견비통의 침구치료혈에 관한 문헌적 고찰

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Subacromial bursitis originates from the excess of the shoulder joint and a characteristic of scapula, which is that scapula cooperatively reacts with the shoulder, to human being who should extensively use the shoulders and enlarge the range of their movement. In other words, friction remnants, formed th scapula, which supports the shoulder and frequently moves between skin and muscle, are accumulated, and spreaded out through the back and the shoulder joint, and eventually cause motor disturbances and pains. The problem is that the occurrence ages are going down from fifties to late thirties.
We should concentrate on how those shoulder pains, which interrupt even the students in their late teens from studying, could be effectively treated. I could help the patients who are suffering or would suffer from the pain on their shoulders by studying and reviewing all the remedies with acupuncture.
Subacromial bursitis is clinically the next most common disease after lumbago, and also a degenerative disease of which the number of its patients is continually increasing. It inclusively refers all the pain on not only the shoulder but also the surrounding systems and shoulder-arm part, People generally experience these symptoms two or three times in their lifetime.
The results of this thesis could be summarized as follows.
Firstly, various treatment principles on subacromial bursitis should be understood and learned. Particularly studying with many documents revealed that selective ways in acupuncture and its spot could be applied after learning the ways and the ranges of acupuncture.
Secondly, we should apply alternative and complementary remedies, and easily use those remedies in our daily lives. Thus Koryo Sooji Chim, Koryo Soojok Chim, various materials about muscles, and other remedies are listed in this thesis to help to understand.
Lastly, the ways which would be useful in an aging society are needed to be studied with much more interest on the basis of understanding of the basic principles of acupuncture. As a result, some data, which were already analyzed, are referred.
Alternative Title
Literature Study Of Acupuncture For Shoulder Pain
Alternative Author(s)
Jang, Sang-Yong
조선대학교 보건대학원
보건대학원 대체의학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
Ⅰ. 序論 = 1
제1절 硏究 方法 = 1
제2절 硏究의 必要性 = 2
제3절 硏究 問題 = 2
제4절 硏究 假設 = 3
제5절 硏究의 制限點 = 3
Ⅱ. 文獻考察 = 4
제1장 肩臂痛의 定義 = 4
제2장 肩臂痛의 發病原因 = 4
1. 神經學的 原因 = 5
2. 스트레스가 原因 = 5
3. 韓醫學的인 原因 = 6
4. 잘못된 자세가 原因 = 7
제3장 肩臂痛 治療의 일반적인 예 = 8
1. 약물요법 = 8
2. 물(水)치료와 物理治療法的 接近 = 8
3. 民間療法 = 9
4. 韓方治療法 = 10
5. 鍼灸治療法 = 10
Ⅲ. 肩臂痛의 鍼灸學的 接近 = 12
제1장 肩臂痛 鍼治療법 = 12
1. 침 治療法과 經絡의 關係性 = 12
2. 肩臂痛 關聯 經絡圖 = 12
3. 肩臂痛 經絡 治療의 臨床적 考察 = 30
제2장 肩臂痛과 關聯한 文獻考察 = 32
1. 肩臂痛의 分類 = 32
2. 肩臂痛 文獻資料 = 32
제1절 肩關節周圍炎(五十肩) = 35
1. 문헌별 原因 및 症狀 = 35
2. 肩關節周圍炎의 部位別 取穴 = 37
3. 肩關節周圍炎의 사용되는 경락과 경穴 = 39
제2절 肩臂痛 = 41
1. 문헌별 原因 및 症狀 = 41
2. 肩臂痛의 部位別 取穴 = 42
3. 肩臂痛 치료에 사용되는 경락과 경혈 = 45
제3절 肩背痛과 肩凝 = 46
1. 肩背痛의 原因 및 症狀 = 46
2. 肩背痛의 部位別 取穴 = 46
3. 肩背痛 치료에 사용되는 경락과 중요穴 = 46
4. 肩凝 原因과 症狀 = 47
5. 肩凝의 部位別 取穴 = 47
6. 肩凝 치료에 사용되는 經絡과 중요穴 = 48
제4절 上肢不擧 = 49
1. 각종 文獻에 명기된 上肢不擧 치료혈 명칭 = 49
2. 上肢不擧 치료에 사용되는 經絡과 重要穴 = 49
제5절 痺證麻木 = 50
1. 각종 文獻에 明記된 痺證麻木 治療혈 = 50
2. 痺證麻木 치료에 사용되는 經絡과 重要穴 = 50
제6절 耳鍼의 取穴部位와 名稱 = 52
제7절 頭鍼의 取穴部位 = 53
Ⅴ. 要約 및 結論 = 54
제1절 要 約 = 54
제2절 結 論 = 55
參考文獻 = 56
1. 國內文獻 = 56
2. 國外文獻 = 58
조선대학교 보건대학원
장상용. (2006). 견비통의 침구치료혈에 관한 문헌적 고찰.
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Medicine & Parmacy > 3. Theses(Master)
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