문학텍스트를 활용한 한국어 통합교육 방안

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This research is focused on how to integrate language education through literary texts, especially fairy-tales, for Korean education as a second language. The rising population of foreigners starting from the 2000s signals the beginning of multicultural society in Korea. Most of the immigrants need and wish to learn Korean as a second language and they wish to have cultural acquisition along with the language learning process. There have been recent approaches to integrate cultural adaptation with Korean language education. Korean education through literary texts is an efficient way to learn culture and language at the same time. Attempts to use literary materials for Korean language education are increasing, but heretofore they have been only for higher-level learners. Especially, Korean education textbooks for immigrant wives involved no literary works. This research is based on such situation which requires literary texts for Korean language education as a second language and suggests a solution through using fairy-tales.
Chapter 1 outlines the overview of previous analyses about using literary texts for Korean education. There have been many articles on poem, novel or essay texts in Korean language education, but they have only been for advanced learners.
Chapter 2 emphasizes the need for integrated education in Korean language education and analyzes different types of integrated education. The first type is a integrated program for language skill oriented teaching-learning. Since linguistic skills are not separately used in real life, language instructors should not teach the four skills separately in class —rather, they should integrate the four skills. The second type is a program for culture oriented teaching-learning. Such integration mingles with themes, genres, different types of media. Because poems and novels are difficult to learn for the beginners, fairy-tales are suitable to use in integrated programs.
Chapter 3 takes six university-level textbooks and ‘Tok Tok Twineun Korean’ for the usage of literary texts. They are mostly used as textbooks for foreign students studying in Korea. Most Korean textbooks are heavily focused on linguistic skills for reading. For cultural integration, partial ‘theme integration’ cases are found but not many ‘genre integration’ cases. Most textbooks include CDs for listening exercises. But in many cases they are presented without any attempts to integrate language learning materials with media.
Chapter 4 presents how to integrate Korean education textbooks from an integrated point of view, proposed two integrated programs for teaching leaning process through fairy-tales.
Using literary texts in Korean education is highly necessary to help Korean language learners to gain communication skills and cultural acquisition in integrated way. Since other literary genres are too difficult for beginners and therefore, textbooks with fairy-tales could be an effective way to master Korean language and culture in a short time.
Alternative Title
A Study on Integrating Education of Korean Language through Literary Texts : Focused on Fairy-tales
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Myung Soon
일반대학원 국어국문학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구 목적 및 방법 = 1
제2절 선행 연구 검토 = 4
제2장 통합 교육의 필요성과 유형 = 7
제1절 통합 교육의 필요성 = 7
제2절 통합 교육의 유형 = 12
1. 언어 기능 중심 통합 = 12
2. 문화 중심 통합 = 14
2.1. 주제 통합·= 15
2.2. 장르 통합 = 16
2.3. 매체 통합 = 17
제3장 한국어 교재의 통합 유형 분석 = 19
제1절 한국어 교재의 문학 작품 수록 현황 = 20
제2절 한국어 교재의 통합 유형 분석 = 33
1. 언어 기능 중심 통합 유형 분석 = 33
2. 문화 중심 통합 유형 분석 = 36
2.1. 주제 통합 유형 분석 = 36
2.2. 장르 통합 유형 분석 = 37
2.3. 매체 통합 유형 분석 = 37
제4장 문학텍스트를 활용한 한국어 교육 방안 = 40
제1절 통합 교재 구성 방안 = 41
1. 언어 기능 중심 통합 교재 구성 방안 = 41
2. 문화 중심 통합 교재 구성 방안 = 42
2.1. 주제 통합 교재 구성 방안 = 43
2.2. 장르 통합 교재 구성 방안 = 44
2.3. 매체 통합 교재 구성 방안 = 45
제2절 동화를 활용한 한국어 교수・학습 방안 = 47
1. 언어 기능 중심 통합 교수・학습 방안 = 47
1.1. 말하기와 듣기의 통합 교수・학습 방안 = 49
1.2. 말하기와 쓰기의 통합 교수・학습 방안 = 51
1.3. 읽기와 쓰기의 통합 교수・학습 방안 = 51
1.4. 읽기와 말하기의 교수・학습 방안· = 54
1.5. 읽기와 말하기・듣기의 통합 방안 = 54
2. 문화 중심 통합 교수・학습 방안· = 55
2.1. 주제 통합 교수・학습 방안 = 57
2.2. 장르 통합 교수・학습 방안 = 59
2.3. 매체 통합 교수・학습 방안 = 63
제5장 결론 = 66
참고 문헌 = 69
조선대학교 대학원
이명순. (2009). 문학텍스트를 활용한 한국어 통합교육 방안.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2010-01-25
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