불기소처분의 불복수단에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Control of Prosecution

Kim, Yong Duk
Advisor : Prof. Kim, Jong Goo, Ph.D.
Department of Law
Graduate School of Chosun University

Disobedience means of a disposition not to institute a public action by a prosecutor includes complaints and re-complaints by the prosecutors' office, a request and constitutional complaint, and special prosecutor system as a means of control by the national assembly. The revised criminal procedure was passed by the national assembly on April 30. 2007 as it began as a judicial reform in 2003. On January 1 of 2008, the revised criminal procedure began to be executed. In particular, the procedure was revised in a wide range and greatly reinforced the protection of the rights of the accused and checked the authority of the prosecutors' office.
The previous request system was confined to Article 123 or 125 of the Criminal Law (Abused Power), but the targets of the revised system were expanded to the disposition not to institute a public action in all crimes, and it confined the range of people to have the right to request to accusers (including the prosecutors in Article 123 or 125 of the Criminal Law). It designated prosecutors as the people who have the right to institute and support a public action. However, the complaint system of the revised procedure adapted the Klageerzwingungsverfahren of Germany as a legislative model without intensive speculation on it. It discouraged the orientation of the judicial reform committee which was established with the aim of protecting the rights of the accused against the disposition, and public opinion which needs a control system based on reinforced transparency of the prosecutors' authority. So there are a few problems that hinder its effective and successful management.
This study consists of the following: Preface presents problems to be considered. Chapter 2 examines the meaning, advantages and disadvantages of the national prosecution and exclusive prosecution, and regulations and exceptions our country has adapted in respect to the basic principles of the public appeal in the Criminal Procedure. And it examines advantages and disadvantages of principle of discretionary prosecutions and principle of legality indictment, the attitudes of the present law and constitutional restrictions. It then examines the necessity to control the right of arraignment by prosecutors. Chapter 3 of complaint by prosecutors' office identifies prosecutors' obligatory notification and the intent, objects and procedure of prosecutors' complaint. Chapter 4 speculates on the intent and history of the request, its legislative process and Klageerzwingungsverfahren of Germany as a legislative model, the general characteristics and problems of the request, and presents suggestions. Chapter 5 identifies whether a petition with the Constitutional Court as a means of disobedience can be a relief means against the disposition not to institute a public action as the last effort to protect the basic rights of the public in spite of the expanded subjects of request. As a means to control the disposition, the special prosecution system is enacted through separate legislature against political crimes or absurdity dependant on political power for political neutrality of the rights of criminal legal action. Therefore, this study is to identify the features and problems of the special prosecution system. Chapter 6, the conclusion of the study, presents suggestions on the problems of the institutions relating to the request and the disobedience against the disposition, and desirable directions on control of the right of arraignment.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Control of Prosecution
Alternative Author(s)
Kim,Yong Duk
일반대학원 법학과
일반대학원 법학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 방법 2
제2장 공소제기의 기본원칙과 문제점 4
제1절 공소제기의 기본원칙 4
1. 국가소추주의 4
2. 기소독점주의 5
3. 기소편의주의 8
제2절 검사의 공소권통제의 필요성 10
1. 기소편의주의에 대한 효과적인 견제장치의 필요성 10
2. 검사의 권한과 견제 11

제3장 검찰항고 13
제1절 검사의 처분후의 통지의무 13
1. 의 의 13
2. 처분의 통지 13
3. 불기소이유의 고지 15
제2절 검찰항고 15
1. 항고의 의의 15
2. 검찰항고권자 15
3. 검찰항고의 대상 16
4. 검찰항고제도의 법적성격과 기능변화 16
5. 검찰항고의 절차 18
제4장 재정신청제도 22
제1절 재정신청제도의 개관 22
1. 재정신청제도의 의의 22
2. 재정신청제도의 취지 22
3. 재정신청제도의 연혁 24
제2절 재정신청제도의 입법과정과 입법모델 33
1. 재정신청제도의 입법과정 33
2. 재정신청제도의 입법모델 -독일의 기소강제절차- 36

제3절 현행 형사소송법상 재정신청제도 42
1. 절차의 내용 42
2. 재정신청에 대한 지방검찰청검사장 또는 지청장의 처리 49
3. 고등법원의 심리와 결정 50
4. 고등법원의 재정결정 55
5. 검사의 공소제기와 공소유지 59
6. 재정신청인의 비용부담 61
제4절 재정신청제도의 문제점 및 개선방향 62
1. 재정신청의 신청권자 62
2. 검찰항고 전치주의 63
3. 관할법원 63
4. 법원의 권한 64
5. 재정신청사건 기록 열람·등사의 제한 64
6. 공소유지권자 65

제5장 기타의 불복수단 66

제1절 헌법소원제도 66
1. 의의와 헌법적 근거 66
2. 헌법소원의 청구권자 68
3. 헌법소원의 보충성 69
4. 불기소처분에 대한 헌법소원에 따른 문제점 71
제2절 특별검사제도 72
1. 의의와 특색 72
2. 특별검사제도의 문제점 73

제6장 결 론 75

參 考 文 獻 78
김용덕. (2008). 불기소처분의 불복수단에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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