국내 금융위기이후의 은행구조조정에 관한 연구

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A Study on the Reconstruction of Banks
after Korean Financial Crisis

Seol, Young-Hwa
Adviser : Prof. Park, Ro-Kyung, ph.D.
Department of Trade
Graduate School of Chosun University

The purpose of this study is to outline and analyze the bank reconstruction after Korean financial crisis in 1997 by reviewing the financial and foreign exchange crisis, bank M&A and evaluating how the government policy has worked about the reconstruction of banks using published literatures and data from internet.

After the financial crisis of 1997-1998, the Korean government began a two-stage financial restructuring. In the first stage, two banks were nationalized for later sale to foreigners, five insolvent banks were closed and then merged with blue-chip banks, foreign capital injections were given to seven banks, and public funds were used to normalize operations of the remaining surviving banks. Korean banks responded with cost reductions and the fastest disposal rate of non-performing loans among the Asian countries suffering the currency crisis. The second stage of restructuring was focused on restoring bank profitability. Financial holding companies were created to make merger and acquisition easier and help banks realize scale economies.[Park and Weber(2006), p.2374].

This thesis consists of six chapters. The first chapter outlines the purpose ,range of study, the method and the brief contents. The second and third chapters have inquired about an outline of the foreign exchange crisis and a progress of reconstruction of Korean bank. The fifth chapter evaluates the government policy of reconstruction of bank, after outlined the background, necessity and progress of reconstruction in the fourth chapter. And then the sixth chapter draws the conclusion.

The results of Korean government's policy evaluations on the bank reconstruction are as follows.
First, P&A(purchase and assumption transaction) and government-assisted mergers and selling the bad banks to foreign capitals are successful to deal with bad bank problems.
Second, quick and dirty approach for bad credits has resulted in improving the bank soundness.
Third, balance sheets restructuring of banks have enhanced the profitability and efficiency.
Fourth, the extreme competition in the financial market has urged the Korean government and the banks to introduce the market-friendly policy.

The limitation of this thesis is that the empirical analysis for the subject was not conducted to judge the improvement level of bank and financial reconstruction.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Reconstruction of Banks after Korean Financial Crisis
Alternative Author(s)
Seol young hwa
일반대학원 무역학과
일반대학원 무역학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
목 차

제 1장 서 론 1
제1절 연구의 목적 1
제2절 연구방법 3

제 2장 금융․외환위기 5
제1절 금융․외환위기의 개요 5
1. 금융 외환위기의 의의 5
2. 금융․외환위기와 경제위기와의 관계 5
제2절 금융․외환위기의 발생 6
제3절 금융․외환위기의 원인 7
제4절 금융․외환위기의 극복과정과 대책 10
1. 위기의 극복 과정 10
2. 위기에 대한 대책 11

제 3장 금융구조조정에 대한 고찰 13
제1절 금융구조조정의 의의 13
제2절 금융구조조정의 필요성 13
1.금융구조조정의 개념 16
가. 응급조치 및 기반 조성기(1997년 11월~1998년 3월) 16
나. 제1단계 구조조정기(1998년 4월~2000년 8월) 17
다. 제2단계 구조조정기(2000년 9월~현재) 18

제 4장 우리나라 은행구조조정 20
제1절 은행구조조정 배경 20
1. 1997년 말 금융상황 20
2. 은행구조조정의 필요성 22
제2절 은행구조조정의 추진 23
제3절 은행산업의 변화 26
제4절 정부의 은행구조조정 작업 27
1. 제 1단계 은행 구조조정 28
가. 제일․서울은행 28
나. 5개 퇴출은행 29
다. 7개 조건부승인 은행 30
라. 97년 말 BIS기준 자기자본비율 8% 초과 은행 32
2. 제2단계 은행구조조정 33

제 5장 은행구조조정정책 평가 34
제1절 부실은행 정리 34
1. 부실은행 정리방식 35
2. 부실은행의 해외매각 37
제2절 건전성 제고 40
1. 부실채권 정리방식 40
2. 부실채권 규모 43
제3절 수익성 제고 48
1. 주요 경영지표 48
2. 수익의 지속성 51
제4절. 효율성 제고 52
제5절 시장 친화적 금융관행 55
제6절 종합평가 58

제 6장 결 론 61
제1절 맺는말 60
제2절 향후 연구과제 64

참고 문헌 68
설영화. (2008). 국내 금융위기이후의 은행구조조정에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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