임프란트 안정성 평가를 위한 Periotest와 Osstell mentor 계측치의 비교

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Purpose : The purpose of this study was to compare non-destructive stability test of implants using frequency resonance analysis, Osstell mentor and Periotest, currently accepted and widely used non-destructive stability test of implant.
Materials and Methods : Four adult mongrel dogs, weighting about 12-15kg, were used in this study. The both upper and lower premolars were extracted and implant is installed after 4 weeks. A total of 48 implants(USII Plus, Osstem, Korea) with 10mm in length and 3.3mm in diameter, were placed. Bone blocks from 2 dogs were caught after 3 weeks of covered healing and another blocks from 2 dogs after 6 weeks. ISQ values and PTV were measured using Osstell mentor and Periotest right after insertion and at 3 and 6weeks. Histomorphometric analysis was made with bone-to-implant contact(BIC). Student t-test were performed to evaluate the correlation between PTV and ISQ values.
Results : Following results were observed.
1) There was a correlation between the values of ISQ and PTV.
2) Correlation was found between the ISQ values and bone-to-implant contact at 3 and 6 weeks with significant difference.
3) Correlation was found between the PTV and bone-to-implant contact at 3 and 6 weeks with significant difference.
4) When comparison of mandibular and maxillary implant, the ISQ values of maxilla had lower than mandibule and the PTV of maxilla had higher than mandibule.
5) The ISQ was increasing and reducing PTV and BIC was increasing at 6 weeks.
Conclusion : Osstell mentor and Periotest, both non-invasive diagnostic devices seem to be useful and were comparably reliable and showed a strong association to each other in implant stability.
Alternative Title
The comparative study between Periotest and Osstell mentor values on the implant stability measurements
Alternative Author(s)
Oh, Ji-Su
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 치의학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
표목차 = ⅱ
도목차 = ⅲ
I. 서론 = 1
II. 실험 재료 및 실험 방법 = 4
1. 실험 재료 = 4
2. 실험 방법 = 5
3. 실험 평가 = 6
III. 실험 결과 = 8
1. 임상적 결과 = 8
2. 조직형태계측학적 결과 = 8
IV. 총괄 및 고찰 = 10
V. 결론 = 14
VI. 참고문헌 = 15
VII. 사진부도설명 = 18
조선대학교 대학원
오지수. (2007). 임프란트 안정성 평가를 위한 Periotest와 Osstell mentor 계측치의 비교.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2008-02-19
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