부동산투자의 위험관리에 관한 연구

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Investment in real estate is different form that in stocks or bonds. The former is more like long-term basis, expecting profits of capital or developments for it as well as requiring much capital. However, it is highly risky. Sharp decrease in land price after IMF and that of yield rate caused by vacant office for rent shows the loss in the principle or risk of investment.
For the investment of real estate, there are the direct way to invest and the indirect way to invest. The first one is to invest developing real estate as product or operating the existing real estate or developed one.
The other is to invest providing funds for developers and operators to real estate finance.
Real estate has been recognized as the safest asset, but as shown in plummeting prices of land during the economic crisis, the days have gone when the real estate was cited as safe investment. Once economy goes beyond high growth stage, investment in real estate has to be made in consideration of profitability like any other investment.
With regard to investment in real estate expected to emerge as important social issue according to changes in economic situation, the study aims to create environment that can induce investment in real estate by systematically analyzing all theories related to real estate investment and analyze profit and risk of the real estate investment by examining decision-making process related to investment in stage so that it can figure out correlation between real estate investment earing rate and risk through recognition of risk pooling, composition of real estate portfolio and importance of analysis of environment of investment,
This study presents the major risk factors in the real estate investment and management. We analyze the effect of the systemic risk factors, in particular major macroeconomic variables, on the return on the real estate investment. As previous studies showed, lagged industrial production has a consistent positive effect. Bit inflation, whether it is expecter or not, has depressing influence. Furthermore, economic uncertain쇼 measured by the conditional variance from GARCH model or risk premium in bond markets has also negative effect on the real estate investment. In effect, the real estate investment in Korea is insufficient vehicle in hedging against the inflation and the economic uncertainty. This study concludes with a risk-management guideline in the real estate investment and management.
Alternative Title
A Study on the Analysis of the Risk Factors and their Management in the Estate Investment Earning
Alternative Author(s)
Ahn, Young-Duk
조선대학교 대학원
일반대학원 경제학과
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Table Of Contents
제1장 서론 = 1
제1절 연구의 목적 = 1
제2절 연구의 범위와 구성 = 3
제3절 기존연구의 검토 = 4
제2장 부동산투자에 관한 이론적 고찰 = 6
제1절 부동산투자이론 = 6
1. 부동산투자의 의의 = 6
2. 투자의 위험과 수익률 비교 = 10
3. 부동산투자의 포트폴리오 = 13
제2절 부동산 투자의 구조 = 17
1. 부동산투자 대상 및 주체 = 17
2. 부동산투자의 유형 = 19
3. 부동산투자의 형태 = 24
제3절 부동산가치 및 가치평가이론 = 31
1. 가치평가의 의의 = 31
2. 부동산가격의 본질 = 33
제4절 부동산 투자의 위험 = 45
1. 위험의 정의 = 45
2. 부동산투자 위험의 유형 = 46
3. 부동산 투자의 위험·수익률 관계 = 49
제3장 부동산 투자수익률에 관한 실증분석 = 54
제1절 부동산수익률의 동향 = 54
1. 투자수익률 = 54
2. 소득수익률 = 55
3. 자본수익률 = 56
제2절 부동산 투자수익률과 주요 거시경제변수 = 58
1. 인플레이션 위험 = 58
2. 경제에 대한 불확실성 = 59
3. 경기변동 = 59
4. 이자율 위험 = 60
5. 정부 정책 = 60
제3절 실증분석 = 60
제4장 부동산투자의 위험관리 방안 = 64
제1절 개별 투자에 있어서의 위험관리 방안 = 64
1. 가격변동 위험의 관리 = 64
2. 판매(유동성)위험의 관리 = 65
3. 관리운영과 임대위험의 관리 = 66
4. 개발위험의 관리 = 67
5. 비체계적 위험의 최소화 = 67
제2절 리츠회사의 통합위험의 관리 = 68
1. 위험관리 전략의 설정 = 69
2. 위험의 측정, 보고, 통계체계의 확립 = 69
3. 운용부문의 위험관리 = 71
제5장 요약 및 결론 = 73
참고문헌 = 76
조선대학교 대학원
안영덕. (2007). 부동산투자의 위험관리에 관한 연구.
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General Graduate School > 3. Theses(Master)
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  • Embargo2007-11-13
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