults has not been reduced in Korea. Since dental caries and periodontal disease are given much weight in the principal reasons of tooth extraction in adults, oral health education is very important to maintain and improve oral health in patients with periodontal disease in dental clinics. Thus this study is intended to analyze the perception and status of oral health education in dental hygienists who manage patients visiting dental clinics for periodontal disease and apply it to continuing research materials necessary to diagnose oral health education in dental clinics and develop systematic oral health education programs for periodontal disease care in adults.
Material and Methods; The questionnaire survey was conducted with 261 dental hygienists working at the dental clinics located in Gwangju Metro- politan City in 2009. Data analysis was done by Chi square test using SPSS 17.0.
1.In the analysis of subjects' primary duties, the highest duty was found in treatment assistance(60.2%) and oral health education accounted for 20.3%. The duty of oral health education was undertaken most frequently by those aged above 31(40.6%), those with more than five years experience(43.8%), those serving as treatment team leader(50.0%), and those married(40.3%). The comparison of dental hygienists' primary duties with marital status showed statistical significance(p<0.01)(Table 4).
2.In the analysis of the channel of acquiring the knowledge of oral health education, the knowledge was instructed most frequently by dentists(48.3%), followed by dental hygienist seniors(42.1%). The instruction by dental hygienist seniors was 11% higher in group practice(Table 5).
3.In the analysis of media for oral health education, the most frequently used media was visual media(38.7%). More specifically, solo practice showed the highest use of visual media(49.6%), whereas group practice had the highest use in demonstration education(41.0%), followed by visual and auditory media. Test of independence by practice type and use of oral health education media showed a very significant difference(p=.000)(Table 5.1). In respondents of oral health education, visual media was found as the most frequently used media in oral health education irrespective of age and career(Table 5.2).
4.In the preparation factors of oral health education, the knowledge degree of progress in periodontal disease was found 47.1% and the practice degree was found 44.8%, suggesting the level of 45%(Table 6). In the practice type, knowledge degree of progress in periodontal disease was 8% higher in solo practice(52.8%), whereas the practice degree was 3% higher in group practice(46.3%)(Table 6.1).
5.In the realization factors of oral health education(the creation of environ- ment and conditions), the preparation degree of oral health education materials was found as the highest urgency(80.4%)(Table 7). In the practice type, the need was 1-9% higher in group practice. In these factors, the need to change the perception and cooperation in patients and dentists was 10% higher in group practice(79.1%)(Table 7.1).
6.In the reinforcement factors of oral health education, the highest urgency was found in new knowledge of oral health education and skill acquisition of elements of community support(70.1%)(Table 8). According to the practice type, there was 10% difference in participation activity in oral health education and information providing(Table 8.2).
The highest obstacle in oral health education was the lack of teaching materials and tools(42.9%). The budget of oral health education(48.3%) was indicated as improvement(Table 8.1). Inclusion in health insurance coverage was 31.7% higher in solo practice(66.8%)(Table 8.3).
Conclusion; Based on these results, institutional devises should be made to guarantee oral health education of periodontal diseases for patients on dental clinics
- Alternative Title
- Oral Health Educational Diagnosis of Dental Hygienist on Periodontal Patients
- Alternative Author(s)
- Ae eun Moon
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 보건대학원 보건학과
- Department
- 보건대학원 보건학과
- Advisor
- 김동기
- Awarded Date
- 2010-02
- Table Of Contents
- I. 서론 1
1. 연구의 이론적 배경 1
2. 연구의 필요성과 목적 8
3. 연구 가설 8
4. 서론 9
II. 연구대상 및 방법 12
1. 연구 대상 12
2. 연구 방법 12
3. 자료분석 13
III. 연구 성적 15
3.1. 연구대상자의 일반적특성 15
3.2. 사회/역학적진단 15
3.2.1 일반적특성에 따른 치과위생사 업무 분석 17
3.3. 행동적진단 18
3.3.1. 구강보건교육 지식습득경로 18
3.3.2. 운영형태에 따른 구강보건교육매체 사용 19
3.3.3. 연령과 경력에 따른 구강보건교육 응답자-구강보건교육 매체사용 19
3.4. 교육적진단 21
3.4.1. 구강보건교육 준비인자-Predisposing factors 21 운영형태에따른 구강보건교육 지식정도, 실천정도(준비인자) 23
3.4.2. 구강보건교육 실현인자-Enabling factors 24 구강보건교육 환경/여건조성에따른 구강보건교육 필요성 (실현인자) 24 환경/여건조성에 따른 구강보건교육 필요성(실현인자) 24
3.4.3. 구강보건교육 강화인자-Reinforcing factors 26 구강보건교육 강화인자(지역사회지지요소) 26 구강보건교육 강화인자(장애요인, 개선사항) 26 지역사회 지지요소에 따른 구강보건교육 강화인자 27 운영형태에 따른 구강보건교육 강화인자 28
IV. 총괄 및 고안 31
Ⅴ. 결론 36
참고문헌 38
부록 41
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 문애은. (2009). 치주병환자 대상 치과위생사의 구강보건교육적 진단.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/872
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- Medicine & Parmacy > 3. Theses(Master)
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