스포츠이벤트 참가동기 및 선택속성이 소비자만족과 재구매행동에 미치는 영향
- Author(s)
- 류충완
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Abstract
- The Effects of Participation Motives and Selection Attributes on Customer Satisfaction and Repurchase Behavior in Sport Events
Ryu, Chung-wan
Adviser : Prof. Jung, Myeong-Soo
Department of Physical Education
Graduate School of Chosun University
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of participation motivation and selection attributes on customer satisfaction and repurchase behaviors of sport event participants and thus provide sport event marketing fundamentals that help maximize the benefits and effects of hosting sport events both from regional governments and sport event planners. In order to accomplish such study purpose, seven research hypotheses were developed on the basis of previous research that dealt with sport event customers' consumer behaviors. A survey methodology was applied with a total of 1200 sport event participants who were willing to take part in surveys. With convenient sampling method, questionnaires were distributed on sport event sites after explaining the importance of current study and requesting voluntary participation of survey, and were collected by researcher. Questionnaires were developed on previous research, and validity and reliability were confirmed through psychometric process. The developed questionnaires were first checked out for representativeness and relevance of each item and factor by a panel of experts in sport event marketing. The pilot study provided evidence that the questionnaires were valid as a result of factor analysis and reliability tests. In addition, validity and reliability were reconfirmed throughout exploratory factor analysis and internal consistency(Cronbach's a). After deleting 112 incomplete questionnaires, a total of 1088 usable questionnaires were analyzed using multiple regression analysis through SPSS 12.0 statistic programs. Accordingly, following findings were derived from current study.
First, participation motivation had significant effects on selection attributes of sport event participants.
Second, participation motivation had significant effects on customer satisfaction of sport event participants.
Third, participation motivation had significant effects on repurchase intention of sport event participants
Fourth, selection attributes had significant effects on customer satisfaction of sport event participants.
Fifth, selection attributes had significant effects on repurchase behaviors of sport event participants.
Sixth, customer satisfaction had significant effect on repurchase behaviors of sport event participants.
In conclusion, the effects of participation motivation and selection attributes on customer satisfaction and repurchase behaviors of sport event participants were totally or partially validated from experiential analyses. In other words, most of relationships among study variables that were hypothesized in previous research, were reconfirmed in the current study. These findings not only provide significance of current study in that they help develop a comprehensive theoretical framework for relationships among sport event participants' consumer behaviors, but also practicality in that they help advance a set of marketing fundamentals for sport event planners and/or regional governments that attempt to create competitive advantages through hosting sport events.
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- Embargo2008-02-19
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