한·중 기업회계기준의 비교연구

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세계 각국의 회계기준이 그 나라 특유한 사회·경제적 환경, 관습, 법률 등에 따라 형성한 듯이 한국과 중국의 기업회계기준도 그런 영향을 받으면서 발전해왔다. 그러므로 양국 간의 경제교류 과정에서 계속 문제가 생기고 충돌도 일어난다. 이 때문에 한국과 중국의 경제교류가 이렇게 빈번 한 오늘에 양국간의 기업회계기준의 차이로 인하여 기업 활동상 많은 제한 점이 있어, 기준상의 여러 가지 차이점을 극복하는 방안이 모색되어야 한다.
본 연구는 한국과 중국의 기업회계기준을 여러 가지 측면에서 비교 분석하여 양국 기업회계기준 간의 차이점을 구분하고, 회계기준의 차이로 인하여 발생될 수 있는 기업 활동상의 문제점을 인식하여, 극복하는 방안을 모색함으로서 양국 간의 기업 활동의 활성화를 촉진하고, 회계정보이용자들에게 신뢰성 있고 투명성 있는 회계정보를 제공하며 경제거래에서 회계정보 이용자들이 효율적인 의사결정을 할 수 있게 하고자 한다.|As global business landscape has grown and changed rapidly, it is necessary for the internationalization of accounting standard-setting along with the increasing globalization of business activities. Accounting standards in Korea has changed to meet international accounting standards since the financial crises in 1996. As a member of WTO, China has already changed the accounting standards which are closed to international accounting standards to keep up with a global competition under macro-economic initiated by Chinese government.
Since the 1992 memorandum of Korea and China, Korea investment toward China has been greatly increasing and due to the economic, politic and culture interchange, numbers of Korea companies have been struggling with the difference of financial accounting standard system. Currently it is difficult to understand company performance because financial information originates in different geographic locations. Many of these companies effectively prepare financial statements using different accounting rules and regulations, thus creating different values or measures for the same economic event. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to provide users oriented accounting information which overcome these problems in two countries with more transparent and reliable information by comparing and analyzing accounting systems of both countries.
This research discusses several aspect as follows:
First, the processes of the development of accounting principles in both countries were reviewed. Problems that had been exposed in such processes were pinpointed after comparing and analyzing the differences between both accounting systems.
Second, the present status and major components of the international accounting principles and the Chinese accounting system was analyzed.
Third, differences in the accounting system, classification of financial statements as well as in the perception of fundamental components of financial statements were compared and analyzed in detail as an attempt to determine the gap of business accounting principles between both countries.
Although the business accounting standards of both countries look identical with each other, we can understand how China′s accounting standards changed before and after the reformation and open-door policy ever since the formation of New China. And in practical expectation effect, it can decrease the disadvantage which occurs because of misunderstandings and ignorance.
However, this problem is caused not only when following China′s accounting system, environmental standard, and environmental requisites in trade and actual field investment. But even when following standards of accounting and financial reports, accounting custom and practical affairs. The current circumstances in which economic exchanges are rapidly activated between the two countries. It is necessary that the two countries continue to make joint studies and efforts to establish a joint reference system in response of demanding in both countries to use a common accounting information in practice.
Alternative Title
A Comparative Study of Korean and Chinese
Alternative Author(s)
Bao Li
일반대학원 회계학과
일반대학원 회계학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 ···············································································1
제1절 연구의 필요성과 목적 ················································1
제2절 연구의 방법과 범위 ·····················································2

제2장 이론적 배경 연구 ···························································4
제1절 이론적 배경 ··········································································4
1. 기업회계기준의 이론적 배경 ··········································4
2. 중국의 회계제도 ························································7
제2절 국제회계기준의 현황 ··················································10
1. 국제회계기준의 설정과정과 역할 ··································10
2. 국제회계기준의 주요 내용 ····································12

제3장 한·중 기업회계기준의 발전과정 비교 ·······················17
제1절 한국 기업회계기준의 발전과정 ······································17
제2절 중국 기업회계기준의 발전과정 ·································26
제3절 한·중 기업회계기준의 발전과정 비교 ························33

제4장 한·중 기업회계기준의 비교········································ 35
제1절 기업회계기준 체제의 비교 ·······································35
1. 한국 기업회계기준의 체제 ····································35
2. 중국 기업회계기준의 체제 ······································37
3. 한·중 기업회계기준 체제의 비교 ····························39
제2절 재무제표 체제의 비교 ··············································45
1. 대차대조표의 비교 ················································46
2. 손익계산서의 비교 ················································54
3. 현금흐름표의 비교 ··················································56
4. 자본변동표의 비교 ···············································58
제3절 자산 및 부채 평가기준의 비교 ·································59
1. 한국의 자산 및 부채 평가기준에 대한 인식 ·············59
2. 중국의 자산 및 부채 평가기준에 대한 인식 ·············62
3. 한국과 중국의 자산·부채 평가비교 ···························64
제4절 수익과 비용 인식기준의 비교 ·································67
1. 수익의 인식 ···························································67
2. 비용의 인식 ··························································69
3. 한국 과중국의 수익·비용인식기준 비교 ··················71

제5장 결론 ·············································································73

포립. (2008). 한·중 기업회계기준의 비교연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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