한국과 중국의 대미 수출경쟁력 및 보완관계에 관한 실증적 연구

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An Empirical Study on Export Competitiveness and Complementary Relationship to the United States by Korea and China

Kim, Ji-Hyun
Advisor : Prof. Park Ro-Kyung, Ph. D.
Department of International Trade
Graduate School of Chosun University

The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how the export competitiveness of Korea and China has been changed in the USA market during the period of 1998-2008 and to compare the competitiveness of both two countries, because China has been increasing their competitiveness due to the constant economic growth. To achieve this purpose, firstly, the trend of export competitiveness change has been examined, secondly, market share index, trade specialization index, and revealed comparative advantage index are used for analysing the export competitiveness in the USA market by using the data for HS 2 unit from no.29 to no.97. Thirdly, trade intensity index and intra-industry trade index(Grubel-Lloyd) are used for analysing the complementary relationship.
The main results of empirical analysis are summarized as follows:
First, the market share indices by Korea for the semi-conductor, communication equipment, and textile were high and competitive. China has shown the high market share ratio for the footwear, leather product, and computer product in ranking order.
Second, in terms of trade specialization index, Korea has competitiveness for the autos and parts, miscellaneous transport equipment, communication equipment, textile, plastics, and rubber goods. China especially had the high rate of percentage for the clothes, footwear, and miscellaneous manufactured articles. Therefore, the Korea's competitiveness of clothes, autos and parts, and footwear has been measured very high, and those of lumber and household goods, leather products, chemistry products were very low and were shown as the import specialization. China has shown the high competitiveness for the clothes, footwear, miscellaneous manufactured goods, nonmetallic minerals, and household electric appliances. The low competitiveness was shown in ranking order for the semi-conductor, paper and printing publishment, and miscellaneous transport equipment.
Third, if trade intensity index is higher than 1, the complementary relationship is higher than the world average. the trade intensity indices of the lumber and household goods, paper and printing publishment, iron, autos and parts, electric and electronic products, and machinery equipment are higher than 1. The highest ranking order for Chinese products are plastic, rubber, lumber and household goods, and the clothes are very low.
Fourth, if the intra-industry trade index nears to the 1, it is shown that intra-industry trade is very active, however, relatively import and export is low. Korea has the high level of intra-industry trade for plastic and rubber products, paper, and printing publishment, nonmetallic minerals, machinery, miscellaneous manufactured goods, and household electric appliances, because the index nears to 1. Relatively, indices of autos and parts, clothes, lumber household goods, footwear are low and therefore, the export specialization level is high. Among the Chinese products, clothes, footwear, and miscellaneous manufactured goods have shown the high level of export and import specialization, however, precision machinery, machinery, chemistry, plastic and rubber goods have shown the high GL(Grubel-Lloyd) indices which means the low level of export and import specialization with the active intra-industry trade.
This thesis extends the limitation of the previous literatures which dealt just only with the export competitiveness with the determinant. However, this thesis has shown the new followings. First, this thesis deals with the export competitiveness between Korea and China in the USA market using the market share index, trade specialization index and revealed comparative advantage index. Second, for overcoming the previous limitation, trade intensity index, and intra-industry trade index are newly introduced for measuring the export complementary relationship. Third, even though there is a difficulty for gathering the extensive HS data, unified world wide standard is used, and the analysed period is the very long-term for 11 years from 1998 to 2008. Therefore, the latest situation for the export and import competitiveness in the USA market by Korea and China are revealed which is one of the main differentiation of this thesis.
Alternative Title
An Empirical Study on Export Competitiveness and Complementary Relationship to the United States by Korea and China
Alternative Author(s)
Kim Ji Hyun
조선대학교 경상대학 무역학과
일반대학원 무역학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 방법 및 구성 3
제3절 선행연구 4
1. 수출경쟁력 및 보완관계에 대한 국내연구 4
2. 수출경쟁력 및 보완관계에 대한 국외연구 9

제2장 수출경쟁력 및 보완관계의 이론적 고찰 12
제1절 수출경쟁력에 대한 이론적 고찰 12
1. 수출경쟁력의 개념 및 측정방법 12
가. 수출경쟁력의 정의와 범위 12
나. 수출경쟁력의 측정방법 13
다. 수출경쟁력의 결정요인 15
2. 이론적 접근 22
가. 고전적 무역이론과 헥셔-오린 이론 22
나. 신 요소비율이론 25
다. 기술격차이론 26
라. 제품수명주기이론 27
마. 규모의 경제이론 29
제2절 수출경쟁력 및 보완관계 분석에 사용된 지수 및 대상산업 30
1. 수출 경쟁력 및 보완관계 분석에 사용된 지수 30
가. 시장 점유율지수(Market Share Index) 30
나. 무역 특화도 지수(Trade Specialization Index) 31
다. 현시 비교우위지수(Revealed Comparative Advantage Index) 33
라. 무역결합도 지수(Trade Intensity Index) 35
마. 산업 내 무역 지수(Grubel-Lloyd) 36
2. 대상산업 37

제3장 한국·중국·미국의 교역현황 39
제1절 한국과 중국의 교역현황 39
1. 한국의 교역현황 39
가. 한국의 수출입 변화추이 39
나. 13대 주요 품목별 수출 동향 40
다. 주요 지역별 수출동향 42
라. 한국과 교역국가의 관계 43
2. 중국의 교역현황 47
가. 중국의 수출입 현황 47
나. 중국의 국가별 수출입 현황 48
다. 중국의 국가별 교역규모 50
제2절 한·중 양국의 대미 교역현황 51
1. 미국의 교역현황 51
가. 미국의 수출입 현황 51
나. 미국의 국가별 수출입 현황 52
다. 미국의 국가별 상품 교역현황 53
2. 한·중 양국의 대미 교역현황 55
가. 한·중 대미 수출입 변화 55
나. 한·중 대미 제조업 수출입 58
다. 한·중 품목별 대미 수출 59

제4장 수출경쟁력 및 보완관계 61
제1절 수출경쟁력 61
1. 시장점유율(MS) 61
가. 한국 대 미국 MS 62
나. 중국 대 미국 MS 63
2. 무역특화지수(TSI) 65
가. 한국의 TSI 65
나. 중국의 TSI 69
3. 현시비교우위지수(RCA) 73
가. 한국 대 미국 RCA 73
나. 중국 대 미국 RCA 75
제2절 수출 보완관계 77
1. 무역결합도지수(TII) 77
가. 한국 대 미국 TII 77
나. 중국 대 미국 TII 79
2. 산업 내 무역 지수(GL) 81
가. 한국 대 미국 GL 81
나. 중국 대 미국 GL 83

제5장 결론 및 시사점 85
제1절 결론 및 요약 85
제2절 연구의 한계 87

참고 문헌 88
김지현. (2009). 한국과 중국의 대미 수출경쟁력 및 보완관계에 관한 실증적 연구.
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