수사권의 합리적 배분에 관한 연구
- Author(s)
- 박철우
- Issued Date
- 2007
- Abstract
A Study on the Rationalization of the Structure of Investigation
Park, Cheol-Uh
Advisor : Prof. Moon, Jeong-Min. Ph.D
Department of Law
Graduate School of Chosun University
The concept and role of police flow and time with in social demand to follow they are changing and the life and a property of the citizen and the role which maintains today they protect prevention of crime and the suppression and investigation other general public law and order they keep. Our country police liberation after U. S. army affection carried out the crisis of prosecution and the investigation from human rights guarantee dimension of the Korean citizen and police the investigation, prosecution appeal it bore responsibility and the letter of instruction of gist from equal footing with each other it cooperates it announced. In police investigation volume, it apportions appeal volume each in the prosecuting attorney and the investigation authority against the administration of justice police officer of the prosecuting attorney it excludes, it maintains the prosecuting attorney investigation residence setup which is a criminal procedure law system of Japan by repelling of the prosecution but and the law circle back like that and the reasoning to become the argument which is caused by reaches to a today until in time social situation to follow and the difference of degree is cut it is proposed without.
The prosecution which monopolizes legal action volume even investigation process the actuality situation which it is seizing thoroughly it comes true my idea which the protection of human rights entity truth discovery back criminal case administration of justice of the blood chair pursues, will not can be suitable and. Recently it follows in change of the social environment which is sudden and the crime increases rapidly at number and fault width it comes to do quality and wide area reconciliation is going, our country investigation structure liberation after with the system which originates from the time situation inside which is tense well does not dispose the fact that is fact in like this security circumstance. The investigation structure of our country police must dispose efficiently in the security situation following in change and demand of time is to police service accomplishment and command and regulation of the prosecution which a so far worry of human rights infringement is different national institution with reason until of course control the case which it receives almost at most about reasoning lower does not accomplish an autonomous and efficiency business accomplishment to timely the case was many. When seeing the crime tendency of today, the immediate follow-on action which the prosecuting attorney follows with the initial motion investigation hereupon by manpower of decimal and the continuous tracking investigation are impossible and the criminal investigation of most is almost taking charge of from police and primary investigation volume the dual command channel which is given will not be the possibility the rationality doing actuality in the prosecuting attorney. It will be coming to be under until rain rational Royal favor investigation station service evasion actual conditions of like this investigation structure state, about reasoning lower the investigation station of police will be recognized at the evasion station and the manpower which is excellent and secure, cultivate, reach and to lead it is appropriate in security actuality of the today when it changes suddenly with the back which disposes effectively it is same investigation specialty police and, the large country it is the actual condition where becomes the stumbling block in the investigation service improvement plan which pushes.
This time research leads and the problem point position and the authority back the system and overview analysis against our country investigation structure at investigating the prosecuting attorney and the police it points out and the spring a desirable apportionment plan and to sleep research verifies the rational characteristic yes or no against the current law regarding the role and a correlation of course prosecution and police our country investigation volume rational and it presents it does. This time research observed our country investigation volume setup and the investigation volume structure of the foreign nation and with spring it researched the improvement program against the problem point of our investigation volume setup. It relates with this problem and the corresponding agency kicks even from of course academic world back and. anti- two opposite opinions to be sharp it is being opposed. First the opposite opinion sleeping field is arranged police indigenous the case which will have an investigation authority the nuclear attention investigation structure which burns and, the violation problem of the criminal action structure which it follows in the discordant back of worry, the investigation and appeal of inefficiency and violation of human rights of national punishment volume event is asserting that even problem of course police state anger back there is a possibility which it will cause. Rational apportionment of supporting argument volition case investigation volume the discordant problem of objection and actuality and discordant problem, authority and responsibility of the investigation is solved and the efficient investigation accomplishes and the quality thing and, like this efficient investigation setup minimizes the damage of the citizen and the possibility of promising a human rights extension it is asserts the back. Monopoly setup of investigation volume the idea of restraint and balance is disregarded the misappropriation and authoritarianism and egoism back evil of authority are natural and serious following and, interests of the elite one citizen they are there is a possibility of injuring, authority the absence responsibility is again joined together in absence and the investigation of police is had a negative and self-protection investigation act and attitude and if and it is hindered and the process result efficient characteristic of the investigation and finally all big inconvenience will decrease in the blood chair and the victim back citizen. With plan of like this problem solving what it means it will be desirable relationship with the prosecuting attorney and the judicial police civil official with the trade name cooperative system indigenous to give 1st car enemy investigation volume in the police whom it sees and to develop. It will reach and to respect first the current criminal procedure law Article 195 mourning contents which is a general provision which is an important issue of investigation volume regulation of prosecution and police and, ① The prosecuting attorney and the judicial police civil official that there is suspicion of crime, when feed doing to, must investigate the criminal, a constituting an offense and an evidence. ② The national police government employee does the duty as the judicial police civil official. The scope of the judicial police civil official decides in the police law. ③ As the Supreme Public Prosecutors Office staff by a law it will accomplish the duty of the judicial police civil official to receive the command of the prosecuting attorney who sleeps, must investigate. with the to open a court it stipulates expressly in the text the investigation independence of police, Also the criminal procedure law which provides police with the auxiliary machinery of the prosecuting attorney Article 196 it follows in principle of the power separation which dozes, ① The prosecuting attorney and the judicial police civil official must cooperate regarding the investigation with each other. ② The prosecutor general regarding the fact which is necessary to an appeal maintenance is a possibility of deciding the general standard against the investigation. ③ The judicial police civil official when investigating a crime to, quickly with the document and the evidence event does to be governed by Song together in the prosecuting attorney. Only, against the part event which President decides it is not. ④ The case prosecuting attorney of preceding clause it will be able to demand the complement investigation which is necessary to an appeal maintenance to the administration of justice police officer. This case judicial police civil official does to respond the grudge which is not the reason which is legitimate hereupon. With it opens a court, the gist of origin compared to in order it does authority security means of prosecution to the sacred place claim where the control measures which is powerful is becoming lapse characteristic of police investigation volume mortgage constitution Article 11, clause 2 protest by the requisition of the prosecuting attorney eliminates the and the compulsion investigation to recognize a sacred place claim opens a court with the law officer must present the hair and flesh one sacred place and the prosecuting attorney and the administration of justice police officer all it does but the crime regarding national law, At government employee crime back elder brother law itemized discussion against the other crime other than economic teacher back special law violating where the specific crime and the social ear and ripple effect are big in order it will be able to requisition the sacred place the administration of justice police officer to the direct law officer, it does, the administration of justice police officer is not, or arrest, the back prosecution which gives release volume and relationship of police with a trade name cooperation relationship from relationship of the upper life summer-wear investigation result appeal volume against the person who is bound in the nonrestraint investigation object compared to in the case which above arrest - arrest does not have a necessity in the administration of justice police officer it develops, It agrees a responsibility and an authority to police and it gives and must guarantee a complement of the prosecution the investigation of police against and supervision function thoroughly. Rational apportionment of investigation volume it leads and if prosecution and police during that time discord and antagonism composition it is bold and it throws away and the trade name from the restraint which is appropriate and balance inside the prosecution is complete in task of the origination which is a lawful result protection of human rights of the investigation, the police with oneself authority and sense of responsibility concentrates in the investigation and in the citizens the quality which it sees it is appropriate to investigation service timely it is high and it provides, trust of the citizen being recovered and it means administration of justice just realization becomes the big crux. But the judgement of all discussions the above is decided and by the logic of assertion or profit or force of which chill tube it knows assuredly and to become only from position of the citizen first priority to consider a citizen convenience, feed with the fact that must be decided it becomes.
- Alternative Author(s)
- Park Cheol-Uh
- Affiliation
- 조선대학교 대학원 법학과
- Department
- 일반대학원 법학과
- Awarded Date
- 2008-02
- Table Of Contents
- 目 次
第1章 序 論 1
第1節 硏究의 目的 1
第2節 硏究의 範圍 및 方法 4
第2章 搜査의 一般理論 5
第1節 搜査의 槪念과 目的 5
Ⅰ. 搜査의 槪念 5
Ⅱ. 搜査의 目的 6
1. 起訴 前 搜査의 目的 6
2. 起訴 後 搜査의 目的 7
Ⅲ. 搜査의 指導原理 8
1. 實體的 眞實主義 8
2. 無罪推定의 原理 9
3. 必要最小限度의 原理 9
4. 適正節次의 原理 9
第2節 搜査機關의 種類 10
Ⅰ. 檢 事 10
Ⅱ. 司法警察官吏 10
1. 一般 司法警察官吏 10
2. 特別 司法警察官吏 11
Ⅲ. 檢事와 司法警察官吏의 關係 11
1. 檢 事 12
2. 警 察 17
3. 現行法上 檢察과 警察의 關係 23
第3章 外國의 搜査權 配分의 形態 30
第1節 大陸法係 國家 30
Ⅰ. 獨 逸 30
1. 檢察의 搜査權限 30
2. 警察의 搜査權限 40
3. 檢察과 警察과의 關係 49
Ⅱ. 프랑스 56
1. 檢察의 搜査權限 56
2. 警察의 搜査權限 59
3. 搜査判事의 搜査權限 65
4. 檢察과 警察 및 搜査判事 相互間의 關係 68
Ⅲ. 日 本 71
1. 檢察의 搜査權限 71
2. 警察의 搜査權限 73
3. 檢察과 警察과의 關係 78
第2節 英美法係 國家 80
Ⅰ. 英 國 80
1. 檢察의 搜査權限 80
2. 警察의 搜査權限 83
3. 檢察과 警察과의 關係 90
Ⅱ. 美 國 91
1. 檢察의 搜査權限 91
2. 警察의 搜査權限 96
3. 檢察과 警察과의 關係 101
第3節 各國의 搜査權 配分 形態의 分析 108
Ⅰ. 檢察 主導形 國家 108
1. 獨 逸 108
2. 프랑스 109
Ⅱ. 警察 主導形 國家 110
1. 英 國 110
2. 美 國 111
Ⅱ. 混合形 國家(日本) 112
第4章 우리나라 搜査權의 現況 114
第1節 現行 搜査의 構造 114
Ⅰ. 우리나라 搜査權 構造의 沿革 114
1. 刑事訴訟法 制定 以前 114
2. 刑事訴訟法 制定 以後 116
Ⅱ. 現行 搜査權의 問題點 120
第2節 搜査權 配分의 論爭 123
Ⅰ. 贊成論 123
1. 理論的 根據 123
2. 現實的 必要性에 따른 根據 126
Ⅱ. 反對論 127
1. 理論的 根據 127
2. 現實的 必要性에 따른 論據 130
Ⅲ. 贊․反 論爭에 대한 檢討 131
1. 職權主義 構造上 檢事指揮의 必要性 131
2. 人權侵害 憂慮 132
3. 警察의 搜査 主體性 與否 132
4. 警察權의 肥大化 133
5. 警察의 資質問題와 法律 專門家에 의한 指揮 134
6. 檢事의 搜査主宰性은 國民의 憲法的 決斷 135
7. 其他 反對論據 135
第5章 搜査權의 合理的 配分 方案 138
第1節 搜査權의 合理的 配分을 위한 前提 條件 138
Ⅰ. 警察搜査의 獨立性 確保 138
1. 搜査警察의 身分保障 138
2. 自體 指揮權의 限界 設定 141
Ⅱ. 警察搜査의 公正性 確保 143
1. 司法警察에 대한 除斥․忌避․回避制度 143
2. 搜査 統制裝置 强化 144
3. 搜査異意制度의 活性化 145
4. 內査事件 管理․監督 體系 構築 147
5. 責任搜査構造 導入 147
6. 其 他 148
Ⅲ. 自治警察制度의 導入 149
1. 自治警察制의 理念 149
2. 期待와 問題點 150
3. 導入 形態 151
Ⅳ. 警察搜査의 科學化 및 現代化 152
1. 指紋自動檢索시스템 活用 153
2. 거짓말探知機 活用 154
3. CCTV 判讀시스템 活用 155
4. 足․輪跡 檢索시스템 活用 155
5. 犯罪情報管理시스템(CIMS) 活用 156
6. 國立科學搜査硏究所 分所 擴大 設置 157
7. 陳述錄畵室 活用 158
8. 디지털 證據能力 活用 158
9. 遺傳子情報銀行의 管轄 調整 160
10. 其 他 160
第2節 搜査權의 具體的 配分 方案 161
Ⅰ. 搜査權 配分의 範圍 161
1. 人的 搜査權 配分의 範圍 161
2. 物的 搜査權 配分의 範圍 162
Ⅱ. 關聯法規의 改正 163
1. 憲 法 163
2. 刑事訴訟法 164
3. 檢察廳法 166
4. 暴力行爲등處罰에관한法律 166
5. 司法警察官吏 執務規則 167
6. 其他 法令 167
Ⅲ. 警察의 搜査 主體性 認定 168
Ⅳ. 不起訴事件에 대한 搜査 終結權 附與 168
Ⅴ. 搜査書類의 證據能力認定 170
Ⅵ. 令狀請求權 附與 172
Ⅶ. 被疑者 釋放權 附與 174
Ⅷ. 司法警察의 變死者 檢屍權 附與 175
1. 檢屍制度의 現況 175
2. 檢屍制度의 問題點 176
3. 檢屍制度의 改善方案 177
第3節 警察 搜査權 統制 方案 178
Ⅰ. 內部的 統制 178
1. 搜査 異意制度 活性化를 통한 統制 178
2. 機關間 統制 179
3. 陳述錄畵制度를 통한 統制 180
Ⅱ. 外部的 統制方案 181
1. 檢察의 統制 181
2. 法院의 統制 181
3. 令狀請求權에 대한 統制 183
4. 國家人權委員會의 統制 183
5. 警察委員會의 統制 184
6. 市民 參與에 의한 統制 185
7. 辯護人 助力權 强化를 통한 統制 187
第6章 結 論 189
참 고 문 헌 193
表 目 次
〈표4-1〉2005년 경찰 수사권 관련 여론 조사 결과 137
〈표5-1〉지문감식에 의한 신원확인 실적 153
〈표5-2〉거짓말 탐지기 검사 실적 154
〈표5-3〉CCTV 판독기 활용 실적 155
〈표5-4〉족․윤적 검색 시스템 활용 실적 156
〈표5-5〉국과수 감정 처리 현황 158
〈표5-6〉총 범죄처리 결과표 170
- Degree
- Doctor
- Publisher
- 조선대학교 대학원
- Citation
- 박철우. (2007). 수사권의 합리적 배분에 관한 연구.
- Type
- Dissertation
- https://oak.chosun.ac.kr/handle/2020.oak/7108
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- General Graduate School > 4. Theses(Ph.D)
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