足陽明胃經의 鍼灸治療가 膝關節炎에 미치는 臨床硏究

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This study aims at identifying the clinical effect of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of the Stomach meridian on the knee joint arthritis. This study develops the sampling frame from September 10 to October 31, 2007, targeting patients of the knee joint arthritis from Y hospital, Gwangju. It uses the Convenient sampling method to sample 120 patients, and 100 answers for the actual study except 20 copies whose answers are no sincere or in part omitted. For this study, we develop questions on the Stomach meridian acupuncture and moxibustion treatment and knee joint arthritis to collect data. The results obtained through this process are presented as follows:

1. There is not statistically significant difference in effect of acupuncture and moxibustion of the Stomach meridian in respect to all the variables of pain according to sex, daily living, and knee joint arthritis.
For pain according to sex, female subjects show the most pain while male subjects show the least pain. In respect to difficulties in daily living, male group has the highest degree of difficulties, while female group has the lowest degree of difficulties. For knee joint arthritis, female subjects show the highest degree of arthritis while mae subjects show the lowest degree of arthritis.

2. In the effect of acupuncture and moxibustion treatment of the Stomach meridian pain according to age, daily life, and knee joint arthritis, there is a difference in all the variables of pain, difficulties of daily living and knee joint arthritis.
For pain according to age, the subjects from 50 to 59 show the most pain and the subject group from 40 to 49 show the least pain. For the difficulties of daily living, the subjects whose age is above 70 have the highest degree of difficulties while the subjects whose age ranges from 30 to 39 have the least difficulties. For the knee joint arthritis, the subjects whose age ranges from 60 to 69 have the highest prevalence while the subjects whose age ranges from 30 to 39 have the lowest prevalence.

3. The acupuncture and moxibustion treatment shows different effect in all the variables of pain, difficulties in daily living, and knee joint arthritis.
The house wife group shows the highest degree of occupational pain and the subjects who own their shops show the lowest degree of occupational pain. For difficulties in daily living, the house wife group shows the highest degree of difficulties while the subjects who own their shops show the lowest degree of difficulties. The house wife group shows the highest degree of knee joint arthritis while other subjects groups show the lowest degree of the arthritis

4. In respect to the correlations between pain, daily living and knee joint arthritis, pain has positive correlations with difficulties in daily living and the arthritis, and the difficulties in daily living have positive correlations with the arthritis.
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 보건대학원
보건대학원 대체의학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장序論 1
제1절 硏究의 必要性 1
제2절 硏究의 目的 2
제3절 硏究 問題 3
제4절 硏究의 假說 3
제5절 硏究의 制限點 4
제6절 用語의 定義 4
제2장考察 6
제1절 痺症의 定義 6
제2절 病因 病機 6
1 風寒濕痺(풍한습비) 7
2 風濕熱痺(풍습열비) 7
3 頑痺(완비) 8
제3절 辨證 8
1 正邪盛衰 變化 8
2 病因 不動特徵 8
3 病變 所在部位 9
제4절 治療 10
1 風寒 濕痺 10
1) 行痺
2) 痛痺
3) 着痺
2 風濕熱痺 22
3 頑痺 12
1) 偏熱型
2) 偏寒型
제5절 胃經의 特徵과 生理機能 13
제6절 胃經脈의 循行 15
제7절 胃經脈의 主要한 症候 17
제8절 主要穴의 分析 17
1 足陽明胃經의 膝關節 疾患에 쓰이는 主要 穴性分析 17
2 足太陰脾經의 膝關節 疾患에 쓰이는 主要 穴性分析 18
3 足太陰脾經의 膝關節 疾患에 쓰이는 主要 穴性分析 19
제3장 硏究方法 20
제1절 硏究對象 21
제2절 硏究方法 21
1 鍼灸方法 21
2 治療原則 22
3 調査方法 22
제3절 硏究道具 22
1 設問紙의 構成 22
2 設問紙의 妥當度 및 信賴度 23
3 調査節次 24
4 資料處理 25
제4장結論 26
제1절 結課 26
제2절 論議 30
제5장 結論 및 提言 32
제1절 結論 32
제2절 提言 33
參考文獻 35
附錄 36
김종천. (2007). 足陽明胃經의 鍼灸治療가 膝關節炎에 미치는 臨床硏究.
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Medicine & Parmacy > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-02-19
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