트레드밀 달리기가 당뇨병 쥐의 복측 중뇌수도관주위 회색질과 거대봉선핵의 c-Fos 발현에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 전용욱
- Issued Date
- 2009
- Abstract
The effects that treadmill running reaches c-Fos appearance in the ventrolateral periaquaductal gray vagina and in the huge raphe nucleus of diabetic rats
Jeon Yong-Ug
Advisor : Prof. Seo Young-Hwan, Ph.D
Department of Physical Education,
Graduate School of Chosun University
To analyze how treadmill running increases c-Fos appearance in the ventrolateral periaquaductal gray and the nucleus raphe magnus of streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats, we carried out an experiment by method of immunohistochemistry and the following results came out.
On the change of weight by treadmill running, There was a loss in weight at the numeral measure of p<.05 in the group of rats which were diabetogenic(34.4g), and the rats which exercised after being diabetogenic(54.75g), and the rats which were insulinized after being diabetogenic in common statistically.
On the change of blood sugar by treadmill running, there was an increase of blood sugar at the numeral measure of p<.05 in the group of rats which were diabetogenic(82mg/dl), and the rats which exercised after being diabetogenic(85.5mg/dl) in common. For the group of rats which were insulinized after being diabetogenic(194.5mg/dl), there was a decrease of blood sugar at the numeral measure of p<.05 statistically.
c-Fos appearance of the ventrolateral periaquaductal gray, by treadmill running, was surpressed in the group of diabetic rats which were induced by STZ. On the contrary, it was found that treadmill running and the injection of insulin accelerate c-Fos appearance.
c-Fos appearance of the nucleus raphe magnus by treadmill running was surpressed in the group of diabetic rats which were induced by STZ. On the contrary, treadmill running and the injection of insulin accelerated c-Fos appearance.
Through this research, we can see that there was the loss in weight in every group of white rats which were diabetogenic. For the change of blood sugar, there was an increase of blood sugar in the group of rats which were diabetogenic and the rats which exercised after being diabetogenic. On c-Fos appearance for the ventrolateral periaquaductal gray and the nucleus raphe magnus, the phenomenon was surpressed in the group of diabetic rats which were induced by STZ. On the contrary, it is clear that treadmill running and the injection of insulin accelerate c-Fos appearance.
- Alternative Title
- The effects that treadmill running reaches c-Fos appearance in the ventrolateral periaquaductal gray vagina and in the huge raphe nucleus of diabetic rats
- Alternative Author(s)
- Jeon, Yong Ug
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 일반대학원
- Department
- 일반대학원 체육학과
- Advisor
- 서영환
- Awarded Date
- 2009-08
- Table Of Contents
- I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구의 목적 3
3. 연구의 가설 3
4. 연구의 제한점 4
5. 용어의 정리 5
II. 이론적 배경 7
1. 내분비계와 운동 7
1) 내분비계 개요 7
2) 내분비계 조직 8
2. 운동과 당뇨병 11
3. 인슐린(Insulin) 11
4. 운동과 인슐린 13
5. 운동과 인슐린 분비작용 15
6. 포도당 - 인슐린 상호작용 18
7. 운동과 체중 및 혈당 19
8. 당뇨병성 신경병증과 c-Fos의 관계 20
9. 통증 조절 기전 21
III. 연구방법 23
1. 실험동물 23
2. 실험 도구 및 시약 23
3. 실험 방법 및 절차 24
1) 실험동물 24
2) 당뇨유도 방법 24
3) 운동프로토콜 25
4) 조직처리 25
5) c-Fos 면역조직화학법 26
4. 자료처리 27
IV. 연구결과 28
1. 체중의 변화 28
2. 혈당의 변화 30
3. 복측 중뇌수도관 주위 회색질의 c-Fos 발현 32
4. 거대 봉선핵의 c-Fos 발현 34
V. 논 의 36
VI. 결 론 39
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 전용욱. (2009). 트레드밀 달리기가 당뇨병 쥐의 복측 중뇌수도관주위 회색질과 거대봉선핵의 c-Fos 발현에 미치는 영향.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/8345
Appears in Collections:
- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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- Embargo2009-08-04
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