발목 테이핑이 자세균형과 허리유연성에 미치는 영향

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This study is to identify the effect of ankle-taping on limb asymmetry, postural sway and lumbar flexibility. For the purpose, it uses ankle-taping for the subjects of this study and compares the results with those of the control group.
This study targets 46 adults, 25 of the test group and 21 of the control group and interviews them for two days, September 19, 2007 and October 2 of the same year. For the test group, inflexible tapes of 5mm width are applied as designed by Danaka Nobudaka while the tapes for the control group are arranged in symmetric direction to the direction of the test group.
Postural balance is measured with a use of Mediance(Human Tech Inc, Korea) and to identify lumbar flexibility, the trunk flexion is targeted.
For the analysis of the data obtained, this study uses SPSS 12.0 PC/Program. To demonstrate the standard deviation, it uses ANCOVA, and to identify the significance of changes before and after the application of tapes, it makes a pair comparison. The significance level (α) of the statistics is 0.05.

The results of the study are presented as follows:
1. As a result of measuring the limb asymmetry of the two groups, that of the test group before taping is 5.88±5.40 and that after taping is 4.04±3.81. That of the control group before taping is 6.40±4.15 and that after taping is 4.95±4.28. The postural inclination of both the two groups decreases, but a statistically significant difference is not found (p>0.05).
2. As a result of measuring the changes in postural swaying of the two groups, that of the test group changes from 2.09±0.096 before taping to 2.32±1.12 after taping. That of the control group changes from 2.15±0.68 before taping to 2.55±1.02 after taping. That of both the two groups increases, but no statistically significant difference is found (p>0.05).
3. As a measuring the changes in lumbar flexibility of the two groups, that of the test group changes from 11.68±5.75 before taping to 15.44±5.75 after taping. That of the control group changes from 11.81±5.72 before taping to 13.24±6.05 after taping. That of both the two groups increases, and a statistically significant change is found (p<0.05).

As demonstrated in the results above, the ankle taping is effective to lumbar flexibility as well as stability of ankle joints irregardless of the directions of taping and it is suggested that it is helpful for health management of athletes and the public.
However, as the results are limited in that they are obtained 10 minutes after taping, it is hoped that further studies will follow.
Alternative Author(s)
조선대학교 보건대학원
보건대학원 대체의학과
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Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 서론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구 목적 2
3. 연구 가설 3
4. 연구의 제한점 3
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경 4
1. 테이핑 요법 4
2. 자세 균형 6
3. 유연성 7
Ⅲ. 연구 방법 9
1. 연구 대상 9
2. 연구 방법 10
1) 테이핑 요법 10
2) 자세 균형에 미치는 영향 분석 12
3) 유연성 검사 14
4) 자료 분석 15
Ⅳ. 연구 결과 16
1. 연구 대상자의 일반적 특성 16
2. 대상자의 일반적 특성에 대한 동질성 검정 17
3. 사전 검사에서의 집단의 동질성 검정 18
4. 집단에 따른 자세 치우침, 흔들림, 유연성 차이 비교 19
5. 집단에 따른 자세 치우침, 흔들림, 유연성 차이 비교(남자의 경우) 21
6. 집단에 따른 자세 치우침, 흔들림, 유연성 차이 비교(여자의 경우) 25
7. 집단에 따른 자세 치우침, 흔들림, 유연성 차이 비교(비만도≤100의경우) 28
8. 집단에 따른 자세 치우침, 흔들림, 유연성 차이 비교(비만도>100의경우) 31
Ⅴ. 논의 및 제언 34
Ⅵ. 결론 37
참고문헌 38
김진호. (2007). 발목 테이핑이 자세균형과 허리유연성에 미치는 영향.
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Medicine & Parmacy > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-02-19
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