광주전남지역 직장인의 재테크 행태에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Financial Technology Behavior of Salary Workers in Gwangju-Jeonnam Area

Ahn Young-Duk
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Ahn-Ho Ph. D.
Department of Economics,
Graduate School of Chosun University

Wage workers have an increasing interest in growing their funds due to the job insecurity in the aftermath of economic depression and financial polarization in the society, and the number of wage workers who are actually growing their fund has soared.
The survey found that most wage workers are growing their funds or are willing to grow their funds in the future, but it is hard to figure out exactly in relation to wage workers growing their funds because there are not much related data.
Most of books on the shelves of bookstores, related to fund-growing techniques, are about stocks and real estate management, and there is rarely a guideline on the fund-growing techniques based on the investment of wage workers.
Despite those realistic constraints, wage workers are playing increasingly important role in the fund-growing market with their constant participation.
However, they have not achieve a qualitative improvement, compared with their quantitative improvement.
In response to that, the purpose of this study was to examine and the way to reduce the risk to wage workers and identify constructive and successful investment strategy. The specific details are as follows:
First, the concept of fund-growing techniques was discussed in order to clearly define the fund-growing techniques. It is intended to rectify the misconception about the fund-growing techniques which may be wrongly perceived as an unrealistic and speculative means, and promote the right understanding of the fund-growing techniques in order to highlight the necessity and importance of the fund-growing techniques.
Second, this study examined the fund-growing activities of wage workers. In intended to look into their interest and participation in the fund-growing activities of wage workers and the purpose and portfolio composition of the fund-growing, so as to analyze the situation related to their fund-growing activities.
The accurate examination of the situation related to their trend and related problems, and the proposal of alternative plan based on the analysis and related criteria.
Finally, this study researched on successful way to grow funds. In consideration that a majority of wage workers, who are individual investors, end up with loss, this study explored the desirable strategy and techniques for investment and fund-growing.
It will be very difficult to identify a successful investment technique useful for wage workers to grow their funds, though problems may be easily found by looking into the actual activities of wage workers to grow their funds.
However, this study intended to propose a fundamental solution which may facilitate the risk management and profit earning, by presenting the desirable fund-growing techniques based on the discussion and research on measures which may lead to the minimum loss and the earning of profit.
Household asset management has come into the spotlight as we are living in the low interest rate environment and the aging society.
Considering that there is no turning back to the double-digit interest rates of the past, a prevailing view at present, though the marker interest rate may rise in upcoming years, wage workers need to rely on different way to build their wealth, a way differentiated from their parent generation.
The low childbirth rate, the most influential factor which determines the future investment environment, implies that the long-term low interest rate environment will slow down the speed of wealth accumulation and make it impossible to preserve the purchasing power in worse scenario.
Therefore, it is reasonable to set up a long-term financial plan and hedge against inflation to preserve the value of asset over the long-term, and select the investment commodity which can bring maximum returns.
With more influence in the financial market, wage workers need to make deep consideration and explore various ways because they directly benefit or suffer loss from a wide-ranging variety of financial commodities released by financial organizations and that is directly associated with their quality of life. They must find ways to make themselves and their families happy by pursuing successful strategies to grow their funds.
Though this study is limited and requires further research, this researcher hopes that this study will provide an opportunity for wage workers to be provided with practical and important information, knowledge and guideline necessary to successfully grow their funds.
Alternative Title
光州․全南地域 職場人의 財테크 行態에 관한 硏究
Alternative Author(s)
young duk ahn
일반대학원 경제학과
김 안호
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Table Of Contents
목 차


Ⅰ. 서 론 1
A. 연구의 목적 1
B. 연구의 방법과 구성 2
1. 연구방법 2
2. 연구의 구성 3
C. 선행연구의 검토 3

Ⅱ. 재테크에 관한 기본이론 검토 7
A. 재테크의 개념 7
1. 재테크의 의의 7
2. 재테크의 원칙 8
3. 재테크 자산의 특성 9
B. 재테크의 유형 13
1. 저축․금융상품 13
2. 주식․채권 및 보험 22
3. 부동산 26
4. 해외투자펀드(fund) 35
C. 위험과 기대수익 37
1. 위험과 기대수익 37
2. 개별자산의 기대수익률과 위험 38
3. 포트폴리오의 기대수익률과 위험 40

Ⅲ. 재테크 관련시장의 변화과정 44
A. 주식시장의 변화과정 44
B. 부동산시장의 변화과정 46
C. 예금시장의 변화과정 48
D. 생명보험시장의 변화과정 50
1. 생명보험의 도입기(1960년대 이전) 50
2. 생명보험의 성장기(1960년대~1970년대) 51
3. 생명보험의 성숙기(1980년대~1997년) 52
4. 생명보험의 구조조정기(1998년~현재) 53
E. 금융기관의 변화 55
1. 고객지향 : 고객만족에서 고객감동으로 55
2. 종합자산관리서비스의 대두 55
F. 재테크환경의 변화 56

Ⅳ. 광주․전남지역 직장인 재테크행태의 실증분석 61
A. 설문조사 개요 61
B. 직장인의 재테크 행태에 관한 조사분석 62
1. 직장인의 재테크 실태조사 62
2. 직장인의 재테크 포트폴리오 68
C. 실증분석 결과의 시사점 72

Ⅴ. 광주․전남지역 직장인의 재테크 투자방향 74
A. 시장상황별 전망 74
1. 경제전망 74
2. 주식 및 채권시장 전망 75
3. 부동산시장 전망 76
B. 소득별 투자방향 79
C. 연령별 투자방향 84
1. 20대 : 재테크 입문기 85
2. 30대 : 재테크 성숙기 86
3. 40대 : 재테크 황금기 87
4. 50~60대 : 재테크 안정기 88
D. 목적별 투자방향 89
1. 주택마련 투자방향 89
2. 자녀교육비 마련 투자방향 91
3. 결혼비용 마련 투자방향 94
4. 노후마련 투자방향 96
D. 포트폴리오 투자방향 99
1. 경기순환과 투자 포트폴리오 99
2. 불황기의 자산운용 방향 101
3. 고수익률 투자방향 104
4. 시장상황별 주식투자 방향 106
5. 펀드 투자방향 111
6. 저금리 시대 투자방향 113

Ⅵ. 요약 및 결론 116

참 고 문 헌
표 목 차

입금과 출금이 자유로운 금융상품별 특징 15
목돈마련을 위한 금융상품별 특징 16
목돈증식을 위한 금융상품별 특징 18
연금저축(세금우대)과 종전 개인연금저축(비과세)의 비교 19
주택마련저축(청약저축․부금․예금)비교 28
부동산 간접투자 상품비교 34
시장이자율 변동 추이 49
응답자의 특성 61
근무년수와 연평균 소득 62
소득별, 연령별 재테크 여부 63
직장인의 연령대별 재테크 시작 시기 64
연령별 연평균소득 대비 재테크 투자 비율 65
직장인의 재테크 목적 67
재테크 주요 목적별 소요자금 68
소득계층별 재테크 포트폴리오 구성 69
연령별 재테크 포트폴리오 구성 69
소득계층별 재테크 시 우선 고려사항 70
재테크 중시사항과 수익률과의 관계 71
연봉 3천5백만원 교사 81
연봉 4천만원 금융권 근무 82
연봉 5천만원 의사 83
연령별 투자 요령 85
주요 노후자금 적립상품비교 97
A기업 주식에 정기투자(5개월 동안 40만원을 투자) 105
그 림 목 차

재테크의 필요성 63
월소득 중 재테크비율 65
재테크의 목적 66
재테크 중시사항 70
재테크수익률 71
부문별 교육물가 상승률 92
동행지수의 순환변동 100
조선대학교 대학원
안영덕. (2009). 광주전남지역 직장인의 재테크 행태에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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