한국의 여성 고용 창출방안에 관한 연구

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Modern times face many problems that growth of standard of life, medicine increases gradually the average span of a man's life. An aging going society is more than 7% old age rate of whole population. Korea is going rapidity an aging society over an aging going society―rate of old age population is already 10%.
Korea is facing the danger of a shrinking population. Unless appropriate steps are taken, replenishing ist fertility rate will prove as a major challenge and is becoming an aging society at a speed far more rapidly than expected. According to statistics released by the National Statistical Office (NSO), Korea will become the most aged society in the world, as people over 65 will account for about 38 percent of the population in 2050, higher than the average 26 percent of other developed nations. If allowed to continue, it may drag down Korea's potential GDP growth rate from the current level of 5.0%, to 3.6% in 2020, even down to 2.3% in 2030.
The rapid pace of Korea‘s aging is due to its low birthrate, about 1.16 births per woman aged 15 to 49. The population under 15 years old decreased by 6.8 percent during the past five years. In about 15 years, when the baby boomer generation is included in the population aged 65 or older, the pace of aging will accelerate. Experts predict economic and social problems to become serious. Until now, there have been seven adults per two children and one aged person.
Korea's low fertility rate is more related with economic factors and women's social activities. Fertility rates have been on the decline in industrialized nations for decades, but they are now becoming a serious economic problem, felt around the globe, from the European Union to China, Japan and South Korea.
Some policy-makers are perceiving low fertility as a serious economic problem,
November 1, 2050 - With 37.3% senior citizens of the total population, Korea has the highest proportion in the world today. Korea has thereby passed Japan where 36.5% are over the age of 65.
The ratio of senior citizens compared to the economically active population (age 15-64) in Korea has increased to 69.4% compared to only 37.3% 20 years ago. However, elderly people generally work longer before they retire. Even though people live longer than ever before in South Korea, the total population continues to decrease due to the low fertility rate and is now 44.6 million
The drastic decrease in fertility in Korea has brought about the increase of the absolute number and the proportion of the elderly. The effects of these changes will be enormous in the future.
Against this backdrop, the Roh Moo-hyun administration recently unveiled a set of policies and programs to boost the nation‘s low birthrate and prepare for a rapidly aging society. The policies, to be implemented from 2004 to 2008, are part of the government’s five-year plan to realize participatory welfare in 13 key health and welfare fields. Some of the tasks highlighted in the government‘s comprehensive welfare scheme include increasing social services available for the elderly and disabled, providing more child care support for families and stabilizing the financial conditions of the state-run health insurance and pension systems.
As described earlier, the projected declines in birthrate will hasten the aging of the Korean population. Hence, the low birthrate will eventually bring about declines in the size of the total and working age population, as well cause various socioeconomic problems such as high social insurance expenditure for health insurance and national pension.
The declining birthrate is mainly due to the higher marriage age and growth in the unmarried population. Large numbers of young people are less likely to set their wedding plans because of economic instability and high unemployment rates among the younger generation.
In summary, the low birthrate in Korean society is a meaningful index indicating social risks and stabilization of fertility behavior is a national task to manage. In any case, it is suggested that marriage and child bearing is responsible for individuals and families but also society as a whole. Perhaps even more remarkably, it is a national responsibility for supporting every intended marriage and massive investments directed toward families with children.
Government expand financial support for child care and education. Government should give more tax benefit to families with more children.
An aging society confront with many problems. The first, decrease of work population. The second, too much support responsibility for un-work population of work population. the third, rapid decrease of population―by reason of birth population drop.
Therefore, all policies should focus on minimizing the negative effects of the aging population. The increased dependency burden of the elderly will more than offset the reduction in the young age dependency ratio. Therefore, with the trend of the nuclear family and the small family norm, the aging population will be one of the most serious social problems in South Korea.
The government has formulated the plan for mid- to long-term development directions for elderly health and welfare in preparation of an aging society to set up the fundamental directions of policies for older persons. Also, the government should develop innovative policies and action plans for the elderly. Above all, employment and retirement policies should enable a greater portion of the healthy and active elderly population to continue working. Also, retraining programs for older workers should be implemented so that they can take up new occupations and cope with rapid technological changes, while providing industrial care for incapacitated elderly individuals. In addition, more geriatric hospitals and facilities will be required to provide treatment for elderly people.
This study showed that, Korea needs to alter its societal norms and spread family-friendly work practices. second, the country must ease its economic uncetainties by removing the income factor against childbearing. third, Korea must improve productivity in all areas of its economy in order to continue its growth path despite the shrinking population.
Ultimately, Korea must do its utmost to take better advantage of its female workforce and aging population. For this purpose, the government must set up relevant infrastructure connecting qualified workers with job openings.
Alternative Title
A Study for Improvement to Generate Employment for Female in Korea : In the low birth and aging society
Alternative Author(s)
Lee, Min-Hee
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 경제학
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 필요성 및 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 방법과 범위 = 3
제2장 저출산ㆍ고령화 사회의 여성인력고용에 관한 이론적 배경 = 4
제1절 저출산의 개념 및 인구구조 변화 = 4
1. 저출산의 개념 = 4
2. 저출산 사회의 인구구조 변화 = 4
제2절 고령화 사회의 개념 및 인구구조 변화 = 5
1. 고령화 사회의 개념 = 5
2. 고령화 사회의 인구구조변화 = 6
제3절 여성인력고용의 이론적 배경 = 7
1. 노동시장의 수요독점기업의 차별이론 = 7
2. 통계적 차별이론 = 8
3. 개인적 편견이론 = 9
4. 이중노동시장이론 = 10
제3장 한국의 여성인력고용에 관한 실태분석 = 12
제1절 저출산 현황 및 전망 = 12
1. 저출산 현황 = 12
2. 저출산 원인분석 = 14
3. 저출산 변동추이와 비교 및 전망 = 19
제2절 고령화 사회의 현황 및 전망 = 22
1. 고령화 현황 = 22
2. 고령화 원인분석 = 24
3. 고령화 추이와 비교 및 전망 = 26
제3절 저출산ㆍ고령화 사회의 노동 인력수급 전망 = 29
1. 노동인력 수요전망 = 29
2. 노동인력공급 전망 = 30
3. 여성노동인력 수급전망 = 31
제4절 저출산ㆍ고령화 사회의 여성인력고용 현황 = 32
1. 성별 경제활동 참가율의 변화추이 = 32
2. 혼인 상태별 여성 경제활동 변화의 추이 = 33
3. 여성의 연령 계층별 경제활동 참가율 변화추이 = 34
4. 여성의 학력별 경제활동 참가율 변화의 추이 = 36
5. 주요 OECD국가의 여성 경제활동 참가율의 비교 변화추이 = 37
제5절 저출산ㆍ고령화 사회의 여성 고용창출의 문제점 = 39
1. 영ㆍ유아 보육문제 = 39
2. 여성 고용 시 성차별 = 43
3. 출산과 가사로 인한 경력단절 = 50
제4장 저출산ㆍ고령화 사회의 여성 고용 창출방안 = 52
제1절 가정ㆍ직장의 양립적 환경조성 = 52
1. 보육시설의 확충 및 내실화 = 52
2. 직장 내 보육제도 정착 = 53
3. 취학아동 방과 후 보육대책 마련 = 54
제2절 양성평등 보장 환경구축 = 57
1. 직장 내 고용차별 개선방안 = 57
2. 직장 내 고용평등 구축방안 = 59
제3절 여성 인력 직업능력개발 및 직업안정화 구축 = 63
1. 여성의 직업능력개발 = 63
2. 여성 직업 안정화 구축 = 66
제5장 결론 및 연구의 한계점 = 69
참고문헌 = 72
조선대학교 대학원
이민희. (2007). 한국의 여성 고용 창출방안에 관한 연구.
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