비계 상에 배양된 골수기질세포에서 혈관내피세포로의 분화 시 혈관 내피 성장인자의 효과
- Author(s)
- 차상훈
- Issued Date
- 2008
- Abstract
- The angiogenesis is essential to most human life process including tissue development, regeneration, and repair. A variety of growth factors that promote the angiogenesis have been identified, and among these factors, vascular endothelial growth factor(VEGF) shows enhance the vascularization of engineered tissue. In this study, we evaluated the potential of VEGF and bone marrow stromal cell(BMSC) to modulate the growth and differentiation activites of blood vessel precursors, endothelial cells(ECs) on absorbable collagen membrane. The dog bone marrow stromal cells (dBMSCs) were obtained from beagle dog. The dBMSCs were cultured in a medium containing Dulbecco's modified Eagle medium supplemented with 10% fetal bovine serum and 100ug/ml 1 X Antibiotics with absorbable collagen scaffold(Bio GuideⓇ Perio, Geistlich, Swiss) at 37?? in humidified air with 5% CO2. Human endothelial growth factor(hVEGF) was applied. We evaluated the angiogenesis on absorbable collagen scaffold by transmission electron microscope(TEM). The addition of hVEGF enhanced angiogenesis on absorbable collagen scaffold. And hVEGF was added to dBMSC absorble collagen cultures, organization of endothelial like cells.The dBMSCs and hVEGF can enhance the growth and differentiation of endothelial cells in an in virtro model of angiogenesis. the VEGF is necessary for dBMSC CM to enhance EC survival and differentiation.
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- Embargo2009-02-04
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