韓 ․ 中 FTA 推進을 위한 原産地制度의 比較硏究
- Author(s)
- 류영현
- Issued Date
- 2009
- Abstract
A Comparative Study on the Systems of Origin
for Progress to Korea ․ China FTA
Yong-Xian, Liu
Adviser : Prof. Jun, Eui-Cheon, Ph.D.
Department of International Trade
Graduate School of Chosun University
The Rules of origin show that it is major factor between Korea and China development in process of world economic integration. It is a standard in FTA that determines preferential treatment in and outside the precinct. Therefore, it can become the effective means of ensuring the trades restriction. Moreover, it can play a role in building trade barrier against commodity outside the precinct. However, FTA differs in rules of origin which has the feature of uncertainty and complexity. Many regulations in rules of origin play the role of trade barrier due to its different scope of application.
This paper was analyzed rules of origin in major countries and its characteristics. The purpose of this paper is to put forward the subject basis of the imminent advancing FTA.
Nowadays, The countries are very concerned about the tariff reduction in FTA, on the contrary, Rules of origin is almost neglected by FTA binding countries. However, rules of origin is the major factor of FTA. So, we should pay more attention and discuss the negative-impact caused by different rules of origin between the two countries.
Although it seems that the issue between South Korea and China in terms of establishing the rules of origins is not a grand challenge technically, there are still some factors we need to take into consideration.
Firstly, the rules of origins between the two countries shall be based on the principle of fairness, transparency, predictability as well as coherence and neutral.
Secondly, it is necessary to provide the response plans which are mutually applicable in both states.
Thirdly, both countries shall give mutual understanding and compromise towards the aspect of agricultural products in the rules.
The fourth, China could accept into the south korea product about north korea product.
- Alternative Title
- A Comparative Study on the Systems of Origin
- Alternative Author(s)
- Affiliation
- 朝鮮大學校 大學院 貿 易 學 科
- Department
- 일반대학원 무역학과
- Advisor
- 全 義 天
- Awarded Date
- 2010-02
- Table Of Contents
- 目 次
제 1 장 序 論 1
제1절 硏究의 目的 1
제2절 硏究의 範圍 및 方法 3
제 2 장 原産地制度의 一般的 考察 4
제1절 原産地制度의 槪念과 決定基準 4
1. 원산지의 개념 4
2. 원산지의 결정기준 7
3. 원산지제도의 기능 11
제2절 原産地制度의 國際規範 12
1. GATT(1947)협정 12
2. UNCTAD(1972)협정 12
3. KYOTO(1973)협정 13
4. WTO(1995)협정 13
제 3 장 FTA 締結國과의 原産地制度 主要內容 15
제1절 한 ․ 칠레 FTA의 原産地制度 15
1. 한ㆍ칠레 FTA 15
2. 한ㆍ칠레 FTA의 원산지규정 16
제2절 한 ․ 싱가포르 FTA의 原産地制度 18
1. 한 · 싱가포르 FTA 18
2. 한 · 싱가포르 FTA의 원산지규정 19
제3절 한 ․ EFTA FTA의 原産地制度 20
1. 한ㆍEFTA FTA 20
2. EFTA의 원산지규정 21
제4절 한 ․ ASEAN FTA의 原産地制度 22
1. 한ㆍASEAN FTA 22
2. 한ㆍASEAN FTA의 원산지규정 24
제5절 한 ․ 미 FTA의 原産地制度 28
1. 미국의 FTA 원산지규정 28
2. 한ㆍ미 FTA의 원산지규정 29
제 4 장 韓國과 中國의 原産地制度의 比較分析 31
제1절 原産地規程 關聯 法律體系 31
1. 한국의 원산지규정 관련 법률체계 31
2. 중국의 원산지규정 관련 법률체계 33
제2절 韓國과 中國의 FTA協定 原産地制度 比較分析 38
1. 완전생산기준 38
2. 실질변형기준 39
3. 보충기준 42
제 5 장 結論 및 政策的 示唆點 43
제1절 연구의 요약 43
제2절 정책적 시사점 45
참고문헌 47
表 目 次
FTA 원산지증명서 비교 18
실질적 변형원산지 세부기준별 특징과 주요장단점 10
한 ․ 칠레 FTA의 체결현황 18
한 ․ 싱가포르 FTA의 체결현황 18
한 ․ EFTA FTA의 체결현황 20
한 ․ ASEAN FTA의 체결현황 23
한 ․ 미 FTA의 체결현황 18
역외가공생산품 원산지 기준 27
한국과 중국의 FTA협정 원산지결정기준 비교 38
한국과 중국의 FTA협정 부가가치기준 비교 41
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 류영현. (2009). 韓 ․ 中 FTA 推進을 위한 原産地制度의 比較硏究.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/8634
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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