연속파 Nd:YAG 레이저를 이용한 냉연강판, 중탄소강 및 Inconel의 레이저용접 특성

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연속파 Nd:YAG 레이저|냉연강판|중탄소강|Inconel|레이저용접
Laser welding of metals has been widely used to improve a wear resistance and a corrosion resistance of the industrial parts. The objective of this research works is to investigate the influence of the process parameters, such as the welding for metals with CW Nd:YAG lasers. The bead-on-plate welding tests are carried out for several combinations of the experimental conditions. In order to quantitatively examine the characteristics of the butt welding, the welding quality of the cut section, stain-stress behavior and the hardness of the welded part are investigated. From the results of the investigation, it has been shown that the optimal welding condition without defects in the vicinity of the welded area and with a good welding quality is 1325W of the laser power, and 1.4m/min of laser welding speed.
The objective of this research works is to investigate the influence of the process parameters, such as the welding for SM45C and STS304 with CW Nd:YAG lasers. The bead-on-plate welding tests are carried out for several combinations of the experimental conditions. In order to quantitatively examine the characteristics of the dissimilar welding, the welding quality of the cut section, stain-stress behavior and the hardness of the welded part are investigated. From the results of the investigation, it has been shown that the optimal welding condition without defects in the vicinity of the welded area and with a good welding quality is 1600W of the laser power, 0.85m/min of welding speed and 4ℓ/min of pressure for shielding gas.
Pulsed Nd:YAG laser welding characteristics of Inconel 600 sheet material were investigated. Welds were subjected to four different Pulsed wave modulation. Pulsed wave modulation were change the four type.
Alternative Title
Laser welding characteristics of cold rolled carbon steel, medium carbon steel and Inconel on continuous wave Nd:YAG laser
Alternative Author(s)
Shin, Byung-Heon
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 정밀기계공학과
Awarded Date
Table Of Contents
제 1 장 서론 = 1
제 1 절 연구배경 = 1
제 2 절 연구내용 = 4
제 2 장 실험 = 6
제 1 절 실험장치 및 기기 = 6
1. 레이저 실험장비 = 6
2. Jig 및 시편제작 = 7
제 2 절 실험방법 = 10
제 3 장 실험 결과 및 고찰 = 13
제 1 절 냉연강판의 맞대기 레이저용접 = 13
1. 초점위치에 따른 출력밀도 특성 = 13
2. 비드 온 플레이트를 통한 입열량 = 15
3. 맞대기용접의 경도 및 인장강도 특성 = 19
4. 용접미세조직 및 표면온도 = 22
제 2 절 중탄소강과 STS304의 이종금속용접 = 25
1. 이종금속의 용접 = 25
2. 이종금속 용접의 종횡비와 입열량 = 26
3. 이종용접부의 용접단면, 인장강도 및 경도 = 30
제 3 절 Nd:YAG 레이저를 이용한 레이저 파형변화에 따른 Inconel의 상호작용 = 40
1. 레이저 빔 출력과 조사시간의 조절 = 40
2. 레이저빔의 파형변화 특성 = 42
제 4 장 결론 = 55
참고문헌 = 57
조선대학교 대학원
신병헌. (2007). 연속파 Nd:YAG 레이저를 이용한 냉연강판, 중탄소강 및 Inconel의 레이저용접 특성.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2007-11-13
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