유산소 운동 후 입욕조건에 따른 혈중 피로 물질과 스트레스 호르몬에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 황귀동
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Abstract
- 1) Subjects of this study were 10 adult men living in G city without recent special illness history and their physical composition and blood components were measured to know the effects of regular Taekwondo training for 12 weeks on blood fatigue elements. Experimental design made for the purpose of this study was as follows;
it was composed of Taekwondo training program for 12 weeks, frequency of exercise was 3 days a week, exercise hour a day was 70 min. (10 min. for warm-up, 50 min. for treadmill and 10 min. for finishing) according to instructions of athletic coach.
2) Exercise strength was decided by 70% of target heart rate and rating of perceived exertion (RPE). All subjects had blood test at empty stomach condition for 12 hours to test exercise by relative exercise strength. Collecting blood was conducted during exercise test, resting after exercise and bathing. It was conducted by inserting blood collection needle into forearm vein, for total six times with 6cc volume including each once at stability period, immediately after exercise, at 15-min intervals of bathing and 30-min intervals after bathing and blood collected was immediately centrifuged (3000 rpm, 10 min.) and serum and plasma were separated and analyzed.
3) Data processing method of this study used SPSS Window Version 11.0 program and mean and standard deviation of all data were calculated. Two-way RM ANOVA (2X5) was used to examine differences of lactic acid, ammonia and catecholamine at stability, bathing and recovery between experimental group and control group and post-test used Bonferroni method. All significance level for analysis was set to P<.05.
4) As a result of analyzing differences in changes of lactic acid and ammonia density according to bathing condition before exercise, change of lactic acid showed the highest density of lactic acid in high temperature bath of 42~43℃ (M=16.30), followed by tepid bath of 35~36℃ (M=14.41) and cold and warm bath of 17~18℃ (M=12.53) and there was significant mean difference (F=7.277) at the level of p<.05.
As a result of analyzing difference in changes of ammonia density according to bathing conditions before exercise, tepid bath (M=163.25) showed the highest ammonia density, followed by high temperature bath (M=139.81) and cold and warm bath (M=124.28) and there was significant mean difference (F=6.330) at the level of p<.05.
5) As a result of analyzing difference in changes of catecholamine density according to bathing condition before exercise, tepid bath (M=16.55) in change of Epi showed highest density, followed by cold and warm bath (M=13.48) and high temperature bath (M=11.38) and there was significant mean difference (F=21.849) at the level of p<.05.
As a result of analyzing differences in changes of Norepi density according to bathing conditions before exercise, cold and warm bath (M=107.15) showed the highest Norepi density, followed by tepid bath (M=84.80) and high temperature bath (M=72.88) and there was significant mean difference (F=5.280) at the level of p<.05.
6) As a result of analyzing difference in changes of ammonia density according to bathing condition after exercise, high temperature bath (M=31.53) in change of lactic acid showed highest density, followed by tepid bath (M=30.00) and cold and warm bath (M=20.44) and there was significant mean difference (F=27.404) at the level of p<.05.
As a result of analyzing differences in changes of ammonia density according to bathing conditions after exercise, tepid bath (M=179.38) showed the highest ammonia density, followed by high temperature bath (M=157.88) and cold and warm bath (M=141.25) and there was significant mean difference (F=8.558) at the level of p<.05.
7) As a result of analyzing difference in changes of catecholamine density according to bathing condition after exercise, tepid bath (M=27.73) in change of Epi showed highest density, followed by cold and warm bath (M=20.65) and high temperature bath (M=16.88) and there was significant mean difference (F=11.595) at the level of p<.05.
As a result of analyzing differences in changes of Norepi density according to bathing conditions after exercise, cold and warm bath (M=155.58) showed the highest Norepi density, followed by tepid bath (M=136.20) and high temperature bath (M=114.68) and there was significant mean difference (F=4.540) at the level of p<.05.
- Alternative Author(s)
- Hwang, Gwi-Dong
- Affiliation
- 체육대학
- Department
- 일반대학원 체육학과
- Awarded Date
- 2008-02
- Table Of Contents
- I. 서 론 1
1. 연구의 필요성 1
2. 연구목적 3
3. 연구가설 3
II. 이론적 배경 4
1. 건강과 스트레스 4
2. 스트레스 평가와 감소 촉진 방법 8
3. 피로물질 12
4. 혈액의 구성 21
5. 혈액의 기능 21
6. 적혈구(erythrocytes, Red Blood Cell) 24
7. 백혈구(leukocytes, White Blood Cell) 28
8. 혈소판 29
9. 혈장 30
10. 혈액 항원과 항체 32
11. 혈액의 유전과 유전병 35
12. 혈액형과 유전 42
13. ABO혈액형 43
III. 연구방법 45
1. 연구대상 45
2. 신체 구성 검사 45
3. 연구 설계 및 운동프로그램 46
4. 혈액채취 시기 및 방법 48
5. 실험방법 49
6. 자료처리 방법 50
IV. 연구결과 및 논의 51
1. 운동 전 입욕 침수조건에 따른 신체적 변화 차이 51
2. 운동 후 입욕 침수조건에 따른 신체적 변화 차이 54
V. 결 론 58
- Degree
- Master
- Publisher
- 조선대학교
- Citation
- 황귀동. (2007). 유산소 운동 후 입욕조건에 따른 혈중 피로 물질과 스트레스 호르몬에 미치는 영향.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/7136
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- General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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