한국 남자캐디에 대한 문화기술적 이해
- Author(s)
- 윤경
- Issued Date
- 2009
- Abstract
- First, male caddies have the following personal characters. They began to work as caddy with a view to raise fund for getting another job or managing golf-related business or being pro-golfer. Most of them chose their job to make money and ensure their training place to be pro-golfer or earn economic profit because they consider caddy is the job to get high profit in a short time.
Second, male caddies said that the personal neglect was the biggest trouble to them, although keeping close relationship with female caddies and complex and various relations with male and female golfers.
They often drink to get rid of their stress from personal disregard and enjoy exercising and reading as well as playing golf during their free time. The work field where friendly relation exists between male and female caddies had good influence on male caddies' adaptation to their job. But, male golfers expressed their reluctance to meet with male caddies while female golfers welcomed to them.
Third, male caddies have the following awareness of their job.
1. They think that they are working with the greatest service spirit than any other jobs.
2. Conflicts with golfers and instability of their job lower their responsibility and the sincerity of their duties.
3. They show high pride for their job in that it can be conducted by everybody but cannot be done by anyone.
It is possible to attract male caddies with a bait of high salaried job, but construction of a desirable caddy culture is their own pride.
4. They are aware of their job as professional.
5. They don't think their job is promising.
They consider their job is not stable as lifelong job because of low social recognition and age limited to young adults.
6. Male caddies consider they have a job of short lifespan and negative and closed awareness of their job. They don't want to publish their job because others view their job as humble .
7. Since they have many restrictions in their social life such as personal neglect of caddy by some golfers, stress in the process of play at some golf courses and irregular working hours, they always have intention to transfer their job.
Fourth, male caddies have language deviation culture such as tacit consent of violation of rules by golfers, absence without leave after drinking, score manipulation and Buldang meaning night duty as punishment. And they also have another deviation culture to endure sexual harassment by indirect language abuse, violent language and even violence from some golfers.
As described above, male caddies perform their duties with the thorough spirit of service and pride as professional although they experience personal neglect in pursuit of pro-golfer or high income. But, they always have intention to transfer their job because of view of caddy in Korea that shows negative eyes toward male caddy, the lack of their responsibility due to poor social recognition of male caddy and closed view of job due to personal neglect and sexual harassment.
It is expected that 'male caddy culture' is growing as a promising male job through professional education of caddy using etiquette education, Caddy Golf Association and special education agency including colleges and universities from the stage of entrance to golfer.
- Alternative Title
- An Ethnographic understanding on korean male caddies
- Alternative Author(s)
- Yoon Kyoung
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 체육학과
- Advisor
- 김응식
- Awarded Date
- 2009-08
- Table Of Contents
I. 서 론 1
A. 연구의 필요성 1
B. 연구 목적 6
C. 연구 문제 7
D. 연구의 한계 8
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 9
A. 문화 9
1. 문화의 정의 9
2. 문화의 구조 10
3. 하위문화의 정의 11
B. 스포츠 문화 12
1. 스포츠 문화의 정의 12
2. 스포츠 하위문화 13
3. 골프 하위문화 14
Ⅲ. 연구방법 27
A. 연구 설계 27
B. 연구자의 위치 29
C. 연구 참여자 선정 31
D. 자료수집 32
1. 개방형 질문 33
2. 심층면담 34
3. 관 찰 35
E. 자료 분석 37
F. 자료의 진실성 41
G. 연구의 윤리성 41
Ⅳ. 한국 남자캐디에 대한 이해 43
A. 한국 남자캐디의 특성(特性) 43
1. 캐디를 시작하게 된 동기(動機) 43
2. 캐디로서 목표(目標) 45
B. 직업캐디로 적응 46
1. 가장 힘든 일 46
2. 여자캐디와의 관계 47
3. 골퍼와의 관계 49
4. 여가 활동 52
C. 직업의식 53
1. 서비스 정신 53
2. 책임감 55
3. 자부심 56
4. 전문성 57
5. 장래성 59
6. 사회적 인식 61
7. 직업 만족 63
D. 일탈 65
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언 71
A. 결 론 71
B. 제언 73
참고문헌 75
표 1. 2008년 전국골프장 총계 현황 19
표 2. 2008년 전국 운영 중인 골프장 현황 20
표 3. 2008년 전국 건설 중인 골프장 현황 20
표 4. 2008년 전국 미착공 골프장 현황 20
표 5. 2003년 전국골프장 총계 현황 21
표 6. 전반적인 골프문화 관찰 현황표 30
표 7. 연구 참여자의 개인적 배경 31
표 8. 심층 면담 노트(예) 35
표 9. 관찰노트(예) 36
표 10. 한국 남자캐디 문화에 대한 최종 템플릿 39
표 11. 연구문제에 대한 주제 분류표(예) 40
그림 1 연구의 진행과정 28
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 윤경. (2009). 한국 남자캐디에 대한 문화기술적 이해.
- Type
- Dissertation
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2009-08-04
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