中國留學生의 英語音韻變異에 대한 社會言語學的研究

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과거 오랫동안 음운변이란 말은 많은 연구자들의 관심을 끌어왔고, 그중에서도 음운변이와 사회언어학적 변이가 가장 많이 검토되어왔었다. 본 연구는 사회적언어학적 조사연구에서 점점 두각을 나타내는 연구분야인 영어의 음운변이에 촛점을 맞추겠다. 현재 본 연구는 조선대학교에 재학하고 있는 50명의 중국인 유학생을 대상으로 영어발음을 조한 것이다. 본 연구는 대다수 많은 학생들의 영어발화가 분절음층과 초분절음 층 모두다 중국식 영어 발음을 하고 있음을 알았다. 그중에서도 /r/ /θ/ 그리고 고저변이와 성, 연령, 지리학적, 사회변이에 대한 음운변이와 본 연구에 참여한 유학생들의 영어학습 경험사이에는 밀접한 관계가 있음도 밝히겠다.|For decades, the term of phonological variations has drawn the attention of researchers, and the relationship between phonological variations and sociolinguistic variations was mostly examined.
This research focuses on the phonological variations in English, an increasingly prominent field within sociolinguistic research. The present study investigates English pronunciation, using fifty Chinese students in Chosun University.
The study reveals that the English speech of majority of the students manifests Chinese English pronunciation in both segmental and supra-segmental levels. What is more, a relationship does exist between the phonological variations of /r/, /θ/ and pitch variation and sociolinguistic variables of gender, age, geography and English learning experience of the students in the study. The study aims to reveal the features of their English pronunciation and explore the relationship between phonological variations and sociolinguistic variations.
Alternative Title
A Socio-linguistic Study on the English Phonological Variations of Chinese Students
Alternative Author(s)
Liu, Yu
大學院 英語英文
일반대학원 영어영문학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
List of Graph = iii
Abstract (Korean) = iv
Abstract (English) = v
I. Introduction = 1
II. Review of the Literature = 4
A. Definition of Phonological Variation = 4
B. Previous Researches on Phonological Variation = 10
C. Significance of the Research = 11
III. Research Methodology = 13
A. Research Design = 13
1. Subjects = 13
2. Choice of Dependent and Independent Variables = 14
3. Instrument = 15
B. Research Procedure 17 C. Data Process Analysis and Results = 18
IV. Discussion and Implication = 29
A. China English Pronunciation = 29
B. Gender Differentiation = 30
C. Age Differentiation = 31
D. Geographical Differentiation = 32
E. Individual Learning Experience = 33
F. Implications = 35
V. Conclusion = 36
Reference = 38
Appendix = 42
Acknowledgment = 46
류유. (2008). 中國留學生의 英語音韻變異에 대한 社會言語學的研究.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2009-02-04
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